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Jan 31, 2019

Sensory 'pod' helps Charlie go to school

Could this be one solution to the crisis in special needs budgets in England?

Source BBC News - UK

UK snow: Delayed flights and snowball fights

Airport and roads in Manchester were hit by heavy snowfall but for others it was a chance to have fun.

Source BBC News - UK

'Evidence of first UK beer' discovered in Cambridgeshire A14 roadworks

The Iron Age beverage is believed to be the earliest known beer brewed in the UK, experts say.

Source BBC News - UK

Essex County Council removes 'bigoted' transgender image

Essex County Council apologises for a picture of a man removing a wig to depict transgender people.

Source BBC News - UK

Newspaper headlines: 'May woos Labour MPs with cash'

Thursday's front pages feature stories on Brexit, Facebook, stalkers and a new NHS recruitment plan.

Source BBC News - UK

Brexit: What preparations are being made for a no-deal?

In a second everything will change. What is being done to prepare for leaving without a deal on 29 March?

Source BBC News - UK

It's deadline day - can you handle the pressure?

Nearly two million people are estimated to have left it until the last minute to fill in their tax returns.

Source BBC News - UK

The city with no homeless on its streets

What can UK cities learn from Finland, where the number of rough sleepers has fallen dramatically?

Source BBC News - UK

The unlikely stars bucking the High Street slump

Museum and gallery shops are reporting rising sales and greater interest. What is their recipe for growth?

Source BBC News - UK

The Battle of George Square: How a strike led to fears of a workers' revolt

A strike over working hours led to a riot in the centre of Glasgow and fears of a revolution.

Source BBC News - UK

On the buses? Where and how often are we travelling?

Councils say they are "desperate" to protect services but funding cuts forced "difficult decisions".

Source BBC News - UK

Day the music died? The Pledgemusic row explained

Crowdfunding site PledgeMusic seems to have run out of money, leaving musicians wondering what to do.

Source BBC News - UK

In Pictures: Where has snow fallen around UK?

As snow blankets large parts of the UK, we look at some of the most striking wintry images.

Source BBC News - UK

باباوات زاروا مساجد.. وقادة مسلمون في الفاتيكان

أدىّ التقارب الإسلامي - المسيحي إلى لقاءآت عدة في صروح إسلامية ومساجد وفي حاضرة الفاتيكان وكنائس. وصدر عن اللقاءآت بيانات ووثائق تدعو الى قبول الآخر والإعتراف بالوحدة في التنوّع، ونبذ العنف وصدام

from last-pageباباوات-زاروا-مساجد-وقادة-مسلمون-في-الفاتيكان.html

العربية.نت اليوم..سجن شاعر مدح صدام وطبيبة الغلابة ترحل

عرضت فقرة "العربية.نت اليوم"، الخميس، مجموعة من الأخبار المنوعة من تقديم هبة فارس، ضمن برنامج صباح العربية.البداية من قصة شاعر عراقي سجن بسبب مدحه الرئيس العراقي الراحل صدام حسين.ومن مصر، قصة طبيبة

from last-pageالعربية-نت-اليوم-سجن-شاعر-مدح-صدام-وطبيبة-الغلابة-ترحل.html

في إيطاليا.. السجناء يستخدمون هذا التطبيق الشهير!

بات في إمكان نزلاء السجون في إيطاليا التواصل مع ذويهم عبر "سكايب" بهدف "تسهيل العلاقات العائلية"، على ما أعلنت وزارة العدل الإيطالية.وأوضحت الوزارة في بيان أن إدارة السجون قررت بعد تجارب أجرتها في

from last-pageفي-ايطاليا-السجناء-يستخدمون-هذا-التطبيق-الشهير-.html

فيديو لعجائب لفظ الرئيس الفنزويلي للكلمات الإنجليزية

الرئيس الفنزويلي نيكولاس مادورو، المغضوب عليه من قسم كبير من شعبه وجيرانه في دول القارة الأميركية بشكل خاص، تحول الأربعاء، إلى مادة للسخرية على مواقع التواصل، حين تحدى الرئيس الأميركي رونالد ترمب

from last-pageفيديو-لعجائب-لفظ-الرئيس-الفنزويلي-للكلمات-الانجليزية.html

فاكهة رائحتها كريهة تباع بأسعار باهظة في إندونيسيا

بيعت حبتان من فاكهة دوريان الشهية لكنها صاحبة رائحة كريهة في جنوب إندونيسيا بسعر باهظ بلغ ألف دولار لكل واحدة أي حوالي ثماني مرات الحد الأدنى للأجور في البلاد.وتسمى الدوريان "ملكة الفاكهة" وهي مطلوبة

from last-pageفاكهة-رائحتها-كريهة-تباع-بأسعار-باهظة-في-اندونيسيا-.html

الصين.. أكبر حركة نزوح سنوي في العالم بالقطارات

هي أكبر حركة نزوح سنوي في العالم ينتقل فيها ملايين الصينيين من المدن الكبرى إلى مسقط رأسهم لتمضية عطلة السنة القمرية الجديدة مع عائلاتهم.يتجمّع آلاف المسافرين وسط البرد القارس صباح الأربعاء في محطّة

from last-pageبستاني-يعترف-بثماني-جرائم-قتل-في-تورنتو-.html

مليون رسالة احتيال هاتفية..وقرار سعودي لحماية الاتصالات

ألزمت #هيئة_الاتصالات وتقنية المعلومات في #السعودية مقدمي خدمات الاتصالات المتنقلة بوضع آليات فعالة للحد من الرسائل الاحتيالية التي تصل إلى المستخدمين عبر الرسائل النصية (SMS)، تدَّعي في محتواها أنها

from last-pageمليون-رسالة-احتيال-بالسعودية-وقرار-بتعقب-مرسليها.html

شخصيات بارزة نجت من مأساة "تايتانيك".. تعرف عليهم؟

خلال الليلة الفاصلة بين يومي الرابع عشر والخامس عشر من شهر أبريل/نيسان سنة 1912 عرفت سفينة "تايتانيك" (Titanic) نهاية تراجيدية خلال أولى رحلة لها والتي قادتها من ساوثهامبتون (Southampton) بأنجلترا نحو

from last-pageشخصيات-بارزة-نجت-من-مأساة-تايتانيك-تعرف-عليهم؟.html

الانتقادات المسيئة لكيت وميغان تشغل "القصر" والصحافة

حثت الصحافة البريطانية وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي على تخفيف حدة نبرة الانتقادات الموجهة لدوقة ساكس ميغان ماركل، زوجة الأمير هاري، ولدوقة كمبريدج كيت ميدلتون، زوجة الأمير ويليام.وسعى مسؤولون بالقصر إلى

from last-pageالانتقادات-المسيئة-لكيت-وميغان-تشغل-القصر-والصحافة.html

سافر بسيارة كهربائية من هولندا لأستراليا ليثبت قدرتها

يرغب رجل هولندي يدعى ويبي واكر في تبديد المخاوف من قيادة السيارات الكهربائية، والتأكيد على أن لها القدرة على السير لمسافات طويلة.ولهذا الغرض، نفذ واكر تجربة القيادة لمسافة 89 ألف كيلومتراً من أمستردام

from last-pageسافر-بسيارة-كهربائية-من-هولندا-لأستراليا-ليثب-قدرتها.html

BBC director general Tony Hall apologises to stars over tax

Some presenters have big tax bills after being given no choice about changes to their employment.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Kate Spade's niece Rachel Brosnahan is the new face of her label

Rachel Brosnahan, star of The Marvelous Mrs Maisel, honours her late aunt in the new collection.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Stars urge BBC to ask for Eurovision to be moved out of Israel

Peter Gabriel and Wolf Alice are among 50 artists calling for Israel to be stripped of the contest.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

The Lord of the Ringos? Peter Jackson to make a Beatles film

The Lord of the Rings director will use unseen footage of the tense sessions for their final album.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Richard E Grant gets emotional after Barbra Streisand replies to fan letter

The actor and superfan was "overcome with emotion" when Streisand replied to his childhood letter.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Hollyoaks actress Kirsty-Leigh Porter reveals stillborn birth

Kirsty-Leigh Porter, who plays Leela Lomax in the TV soap, shared the sad news on social media.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Jermaine Jackson: 'No truth' to allegations in Michael documentary

The singer appeared on Good Morning Britain to address controversial documentary Leaving Neverland.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Ill Ozzy Osbourne postpones tour

The rock star says he is "devastated" by the news but hopes to reschedule for later this year.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Busted was 'the walking band of clichés'

The band talk about their split, reunion, nostalgia and their beef with the music industry.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

US R&B singer-songwriter James Ingram dies aged 66

The star was known for the songs Yah Mo B There and Somewhere Out There; and worked with Michael Jackson.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Empire's Jussie Smollett: Stars show support after attack

Empire actor Jussie Smollett was attacked by people "yelling out racial and homophobic slurs".

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

The one about Friends still being most popular

They might not have been born when it was made, but Friends is a favourite programme for the young.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Chinese Jane Eyre film plans announced by Bradford City of Film

The film could be shot in Qingdao, China as well as near the Bronte Parsonage in Haworth.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

PledgeMusic: The day the music died?

Crowdfunding site PledgeMusic seems to have run out of money, leaving musicians wondering what to do.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Costa Book of the Year: Jewish rescue story The Cut Out Girl wins

Bart van Es wrote about a Jewish girl who was sheltered by his grandparents during World War Two.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

The Inheritance celebrates Critics' Circle win

Matthew Lopez's two part adaptation of Howards End won best new play, director and actor on Tuesday.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Oscars 2019: James Bulger's mother sends plea to Detainment film director

The mother of murdered toddler James Bulger writes to a film-maker about his Oscar nomination.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Attacked Empire actor Jussie Smollett 'has tasted brutality of hatred'

Stars support Empire actor Jussie Smollet, the victim of a suspected hate crime in Chicago.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Love Sonia: Why Freida Pinto made a film about sex slaves

The Slumdog Millionaire star on why Love Sonia is her most challenging role yet.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

The PewDiePie Hackers: Could hacking printers ruin your life?

A popularity contest backing YouTube star, PewDiePie, got out of hand and two teenage hackers are in hiding.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Game of Thrones star Laura Pradelska on anti-Semitic abuse

Laura Pradelska says she's turned off Instagram comments because "her skin wasn't thick enough".

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

SAG awards 2019: Black Panther wins top prize

The Black Panther star's victory speech focused on what it means to be "young, gifted and black".

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Ghana's 'Kumawood' studios make films in a hurry

Ghana's 'Kumawood' film studios are reviving the country's creative industry.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

David Bowie: Rare Ziggy Stardust footage hailed as the 'holy grail'

A long-lost recording of David Bowie's TV debut as Ziggy Stardust has been found by detectives.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Nicky Campbell misses radio show after kidney stone attack

The presenter had to miss the BBC Radio 5 Live breakfast show to receive treatment in hospital.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Holocaust: How a US TV series changed Germany

A US TV drama made the horrors of Nazi genocide real for millions of Germans in 1979.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

The rock stars of poetry explain why the art is in demand

Three new faces of British poetry explain why they think sales are surging among millennials.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

John Malkovich: Weinstein play may 'upset' people

The American actor is set to star in Bitter Wheat, a play inspired by the disgraced film producer.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

SAG Awards 2019: In pictures

Black Panther took home the top award at the 25th annual Screen Actors Guild Awards.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Fyre Festival: My front-row seat for the chaos in the Exumas

Two new documentaries detail the mess of the 2017 event in the Bahamas. This is the islanders' story.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Liverpool 1-1 Leicester City: Harry Maguire cancels out Sadio Mane goal

Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp believes snow on the Anfield pitch contributed to a frustrating night as his side was held to a 1-1 draw by Leicester.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Maurizio Sarri: Chelsea manager takes blame for Bournemouth defeat

Chelsea manager Maurizio Sarri says his side's heaviest league defeat for 23 years was "my fault" after Wednesday's 4-0 loss at Bournemouth.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Celtic 2-0 St Johnstone: Leaders six points clear after McGregor & Christie goals

Celtic move six points clear at the top of the Scottish Premiership after two goals in two second-half minutes break St Johnstone's resistance.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Alastair Cook: England 'brave' to drop Keaton Jennings for Joe Denly

Former England captain Alastair Cook says the decision to drop Keaton Jennings in favour of uncapped Joe Denly is "brave".

Source BBC Sport - Sport

January transfer deadline day: When is it? What time? How much spent?

Panic signings or season changers? Transfer deadline day is on 31 January and BBC Sport will make sure you don't miss any deals.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Women’s Six Nations preview: England have target on their backs

England's newly professional squad are under pressure to take the title from Grand Slam champions France, while Wales and Scotland seek to show progress.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Emiliano Sala: Missing Cardiff striker's former club Nantes pay tribute

Nantes pay tribute to missing former striker Emiliano Sala during their 1-1 draw with Saint Etienne.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Six Nations: Relive some magic moments from the 2019 event

Watch the best moments from last year's Six Nations, including Johnny Sexton's dramatic drop goal which contributed to Ireland's third Grand Slam win.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Tottenham 2-1 Watford: Mauricio Pochettino pleased to end 'difficult week' with win

Manager Mauricio Pochettino says it is "so important to smile" again after Tottenham bounce back from two cup exits with victory over Watford.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Para Alpine World Championships: Menna Fitzpatrick & Jen Kehoe win women's downhill gold

GB's Menna Fitzpatrick and guide Jen Kehoe win gold in the women's visually impaired downhill at the Para Alpine World Championships, as Kelly Gallagher and guide Gary Smith take silver.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Cowdenbeath 1-3 Rangers: Ibrox side secure Scottish Cup trip to Kilmarnock

Rangers survive some nervous moments before easing to victory over Cowdenbeath and securing a Scottish Cup meeting with Kilmarnock.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Cliff Lines: Veteran trainer retires with a victory at Lingfield.

Veteran trainer Cliff Lines bows out after 70 years in racing with a winner as 4-1 joint-favourite Catapult comes home first at Lingfield.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Darren Till: British UFC fighter wants another welterweight title shot

Britain's Darren Till hopes to put himself in the frame for another shot at the UFC welterweight title with victory over Jorge Masvidal in London.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Counter-attacks were defended by pitch - Klopp

Jurgen Klopp says Liverpool's counter-attacks were "more defended by the pitch than the opponent" as his side drew 1-1 with Leicester on a snowy night at Anfield.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Maurizio Sarri's Chelsea 'embarrassing' at Bournemouth - Alan Shearer

Match of the Day pundit Alan Shearer says Chelsea have to improve after "an embarrassing performance" in the 4-0 defeat at Bournemouth.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Super Bowl 53: Why Atlanta artist Occasional Superstar paints murals of Colin Kaepernick

Ahead of Super Bowl 53, Radio 1Xtra DJ and NFL fan Reece Parkinson visits Atlanta to explore the city's culture with mural artist Fabian Williams, aka Occasional Superstar.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Chelcee Grimes & Tom Grennan talk David Beckham, Fifa and burgers at AFC Wimbledon

Chelcee Grimes and musical mate Tom Grennan talk David Beckham, being pals with James Maddison and burgers as they watch AFC Wimbledon beat West Ham 4-2 in an FA Cup upset.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Watch: Stephen Dobbie takes season tally to 37 with Scottish Cup treble

Queen of the South veteran Stephen Dobbie takes his tally for the season to 37 goals with a hat trick in the Championship side's Scottish Cup fourth-round replay win over Premiership side Dundee.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Tottenham Hotspur 2-1 Watford: Javi Gracia disappointed with Hornets' 'missed chance'

Watford boss Javi Gracia is disappointed after his side "missed a chance" to gain points as Tottenham come from behind to secure a late winner at Wembley.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Tottenham Hotspur 2-1 Watford: Mauricio Pochettino pleased with 'unbelievable' effort from Spurs

Tottenham manager Mauricio Pochettino says it's nice to be able to "smile after a difficult week" as his side come from behind to beat Watford 2-1 at Wembley.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Southampton 1-1 Crystal Palace: Roy Hodgson has 'sympathy' for Wilfried Zaha despite dismissal

Crystal Palace manager Roy Hodgson has "sympathy" for Wilfried Zaha despite the referee being "correct" in sending off the forward during his side's 1-1 Premier League draw with Southampton at St Mary's.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Liverpool 1-1 Leicester City: Harry Maguire cancels out Sadio Mane goal

Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp believes snow on the Anfield pitch contributed to a frustrating night as his side was held to a 1-1 draw by Leicester.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Maurizio Sarri: Chelsea manager takes blame for Bournemouth defeat

Chelsea manager Maurizio Sarri says his side's heaviest league defeat for 23 years was "my fault" after Wednesday's 4-0 loss at Bournemouth.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Celtic 2-0 St Johnstone: Leaders six points clear after McGregor & Christie goals

Celtic move six points clear at the top of the Scottish Premiership after two goals in two second-half minutes break St Johnstone's resistance.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Alastair Cook: England 'brave' to drop Keaton Jennings for Joe Denly

Former England captain Alastair Cook says the decision to drop Keaton Jennings in favour of uncapped Joe Denly is "brave".

Source BBC Sport - Sport

January transfer deadline day: When is it? What time? How much spent?

Panic signings or season changers? Transfer deadline day is on 31 January and BBC Sport will make sure you don't miss any deals.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Women’s Six Nations preview: England have target on their backs

England's newly professional squad are under pressure to take the title from Grand Slam champions France, while Wales and Scotland seek to show progress.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Emiliano Sala: Missing Cardiff striker's former club Nantes pay tribute

Nantes pay tribute to missing former striker Emiliano Sala during their 1-1 draw with Saint Etienne.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Six Nations: Relive some magic moments from the 2019 event

Watch the best moments from last year's Six Nations, including Johnny Sexton's dramatic drop goal which contributed to Ireland's third Grand Slam win.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Tottenham 2-1 Watford: Mauricio Pochettino pleased to end 'difficult week' with win

Manager Mauricio Pochettino says it is "so important to smile" again after Tottenham bounce back from two cup exits with victory over Watford.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Para Alpine World Championships: Menna Fitzpatrick & Jen Kehoe win women's downhill gold

GB's Menna Fitzpatrick and guide Jen Kehoe win gold in the women's visually impaired downhill at the Para Alpine World Championships, as Kelly Gallagher and guide Gary Smith take silver.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Cowdenbeath 1-3 Rangers: Ibrox side secure Scottish Cup trip to Kilmarnock

Rangers survive some nervous moments before easing to victory over Cowdenbeath and securing a Scottish Cup meeting with Kilmarnock.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Cliff Lines: Veteran trainer retires with a victory at Lingfield.

Veteran trainer Cliff Lines bows out after 70 years in racing with a winner as 4-1 joint-favourite Catapult comes home first at Lingfield.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Darren Till: British UFC fighter wants another welterweight title shot

Britain's Darren Till hopes to put himself in the frame for another shot at the UFC welterweight title with victory over Jorge Masvidal in London.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Counter-attacks were defended by pitch - Klopp

Jurgen Klopp says Liverpool's counter-attacks were "more defended by the pitch than the opponent" as his side drew 1-1 with Leicester on a snowy night at Anfield.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Maurizio Sarri's Chelsea 'embarrassing' at Bournemouth - Alan Shearer

Match of the Day pundit Alan Shearer says Chelsea have to improve after "an embarrassing performance" in the 4-0 defeat at Bournemouth.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Super Bowl 53: Why Atlanta artist Occasional Superstar paints murals of Colin Kaepernick

Ahead of Super Bowl 53, Radio 1Xtra DJ and NFL fan Reece Parkinson visits Atlanta to explore the city's culture with mural artist Fabian Williams, aka Occasional Superstar.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Chelcee Grimes & Tom Grennan talk David Beckham, Fifa and burgers at AFC Wimbledon

Chelcee Grimes and musical mate Tom Grennan talk David Beckham, being pals with James Maddison and burgers as they watch AFC Wimbledon beat West Ham 4-2 in an FA Cup upset.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Watch: Stephen Dobbie takes season tally to 37 with Scottish Cup treble

Queen of the South veteran Stephen Dobbie takes his tally for the season to 37 goals with a hat trick in the Championship side's Scottish Cup fourth-round replay win over Premiership side Dundee.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

NFL Show awards: Best game, MVP & best dressed

Osi Umenyiora & Jason Bell go through their awards for the NFL season with Mark Chapman, including their best game, who is the MVP and best dressed amongst others.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Tottenham Hotspur 2-1 Watford: Javi Gracia disappointed with Hornets' 'missed chance'

Watford boss Javi Gracia is disappointed after his side "missed a chance" to gain points as Tottenham come from behind to secure a late winner at Wembley.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Tottenham Hotspur 2-1 Watford: Mauricio Pochettino pleased with 'unbelievable' effort from Spurs

Tottenham manager Mauricio Pochettino says it's nice to be able to "smile after a difficult week" as his side come from behind to beat Watford 2-1 at Wembley.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Southampton 1-1 Crystal Palace: Roy Hodgson has 'sympathy' for Wilfried Zaha despite dismissal

Crystal Palace manager Roy Hodgson has "sympathy" for Wilfried Zaha despite the referee being "correct" in sending off the forward during his side's 1-1 Premier League draw with Southampton at St Mary's.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Jan 30, 2019

Hundreds of strangers turn up to US veteran's funeral

Joseph Walker was thought to have no family, but a call-out attracted more than 1,000 to his burial.

Source BBC News - World

Mosul Museum partially reopens in Iraq after IS destruction

For the first time since the Islamic State group overran the city in 2014, its museum reopens.

Source BBC News - World

Guaidó on Venezuela's "abuse of power"

Self-declared interim leader, Juan Guaidó, says he's right to take over as president among political unrest and protests.

Source BBC News - World

Huawei: Will US charges sink the Chinese tech company?

The US Justice Department has filed criminal charges against Huawei - will this sink the Chinese telecoms giant?

Source BBC News - World

Tehran bans dog walking in public spaces

The Iranian capital has banned walking pet dogs over public safety concerns.

Source BBC News - World

Wanting to die at 'five to midnight' - before dementia takes over

Dutch patients with dementia who want euthanasia are less likely to get it if their disease is advanced - so many request it very early.

Source BBC News - World

Murder in Accra: The life and death of Ahmed Hussein-Suale

A Ghanaian investigative journalist was shot dead. Police believe he was assassinated because of his work.

Source BBC News - World

Holocaust: How a US TV series changed Germany

A US TV drama made the horrors of Nazi genocide real for millions of Germans in 1979.

Source BBC News - World

Getting boats to children who have to swim to school

When getting to school means swimming through dangerous waters a single boat can make a difference.

Source BBC News - World

Kevin and Julia Garratt on their experience as detainees in China

The Canadian missionaries were arrested in 2014 and accused of espionage. Here is their story.

Source BBC News - World

George Fernandes: The man who threw out Coca-Cola and IBM from India

Veteran socialist George Fernandes, who has died at 88, was an anti-nuclear campaigner who became India's defence minister.

Source BBC News - World

Brexit: Theresa May set for further talks with EU leaders

MPs have backed seeking "alternative arrangements" to replace the backstop in the PM's Brexit plan.

Source BBC News - UK

Park Lane doorman stabbing: Three charged with murder

Tudor Simionov had been working as security at a private party in central London when he was killed.

Source BBC News - UK

Islington stabbing: Three arrested over boy's death

Three teens are arrested on suspicion of murder after the stabbing in north London on Tuesday.

Source BBC News - UK

The one about Friends still being most popular

They might not have been born when it was made, but Friends is a favourite programme for the young.

Source BBC News - UK

NHS trust chief in no-deal Brexit medicine warning

A University Hospitals Birmingham paper says a no-deal Brexit will lead to operations being postponed.

Source BBC News - UK

Children 'afterthought' for social media companies

England's children's commissioner writes to social media companies, urging them to tackle disturbing content.

Source BBC News - UK

Costa Book of the Year: Jewish rescue story The Cut Out Girl wins

Bart van Es wrote about a Jewish girl who was sheltered by his grandparents during World War Two.

Source BBC News - UK

Shoreham air crash trial: Pilot 'blacked out in the air'

A paramedic tells the Old Bailey pilot Andrew Hill told him he had "blacked out in the air".

Source BBC News - UK

Whiston Hospital apology over baby sepsis death

Whiston Hospital said it "fell below the standards expected" in the care of 15-month-old Evie Crandle.

Source BBC News - UK

Death of girl found in derelict Kersal house 'not suspicious'

A man arrested on suspicion of Sarah Goldman's murder has been released without charge, police say.

Source BBC News - UK

Brexit: May 'to seek changes to EU withdrawal agreement'

PM Theresa May says MPs have made it clear they want an alternative to the Irish backstop.

Source BBC News - UK

Brexit: Corbyn 'prepared to meet' PM

Jeremy Corbyn said he would meet Theresa May to discuss the next steps for the UK to leave the EU.

Source BBC News - UK

Britain's first female black headteacher

When Yvonne Conolly became a headmistress in 1969, she received racist abuse but refused to let it define her.

Source BBC News - UK

'Lifer' dogs saved from death

Problem dogs which would have been put down because of their behaviour are given a new lease of life.

Source BBC News - UK

BMX rider drops from helicopter

Scottish BMX rider Kriss Kyle is scared of heights but that didn't stop him from dropping out of a helicopter on his bike above one of the world’s tallest hotels.

Source BBC News - UK

Cancer patient Samanda Ford attends own Suffolk funeral wake

"Why should they party and I'm not going to be there?" says terminally ill Samanda Ford.

Source BBC News - UK

Starting a new career in your 80s

Hilary Forde-Chalkly, 82, has just completed a Masters, with the help of her husband Syd.

Source BBC News - UK

Newspaper headlines: 'Over to EU' and 'Theresa's triumph'

Brexit dominates Wednesday's papers, with all but one leading on Tuesday night's Commons votes.

Source BBC News - UK

After the Brexit amendments, what could happen next?

Theresa May still needs to get her Brexit deal through Parliament. What might the next move be?

Source BBC News - UK

Sacked and silenced for being pregnant

It's illegal but pregnant women are being fired and having to sign gagging orders to get compensation.

Source BBC News - UK

Tinned food - healthy enough?

Is it OK to eat only canned foods and no fresh fruit or vegetables?

Source BBC News - UK

Brexit: Does the Irish peace accord rule out a hard border?

What does the Good Friday Agreement say about the possibility of a hard border?

Source BBC News - UK

'Busted could keep going for 50 years'

The band talk about their split, reunion, nostalgia and their beef with the music industry.

Source BBC News - UK

In pictures: Snowy scenes across the UK

As icy conditions sweep across the country, the Met Office warns of more snow to come.

Source BBC News - UK

John Legend and the others learning to swim as adults

As John Legend reveals he's taking swimming lessons, we speak to adults dipping their toes in the water.

Source BBC News - UK

Shops in a box: The rise of shipping container retail parks

At least 13 food, retail or office complexes in shipping containers have opened in the past three years.

Source BBC News - UK

Jurgen Klopp: Liverpool manager says he can 'never' enjoy Premier League title race

Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp talks to BBC Sport about the Premier League title race, the intensity of the season, racism and Brexit.

Source BBC News - UK

كأس آسيا 2019: قطر تهزم الإمارات 4-0 وتتأهل لنهائي البطولة

المنتخب القطري لكرة القدم يتأهل إلى نهائي كأس آسيا لكرة القدم بعد فوزه بنتيجة 4-0 على الإمارات، مستضيف الدورة، في أول مباراة بينهما منذ قطع العلاقات بين البلدين في عام 2017.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

"دنيانا": ليست للأطفال فقط!

فن الكوميكس أو فن القصص المصورة محور نقاشنا هذا الأسبوع في "دنيانا" مع فنانين من العالم العربي.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

زينب حفني ترفض لجوء المرأة السعودية إلى المنظمات الدولية وما تصفها بالأبواب الخلفية

زينب حفني : المرأة السعودية تملك من الإرادة ما يمكنها من المطالبة بجميع حقوقها من خلال القنوات الشرعية الداخلية.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

في الفايننشال تايمز: قطر تعزز دورها الدبلوماسي لاستعادة نفوذها في المنطقة

قراءة في محاولات قطر بسط نفوذها في المنطقة من خلال تعزيز علاقاتها الدبلوماسية، وآخر مستجدات اتفاق بريكست، وتحليل حول أزمة فنزويلا، من أهم موضوعات الصحف البريطانية.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

صحف عربية: أكثر من 100 مرشح لرئاسة الجزائر وهل يزور نتنياهو المغرب

صحف عربية تناقش الانتخابات الرئاسية في الجزائر، المزمع عقدها في أبريل/نيسان المقبل، وتسريبات تفيد باعتزام نتنياهو زيارة المغرب.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

ما سرُ المنافسة الشديدة بين سكان مالطا؟

الثقافة في مالطا تتسم بالرغبة الشديدة في المنافسة، وهو الأمر الذي يتجلى في كافة مناحي الحياة، بما في ذلك شكل الأبنية الرئيسية في العاصمة فاليتا.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

كيف تؤثر الكائنات الدقيقة في أمعائك على صحة جسدك؟

صحة الإنسان تتأثر ببيئة الكائنات الدقيقة التي تعيش في الأمعاء، وتختلف تلك البيئة من شخص لآخر.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

مباراة قطر والإمارات: هل أصبحت الرياضة ساحة لتصفية الخلافات العربية؟

الخلاف السياسي يطغى على مباراة منتخبي قطر والإمارات في بطولة كأس آسيا المقامة بالإمارات وما أثارته المبارة يفتح الجدل بشأن فشل السياسة في تعميق العلاقة بين الشعوب العربية

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

ما الدعم الذي قد تقدمه القاهرة للبشير في مواجهة الاحتجاجات؟

الرئيس السوداني يشدد في زيارة لمصر على ضرورة التعاون الأمني مع القاهرة ويؤكد أن هناك محاولة لاستنساخ الربيع العربي في السودان. وتساؤلات حول ما يمكن أن تقدمه القاهرة للبشير في ظل استمرار الاحتجاجات في السودان.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

كأس آسيا 2019: مغردون خليجيون قبيل نصف النهائي: #قطر_والامارات_شعب_واحد

يترقب المغردون في الخليج مباراة اليوم في دور نصف النهائي في بطولة كأس آسيا بين المنتخب القطري ونظيره الإماراتي في أبو ظبي.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

مطالبات لماريا كاري بإلغاء حفلتها في السعودية لإلقاء الضوء على قضية الناشطات المعتقلات

حملة عبر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي تطالب المطربة الأمريكية ماريا كاري بإلغاء حفلتها في السعودية وذلك لإلقاء الضوء على قضية الناشطات في السجون السعودية.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

بعدسات الجمهور: "زجاج وصلب"

في كل أسبوع، ننشر مجموعة من أفضل الصور التي التقطتها عدسات القراء لموضوع حددناه سلفا. موضوعنا هذه المرة يحمل عنوان "زجاج وصلب".

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

"الرجل العنكبوت" يورط نفسه في فيديو مرعب جديد

أوقفت الشرطة الفلبينية المغامر، آلان روبير، البالغ 56 عاماً إثر تسلقه إحدى أعلى ناطحات السحاب في مانيلا، في أحدث مغامرات هذا الرجل الملقب بـ"الرجل العنكبوت الفرنسي".وقد تسلق آلان روبير مبنى "جي تي

from last-pageالرجل-العنكبوت-يورط-نفسه-في-فيديو-مرعب-جديد.html

Newcastle United 2-1 Manchester City

Manchester City's title hopes suffer a huge blow as Newcastle come from a goal down to record a remarkable victory over the defending champions.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Manchester United 2-2 Burnley: Hosts rescue late point

Manchester United mount a gripping late comeback to rescue a point against Burnley at Old Trafford.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

UFC 229: Conor McGregor suspended for six months for post-UFC 229 melee

Conor McGregor is suspended for six months and fined $50,000 for his part in the ugly scenes which marred UFC 229 in October.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Nicola Adams: British boxer says she wants to emulate Muhammad Ali in winning at Royal Albert Hall

Double Olympic champion Nicola Adams wants to win her first professional world title in order to emulate her "hero" Muhammad Ali.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Jurgen Klopp: Liverpool manager says he can 'never' enjoy Premier League title race

Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp talks to BBC Sport about the Premier League title race, the intensity of the season, racism and Brexit.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Six Nations: BBC experts discuss who will win the title and other talking points

Who will be the breakout stars? How have England changed their style? Do Ireland have any weaknesses? And, crucially, who will win? BBC pundits answer all.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Queen of the South 3-0 Dundee: Dobbie hat-trick sends hosts through

Stephen Dobbie scores a hat-trick as Scottish Championship side Queen of the South dump Dundee out the Scottish Cup after a fourth-round replay.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

NFL Show awards: Best game, MVP & best dressed

Osi Umenyiora & Jason Bell go through their awards for the NFL season with Mark Chapman, including their best game, who is the MVP and best dressed amongst others.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Jasmine Joyce: 'Small' hurdle proves no trouble for Wales wing

After being told she was "too small" to play rugby, Jasmine Joyce reflects on being an Olympian, a Commonwealth athlete and Wales international.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Denis Suarez: Arsenal close to signing Barcelona midfielder

Arsenal are close to completing the signing of Barcelona midfielder Denis Suarez.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

WSL: Liverpool Women disallowed goal against West Ham Utd Women

Watch as a Laura Coombs shot is deemed to have not crossed the goalline during Liverpool Women's 1-0 win over West Ham United Women.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

2021 Rugby League World Cup: Emirates Stadium among host venues but Wigan misses out

Arsenal's Emirates Stadium is confirmed as one of 21 host venues for the 2021 Rugby League World Cup in England.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Newcastle 2-1 Manchester City: Blues not aggressive enough - Guardiola

Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola says his side "were not aggressive enough" in their 2-1 Premier League defeat by Newcastle at St James' Park.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Jurgen Klopp: Liverpool boss says 'let's go for everything'

Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp tells BBC sports editor Dan Roan that they will 'go for everything' in the Premier League title race.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Man Utd 2-2 Burnley: The comeback was brilliant - Ole Gunnar Solskjær

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer says Manchester United's comeback from 2-0 down was "fantastic" as they rescue a point against Burnley at Old Trafford.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Newcastle 2-1 Manchester City: Players gave everything - Benitez

Newcastle manager Rafael Benitez praises his players who "gave everything" in their 2-1 Premier League win over champions Manchester City at St James' Park.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Arsenal 2-1 Cardiff: Unai Emery's thoughts with Sala's family after 'emotional' win

Arsenal manager Unai Emery says his thoughts are with the family of Cardiff's missing striker Emiliano Sala after a 2-1 Premier League victory over the Bluebirds at the Emirates.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Man Utd 2-2 Burnley: Clarets are getting harder to beat - Sean Dyche

Burnley manager Sean Dyche says his side are getting harder to beat after an "excellent" 2-2 draw against Manchester United.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Super Bowl: Tom Brady, Todd Gurley and Rob Gronkowski enjoy Opening Night

The stars of Super Bowl LIII, such as Tom Brady, Rob Gronkowski, Jared Goff and Todd Gurley, field weird and wonderful questions at Super Bowl Opening Night.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Venezuela top court curbs opposition leader Juan Guaidó

The country's Supreme Court approves a travel ban and an asset freeze on Juan Guaidó.

Source BBC News - World

North Korea nuclear: US intelligence report says regime to keep weapons

A US intelligence report to the Senate goes against Trump administration hopes of progress.

Source BBC News - World

US RnB singer-songwriter James Ingram dies aged 66

Grammy winner Ingram wrote Michael Jackson single Pretty Young Things with Quincy Jones.

Source BBC News - World

Darren Weir: Australian police raid top horse trainer's stables

The raids at Darren Weir's stables end in three arrests over allegations of racing industry fraud.

Source BBC News - World

Woman dies carrying pram down stairs on New York subway

Malaysia Goodson, 22, fell at 7th Avenue station while carrying her one-year-old's pram.

Source BBC News - World

US to shiver in 'once-in-a-generation' polar vortex

Weather officials in Iowa warn people to "avoid taking deep breaths, and to minimise talking".

Source BBC News - World

Apple hints at lower iPhone prices as sales fall

Revenue from the tech giant's signature iPhone fell 15% in the most recent quarter.

Source BBC News - World

Little blue penguins stolen from nest with crowbar in NZ

Thieves are believed to have used a crowbar to hook the birds out of the nest by their necks.

Source BBC News - World

Can the US and China reach a trade deal?

Top trade officials from both countries are meeting to try and defuse an escalating tariff war.

Source BBC News - World

Jussie Smollett: Empire star victim of suspected hate crime in Chicago

Empire star Jussie Smollett also suffered a beating, homophobic and racial taunts, Chicago police say.

Source BBC News - World

Stacey Abrams: Georgia Democrat to respond to Trump State of the Union

The rising Democrat star will give the party's response to Mr Trump's State of the Union.

Source BBC News - World

Chicago's frozen river from above

Much of the river has frozen as the US city experiences close to record low temperatures.

Source BBC News - World

Hundreds of strangers turn up to US veteran's funeral

Joseph Walker was thought to have no family, but a call-out attracted more than 1,000 to his burial.

Source BBC News - World

Mosul Museum partially reopens in Iraq after IS destruction

For the first time since the Islamic State group overran the city in 2014, its museum reopens.

Source BBC News - World

Guaidó on Venezuela's "abuse of power"

Self-declared interim leader, Juan Guaidó, says he's right to take over as president among political unrest and protests.

Source BBC News - World

Huawei: Will US charges sink the Chinese tech company?

The US Justice Department has filed criminal charges against Huawei - will this sink the Chinese telecoms giant?

Source BBC News - World

Tehran bans dog walking in public spaces

The Iranian capital has banned walking pet dogs over public safety concerns.

Source BBC News - World

Wanting to die at 'five to midnight' - before dementia takes over

Dutch patients with dementia who want euthanasia are less likely to get it if their disease is advanced - so many request it very early.

Source BBC News - World

Murder in Accra: The life and death of Ahmed Hussein-Suale

A Ghanaian investigative journalist was shot dead. Police believe he was assassinated because of his work.

Source BBC News - World

Holocaust: How a US TV series changed Germany

A US TV drama made the horrors of Nazi genocide real for millions of Germans in 1979.

Source BBC News - World

Getting boats to children who have to swim to school

When getting to school means swimming through dangerous waters a single boat can make a difference.

Source BBC News - World

Kevin and Julia Garratt on their experience as detainees in China

The Canadian missionaries were arrested in 2014 and accused of espionage. Here is their story.

Source BBC News - World

George Fernandes: The man who threw out Coca-Cola and IBM from India

Veteran socialist George Fernandes, who has died at 88, was an anti-nuclear campaigner who became India's defence minister.

Source BBC News - World

Jan 29, 2019

Snow may disrupt travel across the UK, Met Office says

Forecasters predict rain on Tuesday will turn to snow, which could affect travel into Wednesday.

Source BBC News - UK

Persistent sore throat 'can be cancer sign'

A new study suggests GPs should not only investigate patients with hoarseness for throat cancer.

Source BBC News - UK

Euro 2020: Gareth Southgate wants England fans to 'play a role' in tournament

England manager Gareth Southgate says he wants fans to "be a part" of Euro 2020 matches in London.

Source BBC News - UK

Facebook's popularity dips with UK children, says Ofcom

Facebook's popularity among children fell during 2018, according to the media regulator Ofcom.

Source BBC News - UK

NHS dentist search man pulls out own tooth after 18-month wait

David Woodhouse says he took matters into his own hands because he could not get an NHS appointment.

Source BBC News - UK

Shoreham air crash trial: Survivors tell of fireball horror

A man at the Shoreham Airshow was told by his daughter "your face and ears are gone", a court hears.

Source BBC News - UK

Murder arrest after body of girl, 16, found in Salford

A 41-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder after the body was found in Salford.

Source BBC News - UK

William and Kate to meet Michelin workers in Dundee

The royal couple will visit the tyre factory in Dundee, following the decision to close the plant in 2020.

Source BBC News - UK

Commons approves proxy voting trial for new parents

MPs on parental leave will now be able to nominate another MP to vote on their behalf.

Source BBC News - UK

'Thai bride' case: DNA tests prompt identity hope

People who mourned a mystery woman found dead in the Yorkshire Dales hope DNA tests will reveal her identity.

Source BBC News - UK

Rough sleeping: 'To beg for drugs, it's just horrible'

Three rough sleepers open up about the daily difficulties they face on the streets of Newcastle.

Source BBC News - UK

What next for Brexit?

Chris Mason recaps what has happened to the Brexit deal and explains the next key vote options.

Source BBC News - UK

The view from either side of Brexit

Have the last two years brought people any closer together?

Source BBC News - UK

The day a T. rex came to school

Two part-time teachers take an enormous dinosaur costume into schools to bring learning alive.

Source BBC News - UK

Kite surfer 'jumps' 200m over sand spit in Dawlish

Professional kite surfer Olly Bridge gets the "leap of his life" in a heart-stopping 200 metre jump.

Source BBC News - UK

Brexit: High risk of UK 'crashing out' of EU

The EU's deputy chief negotiator Sabine Weyand says the risk of a UK 'crash out' is high.

Source BBC News - UK

Newspaper headlines: May bids to woo Tories before Brexit debate

Many front pages focus on the prime minister's decision to back an amendment to her own Brexit deal.

Source BBC News - UK

150 years of the periodic table: Test your knowledge

How much do you know about the iconic symbol of science pinned to every classroom wall?

Source BBC News - UK

Breastfeeding guilt experienced by half of mothers - BBC survey

Half of mothers feel they let their baby down when they struggled to breastfeed, a BBC survey finds.

Source BBC News - UK

Pitt Rivers: The museum that's returning the dead

Can a museum justify keeping human remains that were plundered by Victorian adventurers?

Source BBC News - UK

Has Jose Mourinho been left behind?

Rival managers, sports psychologists and insiders feel football has overtaken Jose Mourinho, so what next for the Portuguese, asks Guillem Balague.

Source BBC News - UK

Plastic or paper: Which bag is greener?

Morrisons will introduce paper bags, so are they better for the environment?

Source BBC News - UK

صدفة أنقذت أميركا من كارثة بالحرب العالمية الثانية

خلال ثلاثينات القرن الماضي، اعتمدت اليابان سياسة توسعية غزت على إثرها إقليم منشوريا (Manchuria) الصيني سنة 1931 عقب حادثة موكدين (Mukden) المفتعلة قبل أن تعلن قيام دولة مانشوكو (Manchukuo) على هذه

from last-pageصدفة-أنقذت-أميركا-من-كارثة-بالحرب-العالمية-الثانية.html

سرقة لوحة عن القرم وسط النهار وبوجود الأمن من متحف روسي

أعلنت السلطات الروسية، الاثنين، أنها أوقفت رجلا متهما بسرقة لوحة تعود للقرن التاسع عشر من متحف في موسكو، في وضح النهار وفي ظلّ الإجراءات الأمنية.وكان متحف تريتياكوف أعلن في بيان مساء الأحد أن لوحة

from last-pageسرقة-لوحة-عن-القرم-وسط-النهار-وبوجود-الأمن-من-متحف-روسي.html

عباس بن فرناس.. رائد طيران متعدد المعارف حوكم بالشعوذة!

يعرف عباس بن فرناس بوصفه أول من حاول الطيران في التاريخ، برغم أن هناك قصصاً تشير لآخرين حاولوا الشيء نفسه، إلا أنه الصورة الأسطع لذلك الحلم الذي راود البشرية.رغم أنه صنع لنفسه جناحين مقلدًا الطيور

from last-pageعباس-بن-فرناس-رائد-طيران-متعدد-المعارف-حوكم-بالشعوذة-.html

اعتقال مراهق بريطاني هدد رئيسة الوزراء بالقتل

اعتقلت السلطات البريطانية مراهقاً بتهمة توجيه تهديد بالقتل لرئيسة الوزراء البريطانية، تيريزا ماي، وذلك بإرسال رسالة بريد إلكتروني لها.ووُجه الاتهام للشاب البالغ من العمر 19 عاماً عن إرسال الرسالة

from last-pageاعتقال-مراهق-بريطاني-هدد-رئيسة-الوزراء-بالقتل-.html

هكذا غيّر هجوم لقراصنة البحر منذ 200 عام جزءا من أميركا

يصنف الفرنسي جوزيف دومبي (Joseph Dombey) كواحد من أهم علماء النباتات خلال القرن الثامن عشر حيث تزخر العديد من المراجع التي تعود لتلك الفترة بأبحاثه. فقد أولى جوزيف دومبي اهتماما بالسياسة ليرتبط اسمه

from last-pageهكذا-غيّر-هجوم-لقراصنة-البحر-منذ-200-عام-جزئا-من-أميركا.html

معرض الكتاب بباريس يلجأ للإنجليزية.. و100 مثقف ينددون

ندّد نحو 100 كاتب وصحافي وفنان فرنسي بالاستخدام المتزايد للإنجليزية في الفعاليات في البلد بما في ذلك معرض الكتاب في باريس.وتساءلوا في مقال نشرته صحيفة "لوموند" السبت: "ألم يعد ممكنا في باريس وتحديدا

from last-pageمعرض-الكتاب-بباريس-يلجأ-للانكليزية-و100-مثقف-يندد.html

العربية.نت اليوم.. والد طفل البلكونة بمصر يدافع عن الأم

عرضت فقرة "العربية.نت اليوم"، الأحد، مجموعة من الأخبار المنوعة من تقديم هبة فارس ضمن برنامج صباح العربية.الموضوع الأول عن المخرجة اللبنانية نادين لبكي وترشحها لجائزة الأوسكار.وفي مصر، قصة طفل

from last-pageالعربية-نت-اليوم-والد-طفل-البلكونة-بمصر-يدافع-عن-الأم.html

Huawei denies wrongdoing after US criminal charges

The Chinese telecoms giant said it was "disappointed" by the US charges, which include theft and fraud.

Source BBC News - World

US hits 'corrupt' Venezuela oil firm PDVSA with sanctions

The US places sanctions on PDVSA and urges the military to back a peaceful power transfer.

Source BBC News - World

Elderly women die in Malaysian food coupons stampede

More than 1,000 people showed up to an event in Malaysia giving away just 200 coupons.

Source BBC News - World

Poland alarmed by sick cow slaughter at meat plant

Vets and police respond to shocking undercover film of sick cattle at a Polish abattoir.

Source BBC News - World

Singapore HIV registry data leaked online in health breach

More than 14,000 people are affected, including thousands of visitors, Singapore's health ministry says.

Source BBC News - World

Brumadinho dam: Anger grows towards Brazil mine firm Vale

Politicians say Vale SA must be held responsible for last week's disaster with hundreds feared dead.

Source BBC News - World

Trump sceptical a deal on border wall can be reached

The president says he doubts he would lower the sum he is prepared to accept for a border barrier.

Source BBC News - World

Taliban talks: Draft framework for Afghanistan peace 'agreed'

The US and Taliban agree in principle on a framework for a peace deal after 17 years of war.

Source BBC News - World

Six Tanzanian children killed 'for body parts'

Tanzanian authorities say the bodies were missing ears and teeth in deaths linked to witchcraft.

Source BBC News - World

Jair Bolsonaro: Brazil's leader has colostomy bag removed

The Brazilian leader was injured in a knife attack while on the campaign trail in September.

Source BBC News - World

Armed gang free prisoner in south-eastern France

The gunmen knock a guard to ground to release the inmate, who was to face a judge for armed robbery.

Source BBC News - World

Brumadinho dam: 'She was ready to die'

José Antonio Pereira describes how his sister-in-law, who was airlifted by helicopter, barely survived.

Source BBC News - World

Yemen war: Where the fighting has stopped... but not the suffering

Warring parties are observing a fragile truce in Hudaydah - but fears of a famine remain.

Source BBC News - World

The PewDiePie Hackers: Could hacking printers ruin your life?

A popularity contest backing YouTube star, PewDiePie, got out of hand and two teenage hackers are in hiding.

Source BBC News - World

Nigerian Boko Haram militants are being given a chance to re-integrate into society.

A de-radicalisation scheme in Nigeria is helping former Boko Haram militants rejoin society.

Source BBC News - World

Love Sonia: Why Freida Pinto made a film about sex slaves

The Slumdog Millionaire star on why Love Sonia is her most challenging role yet.

Source BBC News - World

Russia art theft: Thief steals painting in front of gallery goers

A thief steals a painting from a busy gallery in Moscow.

Source BBC News - World

UAE mocked over gender balance awards tweet featuring only men

No women featured in the announcement celebrating the Gulf state's efforts to reduce the gender gap.

Source BBC News - World

A photographer's Trans-Siberian World Cup journey

A look back at photojournalist Peter Dench's journey on the Trans-Siberian Railway during the World Cup in Russia 2018.

Source BBC News - World

New York abortion law: Why are so many people talking about it?

A controversial new abortion law has been enacted in New York state, but why has it caused such a heated debate?

Source BBC News - World

Facebook and Google: The data guardians fight back

Tech giants have become rich on the back of our data. But some tech start-ups are fighting back.

Source BBC News - World

Venezuela crisis: Why the military is backing Maduro

The president's position looks shaky but the military has reason to keep him in power, experts say.

Source BBC News - World

‘Welcome to my high-fashion, trash shopping mall’

Anna Bergstrom runs a shopping mall in Sweden where everything for sale is recycled. Her goal is to make sustainable shopping fashionable.

Source BBC News - World

Bilal Hassani: Who is France's Eurovision entry?

Eurovision isn't until May, but young queer icon Bilal Hassani is already taking the world by storm.

Source BBC News - World

Manchester United: Ole Gunnar Solskjaer says club are 'looking to win trophies'

Man Utd interim boss Ole Gunnar Solskjaer says club will not settle for a top-four finish this season and are "looking to win trophies".

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Five reasons why Barnet v Brentford was an FA Cup cracker

Relive the best of the action as Barnet and Brentford play out an enthralling 3-3 draw in their FA Cup fourth-round tie at the Hive.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup 2018-19: Vote for your goal of the fourth round

The FA Cup fourth round produced some fantastic goals - we would like you to vote for your favourite from our shortlist.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

George Groves - why British boxer should be proud of his career

How George Groves crafted a night to remember, showed resilience in spades and jolted British boxing's resurgence.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Holders Chelsea draw Man Utd in FA Cup fifth round

Defending champions Chelsea will host 12-time winners Manchester United in the standout tie of the fifth round of the FA Cup.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Jose Mourinho: An analogue manager in a digital world? Guillem Balague column

Rival managers, sports psychologists and insiders feel football has overtaken Jose Mourinho, so what next for the Portuguese, asks Guillem Balague.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Premier League: Does your club give youth a chance?

BBC Sport looks at which Premier League clubs have placed the most faith in young players this season.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

T20 World Cup: England men and women's sides learn opponents for 2020 tournament

England's men and women learn their opponents for the group stages of the T20 World Cup in Australia in 2020.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

NBA: Derrick Rose makes 'All-Star' buzzer-beater in NBA's top 10 plays

Derrick Rose's game-winning buzzer-beater and Gary Harris' "OMG" behind-the-back jam feature in the NBA's top 10 plays.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Premier League predictions: Lawro v Yizzy

BBC Sport football expert Mark Lawrenson takes on grime star and Arsenal fan Yizzy to predict the weekend's Premier League results.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Callum Hudson-Odoi: Chelsea refusing to sell teenage winger

Chelsea tell Callum Hudson-Odoi that they are unwilling to sell him, after the teenager handed in a transfer request.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Daniel Sparkes' brilliant' free-kick levels for Barnet against Brentford

Barnet's Daniel Sparkes curls home an "absolutely brilliant" free-kick to make it 3-3 against Championship Brentford in an enthralling FA Cup fourth-round tie at The Hive.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Barnet and Brentford play out 3-3 thriller in FA Cup - highlights

Watch highlights as Dan Sparkes' brilliant free-kick earns non-league Barnet an FA Cup fourth-round replay against Brentford after they twice fought from a goal down.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

'There isn't any contact' - Hugely controversial penalty brings Brentford level

Brentford make it 2-2 at Barnet with a hugely controversial penalty, which was awarded despite their appearing to be no contact when Ollie Watkins went down in the Barnet box.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Ollie Watkins gives Brentford the lead against Barnet

Ollie Watkins gives Brentford the lead with a long-range strike in their FA Cup fourth-round tie against National League Brentford at The Hive.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Best goals from the fourth round of the FA Cup

Watch a selection of the best goals from the FA Cup fourth round, including a clever finish from AFC Wimbledon's Scott Wagstaff and a "rocket blaster" from Swansea's Bersant Celina.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Roy Keane: New Nottingham Forest assistant manager scoring for the club in 1993

Watch Roy Keane scoring a thumping header for Nottingham Forest in the FA Cup third round against Southampton, featuring an interview where he was quizzed on his future at the club.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Watch: Two spectacular goals in one game from Queen's Park player

Watch Queen's Park's Kurtis Roberts hit two long-range strikes against Berwick Rangers.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

WSL round-up: Epic goals, silky skills and record-breaking strikes

Watch the best of this week's WSL action, including some incredible goals from Birmingham City's epic comeback at Chelsea, and Vivianne Miedema's record-breaking strike for Arsenal.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Huawei denies wrongdoing after US criminal charges

The Chinese telecoms giant said it was "disappointed" by the US charges, which include theft and fraud.

Source BBC News - World

US hits 'corrupt' Venezuela oil firm PDVSA with sanctions

The US places sanctions on PDVSA and urges the military to back a peaceful power transfer.

Source BBC News - World

Elderly women die in Malaysian food coupons stampede

More than 1,000 people showed up to an event in Malaysia giving away just 200 coupons.

Source BBC News - World

Poland alarmed by sick cow slaughter at meat plant

Vets and police respond to shocking undercover film of sick cattle at a Polish abattoir.

Source BBC News - World

Singapore HIV registry data leaked online in health breach

More than 14,000 people are affected, including thousands of visitors, Singapore's health ministry says.

Source BBC News - World

Brumadinho dam: Anger grows towards Brazil mine firm Vale

Politicians say Vale SA must be held responsible for last week's disaster with hundreds feared dead.

Source BBC News - World

Trump sceptical a deal on border wall can be reached

The president says he doubts he would lower the sum he is prepared to accept for a border barrier.

Source BBC News - World

Taliban talks: Draft framework for Afghanistan peace 'agreed'

The US and Taliban agree in principle on a framework for a peace deal after 17 years of war.

Source BBC News - World

Six Tanzanian children killed 'for body parts'

Tanzanian authorities say the bodies were missing ears and teeth in deaths linked to witchcraft.

Source BBC News - World

Jair Bolsonaro: Brazil's leader has colostomy bag removed

The Brazilian leader was injured in a knife attack while on the campaign trail in September.

Source BBC News - World

Armed gang free prisoner in south-eastern France

The gunmen knock a guard to ground to release the inmate, who was to face a judge for armed robbery.

Source BBC News - World

Brumadinho dam: 'She was ready to die'

José Antonio Pereira describes how his sister-in-law, who was airlifted by helicopter, barely survived.

Source BBC News - World

Yemen war: Where the fighting has stopped... but not the suffering

Warring parties are observing a fragile truce in Hudaydah - but fears of a famine remain.

Source BBC News - World

The PewDiePie Hackers: Could hacking printers ruin your life?

A popularity contest backing YouTube star, PewDiePie, got out of hand and two teenage hackers are in hiding.

Source BBC News - World

Nigerian Boko Haram militants are being given a chance to re-integrate into society.

A de-radicalisation scheme in Nigeria is helping former Boko Haram militants rejoin society.

Source BBC News - World

Love Sonia: Why Freida Pinto made a film about sex slaves

The Slumdog Millionaire star on why Love Sonia is her most challenging role yet.

Source BBC News - World

Russia art theft: Thief steals painting in front of gallery goers

A thief steals a painting from a busy gallery in Moscow.

Source BBC News - World

UAE mocked over gender balance awards tweet featuring only men

No women featured in the announcement celebrating the Gulf state's efforts to reduce the gender gap.

Source BBC News - World

A photographer's Trans-Siberian World Cup journey

A look back at photojournalist Peter Dench's journey on the Trans-Siberian Railway during the World Cup in Russia 2018.

Source BBC News - World

New York abortion law: Why are so many people talking about it?

A controversial new abortion law has been enacted in New York state, but why has it caused such a heated debate?

Source BBC News - World

Facebook and Google: The data guardians fight back

Tech giants have become rich on the back of our data. But some tech start-ups are fighting back.

Source BBC News - World

Venezuela crisis: Why the military is backing Maduro

The president's position looks shaky but the military has reason to keep him in power, experts say.

Source BBC News - World

‘Welcome to my high-fashion, trash shopping mall’

Anna Bergstrom runs a shopping mall in Sweden where everything for sale is recycled. Her goal is to make sustainable shopping fashionable.

Source BBC News - World

Bilal Hassani: Who is France's Eurovision entry?

Eurovision isn't until May, but young queer icon Bilal Hassani is already taking the world by storm.

Source BBC News - World

Jan 28, 2019

هل سيكون الترفيه في السعودية هو "النفط الجديد"؟

مقالات رأي في صحف عربية تركز على إعلان المملكة العربية السعودية عن تدشين استراتيجية جديدة للترفيه فيها وتناقش آفاق هذه الصناعة في المجتمع السعودي المحافظ.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

Brexit: May urged to secure backstop concessions from EU

Boris Johnson says the PM should seek a 'freedom clause' from the EU as a way to win backing for her deal.

Source BBC News - UK

Hundreds of popular cars ‘at risk of keyless theft’

Consumer group Which? found the Ford Fiesta, VW Golf, Nissan Qashqai and Ford Focus were all at risk.

Source BBC News - UK

Suzanne Brown killing: Attack 'could have been prevented'

Jake Neate killed his partner of more than 10 years, Suzanne Brown, by stabbing her 173 times.

Source BBC News - UK

Rare red panda escapes from Belfast Zoo

Police ask people to keep an eye out for the red panda who went missing on Sunday.

Source BBC News - UK

'Appalling' conditions for climber rescue in Cairngorms

Rescuers battling high winds and poor visibility airlift a man injured in the Cairngorms to safety.

Source BBC News - UK

Antarctic Weddell expedition targets Shackleton's lost ship

The coming days will see an attempt to locate the wreck of Sir Ernest Shackleton's Endurance ship.

Source BBC News - UK

GM chickens lay eggs to help fight cancer

Researchers have genetically modified chickens to lay eggs which contain drugs that fight cancer.

Source BBC News - UK

Plastic pollution: Morrisons to trial 20p paper bags

The retailer will also increase the price of its cheapest reusable plastic bag to 15p in the trial.

Source BBC News - UK

Council cuts have 'hit cities and north hardest'

A report found cities had lost the equivalent of £386 per head in yearly council spending.

Source BBC News - UK

Police officers suspended for years during misconduct investigations

One officer said she tried to take her own life while waiting more than three years for a hearing.

Source BBC News - UK

Notts County FC owner tweets 'inappropriate photo'

Notts County FC's Alan Hardy has apologised and says he will leave the social media site for good.

Source BBC News - UK

Gemma Collins: Three times she won us over

The reality TV star shot to fame on The Only Way Is Essex and has remained in the spotlight ever since.

Source BBC News - UK

Dog whistles: The secret language politicians are using

From Obama's clothing to the Brexit campaign - how to decode the hidden messages in politics known as "dog whistles".

Source BBC News - UK

New lease of life for 300 phone boxes across Wales

Since an adoption scheme was launched in 2008, communities have been finding new uses for phone boxes.

Source BBC News - UK

Norfolk police 'shocked' at car driven without front tyre

The driver of the car was arrested on suspicion of drink driving.

Source BBC News - UK

Newspaper headlines: Front pages focus on key Brexit vote

As MPs prepare to vote on amendments to the prime minister's plans, the front pages speculate about the possible outcomes.

Source BBC News - UK

Cancer cliches to avoid: I'm not 'brave'

Fighter, warrior, hero - these are among the cliches unpopular with some cancer patients, a survey finds.

Source BBC News - UK

Four things to expect this week

Some good news for Japanese gastronomes, and an important Facebook status update.

Source BBC News - UK

PMS sufferer, 29, says women 'shouldn't be embarrassed'

Emily Fazah says she wants to "get the world" talking about premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Source BBC News - UK

Wider still and wider - our love of the giant TV screen

Giant TV screens are one of the few stars in a gloomy retail landscape.

Source BBC News - UK

The mistake that led to a £1.2bn business

How two Estonian friends built popular money transfer business TransferWise.

Source BBC News - UK

Venezuela crisis: White House 'will respond to threats against diplomats'

Washington warns against the intimidation of opposition leader Juan Guaidó and US diplomats.

Source BBC News - World

Wang Quanzhang: China jails leading human rights lawyer

The prominent lawyer was found guilty of state subversion in a case his supporters say was political.

Source BBC News - World

Brumadinho dam: 'Very low' hope for hundreds missing in Brazil

More than 300 people are missing two days after a dam collapsed as the number of dead rises to 58.

Source BBC News - World

US lifts sanctions on Putin ally's firms

The Trump administration lifts curbs on firms linked to Oleg Deripaska, despite objections from Democrats.

Source BBC News - World

Louisiana shooting: Police arrest suspect of five killed

US police have arrested Dakota Theriot, suspected of killing five people, including his parents.

Source BBC News - World

Trevor the Duck: Niue mourns 'world's loneliest duck'

Trevor, the only duck on the Pacific island of Niue, lived in a puddle and was cared for by locals.

Source BBC News - World

Duke University professor removed over 'Speak English' email

A professor loses her job as programme director after urging Chinese students to speak “100% English”.

Source BBC News - World

'Red scarves' march in Paris against yellow-vest violence

About 10,000 people call for an end to weeks of often violent yellow-vest demonstrations.

Source BBC News - World

Vogue Business: New title focuses on fashion industry

The launch of the digital title comes as the US media industry goes through another round of job cuts.

Source BBC News - World

Protesters and riot police clash in Honduras

Demonstrations mark the first anniversary of the inauguration of President Juan Orlando Hernández.

Source BBC News - World

XXXTentacion's son Gekyume arrives seven months after rapper's death

XXXTentacion's girlfriend confirms the birth of his son, seven months after he was shot dead.

Source BBC News - World

Jolo church attack: Many killed in Philippines

One bomb went off outside the cathedral on Jolo island; a second exploded as soldiers responded.

Source BBC News - World

How addict Jesus survived South Africa's drug epidemic

The heroin-based cocktail that robbed a man of a decade of his life in one South African township.

Source BBC News - World

Dog whistles: The secret language politicians are using

From Obama's clothing to the Brexit campaign - how to decode the hidden messages in politics known as "dog whistles".

Source BBC News - World

Brazil dam collapse: Rescuers search for hundreds buried under mud slide

Firefighters search for the missing after a collapsed dam causes a huge mudslide at a mine complex.

Source BBC News - World

Krio Borbor: Why I moved from Utah to Sierra Leone

Krio Borbor is from Utah, but speaks Krio and loves his life in Sierra Leone.

Source BBC News - World

Plus-size beauty queen: 'Pageants rebuilt my life'

Lady Mya Amarise is a British Muslim mother-of-four who wants more women like her to compete in beauty pageants.

Source BBC News - World

Kamala Harris and the US state looking to take down Trump

With a front-runner in the 2020 race, and the House Speaker winning her shutdown battle, the state is resurgent.

Source BBC News - World

Brutalist concrete of old Yugoslavia inspires new generation

Nostalgic tours of old Yugoslav urban estates are Belgrade's new cool.

Source BBC News - World

Taliban talks: Will negotiations lead to peace in Afghanistan?

Both sides describe "progress", is this the beginning of the end of Afghanistan's 17-year conflict?

Source BBC News - World

Venezuelan pirates - the new scourge of the Caribbean

As Venezuela's economy collapses, a tide of lawlessness - and piracy - is spreading to the nearby island of Trinidad.

Source BBC News - World

Fyre Festival: My front-row seat for the chaos in the Exumas

Two new documentaries detail the mess of the 2017 event in the Bahamas. This is the islanders' story.

Source BBC News - World

The mistake that led to a £1.2bn business

How two Estonian friends built popular money transfer business TransferWise.

Source BBC News - World

Crystal Palace 2-0 Tottenham Hotspur in the FA Cup fourth round

Tottenham suffer a second cup exit in four days as they lose to Crystal Palace in the FA Cup fourth round at Selhurst Park.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Australian Open 2019: Novak Djokovic motivated by pursuit of Roger Federer record

After winning his 15th major, Australian Open champion Novak Djokovic is motivated by "having a shot" at Roger Federer's record 20 Grand Slams.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Chelsea 3-0 Sheffield Wednesday in the FA Cup fourth round

Holders Chelsea comfortably beat Sheffield Wednesday in the FA Cup with Callum Hudson-Odoi scoring 24 hours after handing in a transfer request.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Big shocks, big beards & Hodgson’s silky touch – FA Cup catch-up

Watch the best goals, giantkillings and funny moments from the FA Cup fourth round, including Millwall's win over Everton and AFC Wimbledon's shock victory against West Ham.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Fernando Alonso: Former Formula 1 champion wins Daytona 24-hour race

Fernando Alonso becomes the third former Formula 1 champion to win the Daytona 24-hour race.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Tears, tantrums & YouTube - what we learned from the Australian Open

Tears, celebrations, hugs and broken racquets - we look at what the 2019 Australian Open has taught us.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Challenge Cup: Wind at Millom & Red Star Belgrade game sees backwards kick-off & 50-yard penalty

The wind wreaks havoc at Millom as first Red Star Belgrade's kick-off goes backwards before a 50-yard kick is made from the resulting penalty.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

'He's already wearing red' - Everyone's talking about Hudson-Odoi

BBC Sport pundits give their views on Callum Hudson-Odoi scoring for Chelsea in the FA Cup on the day he handed in a transfer request.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Justin Rose: Farmers Insurance Open win for world number one

World number one Justin Rose finishes 21 under to win the Farmers Insurance Open in San Diego ahead of Adam Scott.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

WBBL Cup final: Sheffield Hatters win WBBL Cup in dying seconds

Helen Naylor shoots a dramatic three-pointer with just a second of the game remaining to snatch a 62-60 victory for Sheffield Hatters over Sevenoaks Suns in the WBBL Cup final.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

WSL: Reading 0-3 Arsenal - highlights

Watch highlights as Vivianne Miedema's record-breaking 16th goal of the season helps Arsenal beat Reading in the Women's Super League.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Chelsea 3-0 Sheffield Wednesday highlights

Watch highlights as Chelsea cruise into the fifth round of the FA Cup with a comfortable 3-0 win over Sheffield Wednesday at Stamford Bridge.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Callum Hudson-Odoi doubles Chelsea's lead with 'fabulous' goal

Teenager Callum Hudson-Odoi doubles Chelsea's lead with a "fabulous" goal against Sheffield Wednesday in the FA Cup fourth-round tie at Stamford Bridge.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Willian puts Chelsea ahead against Sheffield Wednesday

Sheffield Wednesday are denied a penalty by VAR minutes before Willian converts a penalty to give Chelsea the lead in the FA Cup fourth-round tie at Stamford Bridge.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Crystal Palace 2-0 Tottenham Hotspur highlights

Watch highlights as goals from Connor Wickham - his first for 799 days - and Andros Townsend help Crystal Palace beat Tottenham Hotspur to reach the FA Cup fifth round.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Australian Open 2019: How 'scary' Novak Djokovic destroyed Rafa Nadal

Watch the best Novak Djokovic moments as he wins a record seventh Australian Open title and a third successive Grand Slam, sweeping aside Rafael Nadal in Melbourne.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Crystal Palace 2-0 Tottenham Hotspur in the FA Cup fourth round

Tottenham suffer a second cup exit in four days as they lose to Crystal Palace in the FA Cup fourth round at Selhurst Park.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Australian Open 2019: Novak Djokovic motivated by pursuit of Roger Federer record

After winning his 15th major, Australian Open champion Novak Djokovic is motivated by "having a shot" at Roger Federer's record 20 Grand Slams.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Chelsea 3-0 Sheffield Wednesday in the FA Cup fourth round

Holders Chelsea comfortably beat Sheffield Wednesday in the FA Cup with Callum Hudson-Odoi scoring 24 hours after handing in a transfer request.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Big shocks, big beards & Hodgson’s silky touch – FA Cup catch-up

Watch the best goals, giantkillings and funny moments from the FA Cup fourth round, including Millwall's win over Everton and AFC Wimbledon's shock victory against West Ham.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Fernando Alonso: Former Formula 1 champion wins Daytona 24-hour race

Fernando Alonso becomes the third former Formula 1 champion to win the Daytona 24-hour race.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Tears, tantrums & YouTube - what we learned from the Australian Open

Tears, celebrations, hugs and broken racquets - we look at what the 2019 Australian Open has taught us.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Challenge Cup: Wind at Millom & Red Star Belgrade game sees backwards kick-off & 50-yard penalty

The wind wreaks havoc at Millom as first Red Star Belgrade's kick-off goes backwards before a 50-yard kick is made from the resulting penalty.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

'He's already wearing red' - Everyone's talking about Hudson-Odoi

BBC Sport pundits give their views on Callum Hudson-Odoi scoring for Chelsea in the FA Cup on the day he handed in a transfer request.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Justin Rose: Farmers Insurance Open win for world number one

World number one Justin Rose finishes 21 under to win the Farmers Insurance Open in San Diego ahead of Adam Scott.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

WBBL Cup final: Sheffield Hatters win WBBL Cup in dying seconds

Helen Naylor shoots a dramatic three-pointer with just a second of the game remaining to snatch a 62-60 victory for Sheffield Hatters over Sevenoaks Suns in the WBBL Cup final.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

WSL: Reading 0-3 Arsenal - highlights

Watch highlights as Vivianne Miedema's record-breaking 16th goal of the season helps Arsenal beat Reading in the Women's Super League.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Chelsea 3-0 Sheffield Wednesday highlights

Watch highlights as Chelsea cruise into the fifth round of the FA Cup with a comfortable 3-0 win over Sheffield Wednesday at Stamford Bridge.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Callum Hudson-Odoi doubles Chelsea's lead with 'fabulous' goal

Teenager Callum Hudson-Odoi doubles Chelsea's lead with a "fabulous" goal against Sheffield Wednesday in the FA Cup fourth-round tie at Stamford Bridge.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Willian puts Chelsea ahead against Sheffield Wednesday

Sheffield Wednesday are denied a penalty by VAR minutes before Willian converts a penalty to give Chelsea the lead in the FA Cup fourth-round tie at Stamford Bridge.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Crystal Palace 2-0 Tottenham Hotspur highlights

Watch highlights as goals from Connor Wickham - his first for 799 days - and Andros Townsend help Crystal Palace beat Tottenham Hotspur to reach the FA Cup fifth round.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Australian Open 2019: How 'scary' Novak Djokovic destroyed Rafa Nadal

Watch the best Novak Djokovic moments as he wins a record seventh Australian Open title and a third successive Grand Slam, sweeping aside Rafael Nadal in Melbourne.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Venezuela crisis: White House 'will respond to threats against diplomats'

Washington warns against the intimidation of opposition leader Juan Guaidó and US diplomats.

Source BBC News - World

Wang Quanzhang: China jails leading human rights lawyer

The prominent lawyer was found guilty of state subversion in a case his supporters say was political.

Source BBC News - World

Brumadinho dam: 'Very low' hope for hundreds missing in Brazil

More than 300 people are missing two days after a dam collapsed as the number of dead rises to 58.

Source BBC News - World

US lifts sanctions on Putin ally's firms

The Trump administration lifts curbs on firms linked to Oleg Deripaska, despite objections from Democrats.

Source BBC News - World

Louisiana shooting: Police arrest suspect of five killed

US police have arrested Dakota Theriot, suspected of killing five people, including his parents.

Source BBC News - World

Trevor the Duck: Niue mourns 'world's loneliest duck'

Trevor, the only duck on the Pacific island of Niue, lived in a puddle and was cared for by locals.

Source BBC News - World

Duke University professor removed over 'Speak English' email

A professor loses her job as programme director after urging Chinese students to speak “100% English”.

Source BBC News - World

'Red scarves' march in Paris against yellow-vest violence

About 10,000 people call for an end to weeks of often violent yellow-vest demonstrations.

Source BBC News - World

Vogue Business: New title focuses on fashion industry

The launch of the digital title comes as the US media industry goes through another round of job cuts.

Source BBC News - World

Protesters and riot police clash in Honduras

Demonstrations mark the first anniversary of the inauguration of President Juan Orlando Hernández.

Source BBC News - World

XXXTentacion's son Gekyume arrives seven months after rapper's death

XXXTentacion's girlfriend confirms the birth of his son, seven months after he was shot dead.

Source BBC News - World

How addict Jesus survived South Africa's drug epidemic

The heroin-based cocktail that robbed a man of a decade of his life in one South African township.

Source BBC News - World

Dog whistles: The secret language politicians are using

From Obama's clothing to the Brexit campaign - how to decode the hidden messages in politics known as "dog whistles".

Source BBC News - World

Kamala Harris and the US state looking to take down Trump

With a front-runner in the 2020 race, and the House Speaker winning her shutdown battle, the state is resurgent.

Source BBC News - World

Brutalist concrete of old Yugoslavia inspires new generation

Nostalgic tours of old Yugoslav urban estates are Belgrade's new cool.

Source BBC News - World

Taliban talks: Will negotiations lead to peace in Afghanistan?

Both sides describe "progress", is this the beginning of the end of Afghanistan's 17-year conflict?

Source BBC News - World

Venezuelan pirates - the new scourge of the Caribbean

As Venezuela's economy collapses, a tide of lawlessness - and piracy - is spreading to the nearby island of Trinidad.

Source BBC News - World

Fyre Festival: My front-row seat for the chaos in the Exumas

Two new documentaries detail the mess of the 2017 event in the Bahamas. This is the islanders' story.

Source BBC News - World

The mistake that led to a £1.2bn business

How two Estonian friends built popular money transfer business TransferWise.

Source BBC News - World

Jan 27, 2019

أسرار "غير متوقعة" للضحك.. تعرف عليها

ليست النكات فقط.. ما هي الأسباب التي لا نعرفها وراء الضحك؟

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

كيف يواجه الشباب الشعور الدائم بالإرهاق؟

من بين أكثر الأشخاص عرضة للإحساس بالشعور بالإرهاق والإنهاك أولئك الذين يضطرون إلى التنقل بين بيئات معقدة ومتفاوتة، وأحيانا معادية.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

مظاهرات السودان : زواج سامح وجوهرة يلهب مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي

سامح شاب سوداني فقد عينه في المظاهرات الأخيرة لكن خطيبته طلبت منه عقد قرانهما في المستشفى لترافقه في رحلة علاجه فتحولت أروقة المشفى إلى قاعة أفراح تملؤها الزغاريد في مشهد وثق جانبا من المظاهرات في السودان. فكيف تنوعت مظاهر وأساليب الاحتجاج في السودان؟

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

Brexit: MPs facing longer hours to help break deadlock

The Commons February recess could be cancelled and the working day extended to help secure a deal.

Source BBC News - UK

UK's 'highest taxpayers' revealed in first-ever Sunday Times list

The Sunday Times names businessman Stephen Rubin and his family as the top taxpayers in the UK.

Source BBC News - UK

Prince Philip 'deeply sorry' after Sandringham car crash

Prince Philip wishes a passenger a "speedy recovery" in a note after an accident near Sandringham.

Source BBC News - UK

UK cyber-crime victims lose £190,000 a day

Police agency Action Fraud said money lost by victims increased by 24% over a six-month period.

Source BBC News - UK

Holocaust Memorial Day: 'Shocking' levels of denial remain

Holocaust survivor Steven Frank says the figures are "terribly worrying".

Source BBC News - UK

Banksy tribute to Bataclan terror victims stolen in Paris

A mural by the British artist painted in tribute to the victims of the 2015 terror attack is removed.

Source BBC News - UK

Millwall v Everton: Man slashed in face during football brawl

A fight breaks out ahead of Millwall and Everton's FA Cup clash at The Den in London.

Source BBC News - UK

Government to crack down on antique guns due to crime links

Hundreds of antique guns have been seized by police in recent years, with several linked to murders.

Source BBC News - UK

Influenza vaccine numbers down as Wales flu season begins

Social media myths about vaccine side effects are blamed for fuelling fears.

Source BBC News - UK

James Charles: Birmingham gridlocked after YouTuber visit

Roads were jammed and cars abandoned after 8,000 James Charles fans flocked to Birmingham.

Source BBC News - UK

Preston fire: Cars in flames at recycling plant blaze

About 100 vehicles were damaged at the plant in Longridge Road, Preston.

Source BBC News - UK

Amputee Marine Lee Spencer in Atlantic row record bid

Lee Spencer is aiming to beat the current able-bodied record of 96 days, 12 hours and 45 minutes.

Source BBC News - UK

Mersea Island homeless grandparents living in car

Grandparents Tina and Winston Reid have been moving around Mersea Island, in Essex.

Source BBC News - UK

Plus-size beauty queen: 'Pageants rebuilt my life'

Lady Mya Amarise is a British Muslim mother-of-four who wants more women like her to compete in beauty pageants.

Source BBC News - UK

Wetherspoons boss: The no-deal Brexit bar crawl with Tim Martin

Wetherspoons boss Tim Martin is touring 100 of his pubs, campaigning for a no-deal Brexit.

Source BBC News - UK

Destination UK: Following illegal migrants for a week, through four European ports

BBC Correspondent Colin Campbell visits four European ports migrants are using to get to the UK.

Source BBC News - UK

'I was groomed on Grindr when I was 15'

Greg wants other vulnerable teenagers to learn from his experience.

Source BBC News - UK

Running from endometriosis: 'I feel in control again'

Cecile lived with painful symptoms of endometriosis for years. Then she found running.

Source BBC News - UK

Chicken therapy helps 'to calm' autistic children

A learning centre uses chickens to teach autistic children trust and behaviour skills.

Source BBC News - UK

Newspaper headlines: Tech firms accused and Brexit stand-off

The front pages report concerns social media content may have influenced teen suicides and anticipate the next events in Brexit.

Source BBC News - UK

Why Americans love the Great British Bake Off

US viewers are bingeing the series on Netflix, setting up fan groups and hosting themed parties.

Source BBC News - UK

Do your children have a balanced diet of play?

Mindfulness has become popular in schools, but how can toys help children stay calm and talk about their emotions?

Source BBC News - UK

Boy George: The things I've learned

The pop star says he's "less uptight" than before - but confesses he's turning into his dad.

Source BBC News - UK

Reality Check: Is our pothole problem getting worse?

Winter is peak season for potholes, but is the problem becoming worse for drivers and cyclists?

Source BBC News - UK

Who was the mysterious Madame Valerie?

The founder of Patisserie Valerie has left little trace and may not even exist.

Source BBC News - UK

Behind the apps: Why we want to look different online

Three users of photo-editing apps explain why they change their self-image online.

Source BBC News - UK

Is Orkney the best place to live in the UK?

Orkney take the top spot in an annual survey ranking the best place to live in the UK.

Source BBC News - UK

Bird winners and losers over 40 years

The RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch records the birds people spot and uses the data to track their numbers.

Source BBC News - UK

Cambridge bride delighted at pockets-pose picture response

Eve Paterson and her bridesmaids kept snacks in the pockets of the specially designed dresses.

Source BBC News - UK

FA Cup Magic fourth round: Millwall's miracle, Shrews do their homework & FA Cup funnies

Watch the quirkier moments from the fourth round of the FA Cup so far, including Shrewsbury's set-piece homework, Millwall's magical last-minute winner and an outrageous outfit of the day.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

AFC Wimbledon 4-2 West Ham United in FA Cup fourth round

West Ham manager Manuel Pellegrini says his side's defeat by AFC Wimbledon is a "disaster" as the League One side pull off a stunning FA Cup shock.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

England in West Indies: Joe Root will not 'hide behind' excuses

Captain Joe Root says he will not "hide behind" excuses after England's 381-run defeat by West Indies in the first Test in Barbados.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Oldham's Peter Clarke's rollercoaster tie against Doncaster

Oldham captain Peter Clarke endures a rollercoaster FA Cup tie against Doncaster including a goal, goal-line clearance, an own goal and getting sent off.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Everton boss Marco Silva furious with FA Cup VAR rules after defeat by Millwall

Everton boss Marco Silva says the video assistant referee rules in the FA Cup "do not make sense" after his side lost 3-2 at Millwall.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Emiliano Sala: £220,000 raised for private search

Footballers and the Argentine president were among those supporting calls for rescuers to keep looking.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Manchester City 5-0 Burnley in FA Cup fourth round

Burnley boss Sean Dyche suggests Manchester City could "win everything" after Pep Guardiola's side thrash the Clarets in the FA Cup.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Laura Kenny: National Track Championships gold for Olympian on first appearance since 2015

Laura Kenny wins scratch-race gold on her first National Track Championships appearance since 2015.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Callum Hudson-Odoi hands in Chelsea transfer request

Chelsea winger Callum Hudson-Odoi hands in a transfer request as he seeks a move away from Stamford Bridge in order to get more playing time.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Marko Arnautovic: West Ham striker signs contract extension with Premier League club

West Ham striker Marko Arnautovic has signed a contract extension with the Premier League club.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Australian Open 2019: Naomi Osaka was 'robot' & Petra Kvitova is 'hurting'

Naomi Osaka says she had to be a "robot" and turn off her feelings to hold her nerve and win the Australian Open.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Formula E: GB's Sam Bird wins in Chile after Sebastien Buemi crash

Britain's Sam Bird wins Formula E's Santiago E-Prix to move second in the drivers' championship after race leader Sebastien Buemi crashes out with 15 minutes to go.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Millwall v Everton: Man slashed in face during football brawl

A fight breaks out ahead of Millwall and Everton's FA Cup clash at The Den in London.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: AFC Wimbledon 4-2 West Ham United highlights

Watch highlights as League One AFC Wimbledon pull off a stunning FA Cup shock by beating West Ham to reach the fifth round.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Millwall 3-2 Everton highlights

Watch highlights as Murray Wallace scores a dramatic 94th-minute winner to earn Millwall a famous FA Cup fourth-round win over Everton at The Den.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Manchester City 5-0 Burnley highlights

Watch highlights as Manchester City ease into the fifth round of the FA Cup by thrashing Burnley at Etihad Stadium.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup Magic fourth round: Millwall's miracle, Shrews do their homework & FA Cup funnies

Watch the quirkier moments from the fourth round of the FA Cup so far, including Shrewsbury's set-piece homework, Millwall's magical last-minute winner and an outrageous outfit of the day.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

AFC Wimbledon 4-2 West Ham United in FA Cup fourth round

West Ham manager Manuel Pellegrini says his side's defeat by AFC Wimbledon is a "disaster" as the League One side pull off a stunning FA Cup shock.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

England in West Indies: Joe Root will not 'hide behind' excuses

Captain Joe Root says he will not "hide behind" excuses after England's 381-run defeat by West Indies in the first Test in Barbados.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Oldham's Peter Clarke's rollercoaster tie against Doncaster

Oldham captain Peter Clarke endures a rollercoaster FA Cup tie against Doncaster including a goal, goal-line clearance, an own goal and getting sent off.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Everton boss Marco Silva furious with FA Cup VAR rules after defeat by Millwall

Everton boss Marco Silva says the video assistant referee rules in the FA Cup "do not make sense" after his side lost 3-2 at Millwall.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Emiliano Sala: £220,000 raised for private search

Footballers and the Argentine president were among those supporting calls for rescuers to keep looking.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Manchester City 5-0 Burnley in FA Cup fourth round

Burnley boss Sean Dyche suggests Manchester City could "win everything" after Pep Guardiola's side thrash the Clarets in the FA Cup.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Laura Kenny: National Track Championships gold for Olympian on first appearance since 2015

Laura Kenny wins scratch-race gold on her first National Track Championships appearance since 2015.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Callum Hudson-Odoi hands in Chelsea transfer request

Chelsea winger Callum Hudson-Odoi hands in a transfer request as he seeks a move away from Stamford Bridge in order to get more playing time.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Marko Arnautovic: West Ham striker signs contract extension with Premier League club

West Ham striker Marko Arnautovic has signed a contract extension with the Premier League club.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Australian Open 2019: Naomi Osaka was 'robot' & Petra Kvitova is 'hurting'

Naomi Osaka says she had to be a "robot" and turn off her feelings to hold her nerve and win the Australian Open.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Formula E: GB's Sam Bird wins in Chile after Sebastien Buemi crash

Britain's Sam Bird wins Formula E's Santiago E-Prix to move second in the drivers' championship after race leader Sebastien Buemi crashes out with 15 minutes to go.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Millwall v Everton: Man slashed in face during football brawl

A fight breaks out ahead of Millwall and Everton's FA Cup clash at The Den in London.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: AFC Wimbledon 4-2 West Ham United highlights

Watch highlights as League One AFC Wimbledon pull off a stunning FA Cup shock by beating West Ham to reach the fifth round.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Millwall 3-2 Everton highlights

Watch highlights as Murray Wallace scores a dramatic 94th-minute winner to earn Millwall a famous FA Cup fourth-round win over Everton at The Den.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Manchester City 5-0 Burnley highlights

Watch highlights as Manchester City ease into the fifth round of the FA Cup by thrashing Burnley at Etihad Stadium.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Australian Open 2019: 'Naomi Osaka beats Petra Kvitova in thrilling final

Watch highlights as Japan's Naomi Osaka beats Petra Kvitova in a dramatic Australian Open final to win back-to-back Grand Slams and become the new world number one.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Middlesbrough 1-1 Newport County highlights

Watch highlights as League Two's Newport County score a last-minute equaliser to force a replay with Championship side Middlesbrough.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Newcastle United 0-2 Watford highlights

Watch highlights as Andre Gray and Isaac Success are on target to see Watford edge past Newcastle and reach the FA Cup fifth round.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Shrewsbury Town 2-2 Wolverhampton Wanderers highlights

Watch highlights as Matt Doherty scores a late equaliser as Wolves come from two goals down to prevent League One Shrewsbury causing an FA Cup fourth-round shock.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Formula E: Sam Bird wins sizzling race in Santiago

Watch highlights as Great Britain's Sam Bird wins the Santiago E-Prix ahead of Pascal Wehrlein, with Daniel Abt third in Chile.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Man Utd's two devastating minutes at Arsenal

Watch Manchester United score two goals in two devastating minutes at Arsenal to set up a 3-1 win and reach the fifth round of the FA Cup.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Trudeau fires Canada's ambassador to China amid Huawei controversy

Justin Trudeau acted after controversial comments the ambassador made about the Huawei extradition case.

Source BBC News - World

Jolo church attack: Many killed in Philippines

One bomb went off outside the cathedral on Jolo island while a second exploded as soldiers responded.

Source BBC News - World

Banksy tribute to Bataclan terror victims stolen in Paris

A mural by the British artist painted in tribute to the victims of the 2015 terror attack is removed.

Source BBC News - World

Louisiana shootings: Five killed and suspect at large

US police are searching for a gunman suspected of killing five people, including his parents.

Source BBC News - World

Brumadinho dam collapse: Hope fades for hundreds missing in Brazil

At least 34 people are confirmed dead as rescue teams try to locate hundreds buried beneath sludge.

Source BBC News - World

Michael Jackson doc Leaving Neverland is 'disturbing and devastating'

Journalists react after watching Leaving Neverland at the Sundance Film Festival in the US.

Source BBC News - World

Taliban talks: US envoy says significant progress made in Qatar

A US envoy is heading to Kabul after six days of talks in Qatar aimed at ending the Afghan conflict.

Source BBC News - World

Venezuela crisis: Maduro given ultimatum by European leaders

A number of EU countries say they will recognise Venezuela's opposition if elections are not called.

Source BBC News - World

Kurdish protesters storm Turkish military camp in Iraq

At least one person has died after protesters attacked the camp in Iraq's Kurdish region on Saturday.

Source BBC News - World

Windmills of Your Mind composer Michel Legrand dies aged 86

During his long career, the Oscar-winning French artist wrote more than 200 film and TV scores.

Source BBC News - World

Brazil dam collapse: Rescuers search for hundreds buried under mud slide

Firefighters search for the missing after a collapsed dam causes a huge mudslide at a mine complex.

Source BBC News - World

Krio Borbor: Why I moved from Utah to Sierra Leone

Krio Borbor is from Utah, but speaks Krio and loves his life in Sierra Leone.

Source BBC News - World

Plus-size beauty queen: 'Pageants rebuilt my life'

Lady Mya Amarise is a British Muslim mother-of-four who wants more women like her to compete in beauty pageants.

Source BBC News - World

ICYMI: Snow sculpture and a robot hotel

Some stories you may have missed this week.

Source BBC News - World

The enduring appeal of violent jihad

With IS on its last legs in Syria, the BBC's Frank Gardner explores why violent jihad will endure.

Source BBC News - World

Why Americans love the Great British Bake Off

US viewers are bingeing the series on Netflix, setting up fan groups and hosting themed parties.

Source BBC News - World

#JusticeforKhadija: The long road to justice for a student stabbed 23 times

Khadija Siddiqui's attacker was sensationally acquitted in Pakistan last year, but she didn't give up.

Source BBC News - World

Venezuela: All you need to know about the crisis in seven charts

Discontent fuelled by hyperinflation, power cuts and food and medicine shortages have led to a political crisis in Venezuela. What's going on?

Source BBC News - World

Google's Brain Team: What does it do?

Tech firms hope better artificial intelligence will mean more compelling products.

Source BBC News - World

Australian Open 2019: 'Naomi Osaka beats Petra Kvitova in thrilling final

Watch highlights as Japan's Naomi Osaka beats Petra Kvitova in a dramatic Australian Open final to win back-to-back Grand Slams and become the new world number one.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Middlesbrough 1-1 Newport County highlights

Watch highlights as League Two's Newport County score a last-minute equaliser to force a replay with Championship side Middlesbrough.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Newcastle United 0-2 Watford highlights

Watch highlights as Andre Gray and Isaac Success are on target to see Watford edge past Newcastle and reach the FA Cup fifth round.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Shrewsbury Town 2-2 Wolverhampton Wanderers highlights

Watch highlights as Matt Doherty scores a late equaliser as Wolves come from two goals down to prevent League One Shrewsbury causing an FA Cup fourth-round shock.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Formula E: Sam Bird wins sizzling race in Santiago

Watch highlights as Great Britain's Sam Bird wins the Santiago E-Prix ahead of Pascal Wehrlein, with Daniel Abt third in Chile.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Man Utd's two devastating minutes at Arsenal

Watch Manchester United score two goals in two devastating minutes at Arsenal to set up a 3-1 win and reach the fifth round of the FA Cup.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

هذا الرجل أشعل الحرب الأهلية بأميركا.. وأجهض العبودية

ما بين عامي 1861 و1865، عاشت الولايات المتحدة الأميركية على وقع الحرب الأهلية التي أسفرت عن سقوط أكثر من 600 ألف قتيل أي ما يزيد عن 2 بالمئة من سكان البلاد حينها، لتصنف بذلك كأكثر نزاع دام في تاريخ

from last-pageعبد-أشعل-الحرب-الأهلية-بأميركا-وساهم-باجهاض-العبودية.html

مأساة طفل إسباني لفظ أنفاسه في بئر عميقة

عُثر على الطفل الذي سقط في بئر ضيّقة وعميقة في جنوب إسبانيا في الثالث عشر من كانون الثاني/يناير ميتا ليل الجمعة/ السبت في الموقع، إثر عمليات بحث حثيثة اكتست طابعا استثنائيا وحبست أنفاس البلد برمّته،

from last-pageمأساة-طفل-اسباني-لفظ-أنفاسه-في-بئر-عميقة.html

Jan 26, 2019

Brexit: How many trade deals has the UK done?

The UK says it want to replicate the EU's trade agreements "as far as possible".

Source BBC News - UK

Exhibition shows human face of race relations laws

A photographic exhibition in Parliament explores the impact of race relations legislation in the UK.

Source BBC News - UK

Manchester United stars 'different players' under Solskjaer - Ian Wright

Manchester United's stars look like "different players" under Ole Gunnar Solskjaer after beating Arsenal, says BBC pundit Ian Wright.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

England in West Indies: Jason Holder & Shane Dowrich dominate tourists

West Indies captain Jason Holder hits a sublime double century and Shane Dowrich makes a hundred to dominate England on day three of the first Test.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Manchester City boss Pep Guardiola opens up on challenging transfer fees and wages

Manchester City boss Pep Guardiola says he does not know how the club can become "quicker and smarter" in the transfer market.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup fourth-round predictions - Lawro v Radio 1Xtra DJs Dotty and Reece Parkinson

BBC Sport football expert Mark Lawrenson and Radio 1Xtra DJs Dotty and Reece Parkinson predict the outcome of this weekend's fourth-round FA Cup ties.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Ruud Gullit on Chelsea boss Maurizio Sarri: It is risky to publicly criticise players, even if you are right

Chelsea manager Maurizio Sarri should not say what he thinks next time he is asked about Eden Hazard, says former Blues boss and MOTD pundit Ruud Gullit.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Arsenal 1-3 Manchester United highlights

Watch highlights as Alexis Sanchez makes a goalscoring return to Arsenal to set Manchester United on their way to a fourth-round FA Cup win.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Emiliano Sala: Arsenal & Man Utd fans at Emirates Stadium pay tribute to missing Cardiff striker

Players, staff and fans at the Emirates Stadium pay tribute to missing Cardiff City striker Emiliano Sala before kick-off in the FA Cup fourth round match between Arsenal and Man Utd.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Bristol City 2-1 Bolton Wanderers highlights

Watch highlights as Bristol City come from behind to reach the FA Cup fifth round for the first time since 2000-01 with victory over Championship strugglers Bolton.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Arsenal v Manchester United - Alexis Sanchez scores against his former club

Watch as Alexis Sanchez scores the opening goal for Manchester United against his former club Arsenal in their FA Cup fourth round tie at Emirates Stadium.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Farmers Insurance Open: Justin Rose holds three-shot lead in California

England's world number one Justin Rose has a three-shot lead after the second round of the Farmers Insurance Open in California.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Australian Open: Novak Djokovic beats Lucas Pouille to reach final - best shots

Top seed Novak Djokovic sets up a tantalising Australian Open final against Rafael Nadal after beating Lucas Pouille in a one-sided semi-final.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Women's Big Bash League final: Brisbane Heat beat Sydney Sixers by three wickets

Brisbane Heat mark Australia Day with their maiden Women's Big Bash League success, beating Sydney Sixers by three wickets in the final.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Gary Lineker's running joke at Alan Shearer's expense

BBC Sport looks back on all the times Gary Lineker has teased Alan Shearer about his FA Cup medal haul through their years together presenting live matches.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Rugby league: Why are Red Star Belgrade competing in the Challenge Cup?

Red Star Belgrade's rugby league team are preparing for their Challenge Cup debut.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Justin Carr cuts Gillingham players' hair before fourth round

England football team barber Justin Carr asks Gillingham players Gabriel Zakuani and Noel Mbo who has the best and worst haircuts in the squad.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Australian Open 2019: Best shots as Rafael Nadal beats Frances Tiafo

Watch five of the best shots from Rafael Nadal's 6-3, 6-4, 6-2 win over American Frances Tiafo in the quarter-finals of the 2019 Australian Open.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Brazil dam collapse: 'Little hope' of finding missing alive

A sea of sludge from the collapse of the mine dam buried a cafeteria where workers were eating.

Source BBC News - World

Trump accepts deal for temporary end to painful shutdown

Federal agencies will reopen temporarily but there is still no money for the president's border wall.

Source BBC News - World

Spain Totalán search: Body of missing boy found

The boy, aged two, had fallen into a borehole during a family outing near Málaga nearly two weeks ago.

Source BBC News - World

Afghanistan's Ghani says 45,000 security personnel killed since 2014

More than 45,000 security personnel have been killed since 2014, President Ashraf Ghani says.

Source BBC News - World