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Nov 30, 2018

South Korean train crosses DMZ into North Korea

A group of experts will travel around North Korea working out how to update its ageing train network.

Source BBC News - World

Whale stranding: Another 50 pilot whales die off NZ

The mass stranding on Chatham Island means more than 200 whales have died off NZ in the past week.

Source BBC News - World

MeToo founder Tarana Burke: Campaign now 'unrecognisable'

Tarana Burke first used the phrase 12 years ago before it became a global movement last year.

Source BBC News - World

Australian students in mass climate protest

Thousands skip school to urge action on climate change, despite criticism from Australia's PM.

Source BBC News - World

Michael Cohen in court: Trump ex-lawyer admits lying to Congress

Michael Cohen says he lied "out of loyalty" to Mr Trump, while the president says he is "weak".

Source BBC News - World

Merkel's plane makes unscheduled landing after technical hitch

The German chancellor will miss the start of the G20 in Argentina after her flight had to turn back.

Source BBC News - World

Southwest Airlines apologises for mocking girl's name

Southwest Airlines has offered its "sincere apology" after staff mocked five-year-old Abcde Redford.

Source BBC News - World

Georgia woman jailed as 'cops mistake candy floss for meth'

A Georgia woman was charged with meth trafficking due to a faulty police drug test, says a lawsuit.

Source BBC News - World

G20: So how does the summit work?

The G20 summit of the world's most powerful leaders begins in Buenos Aires on Friday.

Source BBC News - World

Michael Cohen: What Trump lashing out at his ex-lawyer reveals

Michael Cohen is a liar and a "weak person", according to the president. Anthony Zurcher analyses his response.

Source BBC News - World

How Disney's Wreck It Ralph is challenging Disney's stereotypes

Why Ralph Breaks The Internet is the Disney sequel that is not afraid of poking fun at a Disney stereotype.

Source BBC News - World

'Miss Environment': The 11-year-old girl 'saving Lagos'

Misimi Isimi is an 11-year-old environmentalist on a mission to clean up Lagos.

Source BBC News - World

Syrian on 'sound and smell of freedom' after months in airport

Syrian Hassan al-Kontar had not been outside for nine months - but now has a new home in Canada.

Source BBC News - World

How do you make a vinyl record?

Watch behind the scenes as a vinyl record is processed from start to finish.

Source BBC News - World

Like Ali v Frazier, how Magnus Carlsen kept his World Chess title after 50 hours and 12 draws

Norway's world number one Magnus Carlsen retains his World Chess Championship after 12 draws and more than 50 hours of play - eventually beating Fabiano Caruana in a tie-breaker.

Source BBC News - World

Starbucks to block porn on free wi-fi in US

The coffee chain says watching porn has always been banned, but it will now block access to content.

Source BBC News - World

Shenzhen Half Marathon: Traffic cameras catch cheats taking shortcut

Almost 250 runners in the Shenzhen Half Marathon are caught cheating by traffic cameras that show them taking a shortcut through bushes.

Source BBC News - World

China employees fined for walking fewer than 180,000 steps

Staff at a real estate firm had to walk 6,000 steps a day in order to avoid a fine.

Source BBC News - World

Finnish lake reveals Stone Age rock art

New Stone Age art has been found at a lake in Finland.

Source BBC News - World

Sabarimala: India activist held for 'explicit' thigh photo

Rehana Fathima made an unsuccessful attempt last month to enter one of Hinduism's holiest temples.

Source BBC News - World

The French village that fears for its British community

Alet-les-Bains has benefited from a British influx and many there fear the aftermath of Brexit.

Source BBC News - World

Carmichael project: Visiting Australia's controversial Adani mine

The BBC's Vineet Khare visited the controversial Carmichael project by Indian energy giant Adani.

Source BBC News - World

'Hermione has taught me how to be angry'

The actress Noma Dumezweni, best known for playing Hermione Granger in the play Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, says women need to learn how to be angry.

Source BBC News - World

مرايا.. إدلب المنكوبة من داخلها وخارجها

حلقة جديدة يقدمها الزميل #مشاري_الذايدي بعنوان "إدلب المنكوبة من داخلها وخارجها" في برنامج #مرايا اليومي الذي يبث على شاشة "العربية" من الأحد إلى الخميس في تمام الساعة 6:45 مساء بتوقيت #السعودية،

from last-pageمرايا-ادلب-المنكوبة-من-داخلها-وخارجها0.html

قرية "للنساء فقط" شمالي سوريا

نساء كرديات في مناطق سيطرة "الإدارة الذاتية" الكردية يبنين قرية خاصة بالنساء في تجربة فريدة من نوعها.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

مخاوف من أزمة دواء في مصر بعد قرار حكومي مثير للجدل

قرار وزيرة الصحة المصرية، هالة زايد، بشأن رفع القيود نهائيا عن "مماثلات" الأدوية، التي تحتوي على نفس المادة الفعالة، يثير حالة من الجدل داخل مصر.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

سوناطراك الجزائرية توقع عقدا بقيمة 600 مليون دولار لرفع إنتاج الغاز

شركة النفط الجزائرية الحكومية سوناطراك توقع عقدا بقيمة 600 مليون دولار مع بتروفاك البريطانية من أجل رفع إنتاج الجزائر من الغاز الطبيعي، في حقول الجنوب.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

تويتر يعلق حسابا مزيفا باسم بوتين

تعليق حساب وهمي ينتحل شخصية الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين على تويتر يبث روابط رسمية باللغة الإنجليزية.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

'إنسايت' يهبط على المريخ

وكالة الفضاء الأمريكية (ناسا) نجحت في إيصال مركبة غير مأهولة (مسبار) إلى المريخ، لتهبط سالمة على سطح الكوكب الأحمر بعد سبع دقائق من دخولها مجاله الجوي، لدراسة قلب الكوكب وتكوينه الداخلي.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

"دنيانا": ناشطاتٌ في السجون

في "دنيانا" ناشطات من العالم العربي نناقش معهنّ واقع الحريات في المنطقة.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

خير الدين حسيب : قضية خاشوقجي أضعفت كل من السعودية والامارات

عبر الدكتور خير الدين حسيب الرئيس السابق لمركز دراسات الوحدة العربية عن اعتقاده بأن ما تعرف بصفقة القرن قد ماتت أو في طريقها الى الموت.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

ديلي تلغراف: فرق اغتيالات تستهدف خصوم إيران في العراق

صحيفة ديلي تلغراف تنفرد بين صحف الجمعة البريطانية بنشر تقرير ينقل عن مسؤولين أمنيين بريطانيين قولهم إن طهران تستخدم فرق اغتيالات لإسكات خصومها والمنتقدين لتدخلها في شؤون الحكومة العراقية الجديدة.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

التنمر: كيف نحمي أطفالنا من أضراره؟

أثار مقطع مصور يظهر طفلا سوريا بعمر 15 عاما، وهو يتعرض لاعتداء غير مبرر من زميل له، تنديدا كبيرا في الأوساط البريطانية خاصة بعد تداول مقطع مصور آخر يظهر أخت الضحية وهي تتعرض أيضا لاعتداء على أيدي زميلات لها في المدرسة.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

Rail fares to rise by 3.1% in January

Rail passengers will have to pay an average of 3.1% more for train tickets in 2019.

Source BBC News - UK

Hunt as couple's car 'washes-up' on beach

Susan and James Kenneavy's car was spotted on Drummore beach after a night of heavy rain and flooding.

Source BBC News - UK

Type 2 diabetes: NHS to offer 800-calorie diet treatment

A diet of soups and shakes that can reverse type 2 diabetes is to be trialled by the NHS in England.

Source BBC News - UK

Brexit: Let's focus on the deal, May tells MPs

The PM says she still hopes the Commons will back her Brexit plan as she prepares to meet G20 leaders.

Source BBC News - UK

London's Metropolitan Police force considers armed foot patrols

The Metropolitan Police commissioner says it would only be used in "extreme circumstances".

Source BBC News - UK

Norwich mum Louise Harvey died days after breast surgery

Louise Harvey developed a blood clot after the cosmetic enlargement procedure.

Source BBC News - UK

Brexit: Cross-party bid to stop 'no-deal'

Tory, Labour, SNP and other politicians will try to amend 'meaningful vote', the BBC understands.

Source BBC News - UK

Tesco and VW plan free electric car charging points

Customers can leave electric cars to charge while shopping, under a partnership with Volkswagen.

Source BBC News - UK

Smoking banned in Scottish prisons

It is estimated about 72% of Scottish prisoners smoke regularly but sales of tobacco ceased in last week.

Source BBC News - UK

Manchester man in Egypt 'spying' arrest

A 19-year-old man from Manchester is accused of spying in Egypt, his family tell the BBC.

Source BBC News - UK

Would-be Manchester bank raiders target fake vault

Two burglars break into an escape room business containing an imitation bank vault.

Source BBC News - UK

Widow's despair as rings stolen in break-in

Marie Ewing is appealing for six rings bought by her late husband to be returned.

Source BBC News - UK

World Aids Day: Lloyd Russell-Moyle MP on HIV positive status

A Labour MP revealed he has been HIV positive for nearly ten years, as the Commons debated World Aids Day.

Source BBC News - UK

Award for police officer whose car was attacked with sledgehammer

The officer warned colleagues about two men following an attack on his car in Glossop.

Source BBC News - UK

Spalding shooting brothers: We were frightened every day

Two years ago, Luke and Ryan Hart's mother and sister were shot dead by their dad in Spalding.

Source BBC News - UK

What happened when sextortion scammers targeted a BBC Trending reporter?

Investigating cyber criminals who use your password to threaten to expose you on social media.

Source BBC News - UK

'We had to pay £300 each just to view a property'

Prospective tenants at one letting agency have been asked for money in order to view rental properties.

Source BBC News - UK

Pop the question: The man who went to a fire station for help

This Ashford man had a plan to propose to his firefighter girlfriend and got all her colleagues to help.

Source BBC News - UK

Spice Girls' Mel B on 'abusive' relationships and her green tank top

Spice Girls member Mel B spoke to Woman's Hour about her new book Brutally Honest.

Source BBC News - UK

Newspaper headlines: NHS doctors and Tory MPs' festive threat

The front pages report an immigration rule change to fill health staff gaps and continue to look ahead to the Brexit deal vote.

Source BBC News - UK

Quiz of the Week: Where were two lost Morecambe and Wise tapes found?

It's the weekly news quiz - have you been paying attention to what's been going on in the world during the past seven days?

Source BBC News - UK

The French village that fears for its British community

Alet-les-Bains has benefited from a British influx and many there fear the aftermath of Brexit.

Source BBC News - UK

EastEnders: Busting myths around sexual consent

The soap airs a special episode talking about the different opinions around sexual consent.

Source BBC News - UK

'Hermione has taught me how to be angry'

The actress Noma Dumezweni, best known for playing Hermione Granger in the play Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, says women need to learn how to be angry.

Source BBC News - UK

Tea, cake and Brexit: What happened when Damon Albarn played a 200-capacity Geordie social club

Find out what happened when the Blur star performed for a tiny crowd in Cullercoats.

Source BBC News - UK

What are your rights on university initiation ceremonies

The dad of a student who died after a uni initiation is calling for expulsions, but what are the rules?

Source BBC News - UK

Brexit vote: Nine Tory tribes Theresa May needs to convince

Theresa May is trying to get her divided party to back her EU deal - here are nine factions she needs to convince.

Source BBC News - UK

Heckling: How to deal with it during a comedy show

Comedian Ian Smith offers advice on how to handle a heckler during a gig.

Source BBC News - UK

Why maternity leave can be harder and lonelier than you imagine

Maternity leave is often seen as an idyllic time but the reality is much harder, says BBC presenter Emma Barnett.

Source BBC News - UK

مرايا.. إدلب المنكوبة من داخلها وخارجها

حلقة جديدة يقدمها الزميل #مشاري_الذايدي بعنوان "إدلب المنكوبة من داخلها وخارجها" في برنامج #مرايا اليومي الذي يبث على شاشة "العربية" من الأحد إلى الخميس في تمام الساعة 6:45 مساء بتوقيت #السعودية،

from last-pageمرايا-ادلب-المنكوبة-من-داخلها-وخارجها0.html

Africa's week in pictures: 23-29 November 2018

A selection of the best photos from across Africa this week.

Source BBC News - World

Russia-Ukraine crisis clouds G20 summit in Buenos Aires

Leaders gather in Argentina amid tension with Russia over Ukraine and a US trade row with China.

Source BBC News - World

Charlottesville driver Alex Fields Jr acted in anger, trial told

The trial opens of Alex Fields Jr, who drove a car into a crowd in Virginia in 2017, killing a woman.

Source BBC News - World

Berta Cáceres: Seven convicted of murdering anti-dam activist

A Honduran court finds seven men guilty of killing renowned environmental campaigner Berta Cáceres.

Source BBC News - World

South Korean train crosses DMZ into North Korea

A group of experts will travel around North Korea working out how to update its ageing train network.

Source BBC News - World

Whale stranding: Another 50 pilot whales die off NZ

The mass stranding on Chatham Island means more than 200 whales have died off NZ in the past week.

Source BBC News - World

MeToo founder Tarana Burke: Campaign now 'unrecognisable'

Tarana Burke first used the phrase 12 years ago before it became a global movement last year.

Source BBC News - World

Australian students in mass climate protest

Thousands skip school to urge action on climate change, despite criticism from Australia's PM.

Source BBC News - World

Michael Cohen in court: Trump ex-lawyer admits lying to Congress

Michael Cohen says he lied "out of loyalty" to Mr Trump, while the president says he is "weak".

Source BBC News - World

Merkel's plane makes unscheduled landing after technical hitch

The German chancellor will miss the start of the G20 in Argentina after her flight had to turn back.

Source BBC News - World

Southwest Airlines apologises for mocking girl's name

Southwest Airlines has offered its "sincere apology" after staff mocked five-year-old Abcde Redford.

Source BBC News - World

Georgia woman jailed as 'cops mistake candy floss for meth'

A Georgia woman was charged with meth trafficking due to a faulty police drug test, says a lawsuit.

Source BBC News - World

G20: So how does the summit work?

The G20 summit of the world's most powerful leaders begins in Buenos Aires on Friday.

Source BBC News - World

Michael Cohen: What Trump lashing out at his ex-lawyer reveals

Michael Cohen is a liar and a "weak person", according to the president. Anthony Zurcher analyses his response.

Source BBC News - World

How Disney's Wreck It Ralph is challenging Disney's stereotypes

Why Ralph Breaks The Internet is the Disney sequel that is not afraid of poking fun at a Disney stereotype.

Source BBC News - World

'Miss Environment': The 11-year-old girl 'saving Lagos'

Misimi Isimi is an 11-year-old environmentalist on a mission to clean up Lagos.

Source BBC News - World

Syrian on 'sound and smell of freedom' after months in airport

Syrian Hassan al-Kontar had not been outside for nine months - but now has a new home in Canada.

Source BBC News - World

How do you make a vinyl record?

Watch behind the scenes as a vinyl record is processed from start to finish.

Source BBC News - World

Like Ali v Frazier, how Magnus Carlsen kept his World Chess title after 50 hours and 12 draws

Norway's world number one Magnus Carlsen retains his World Chess Championship after 12 draws and more than 50 hours of play - eventually beating Fabiano Caruana in a tie-breaker.

Source BBC News - World

Starbucks to block porn on free wi-fi in US

The coffee chain says watching porn has always been banned, but it will now block access to content.

Source BBC News - World

Shenzhen Half Marathon: Traffic cameras catch cheats taking shortcut

Almost 250 runners in the Shenzhen Half Marathon are caught cheating by traffic cameras that show them taking a shortcut through bushes.

Source BBC News - World

China employees fined for walking fewer than 180,000 steps

Staff at a real estate firm had to walk 6,000 steps a day in order to avoid a fine.

Source BBC News - World

Sabarimala: India activist held for 'explicit' thigh photo

Rehana Fathima made an unsuccessful attempt last month to enter one of Hinduism's holiest temples.

Source BBC News - World

The French village that fears for its British community

Alet-les-Bains has benefited from a British influx and many there fear the aftermath of Brexit.

Source BBC News - World

Carmichael project: Visiting Australia's controversial Adani mine

The BBC's Vineet Khare visited the controversial Carmichael project by Indian energy giant Adani.

Source BBC News - World

'Hermione has taught me how to be angry'

The actress Noma Dumezweni, best known for playing Hermione Granger in the play Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, says women need to learn how to be angry.

Source BBC News - World

Africa's week in pictures: 23-29 November 2018

A selection of the best photos from across Africa this week.

Source BBC News - World

التنمر: كيف نحمي أطفالنا من أضراره؟

أثار مقطع مصور يظهر طفلا سوريا بعمر 15 عاما، وهو يتعرض لاعتداء غير مبرر من زميل له، تنديدا كبيرا في الأوساط البريطانية خاصة بعد تداول مقطع مصور آخر يظهر أخت الضحية وهي تتعرض أيضا لاعتداء على أيدي زميلات لها في المدرسة.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

التنمر: كيف نحمي أطفالنا من أضراره؟

أثار مقطع مصور يظهر طفلا سوريا بعمر 15 عاما، وهو يتعرض لاعتداء غير مبرر من زميل له، تنديدا كبيرا في الأوساط البريطانية خاصة بعد تداول مقطع مصور آخر يظهر أخت الضحية وهي تتعرض أيضا لاعتداء على أيدي زميلات لها في المدرسة.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

Nov 29, 2018

Are free ports the future?

Can free ports spark a post-Brexit manufacturing boom? Jonty Bloom reports from Teesside, which plans to become the UK's first free port.

Source BBC News - UK

Huawei: Why has UK not blocked Chinese firm's 5G kit?

New Zealand's bar on the company's 5G kit raises questions about why the UK seems less concerned.

Source BBC News - UK

Brexit: Why is everyone talking about fishing?

The industry accounts for just 0.1% of the UK's economy but it is a big issue when it comes to Brexit.

Source BBC News - UK

Dream debuts... and a few nightmares

After Swindon teenager Sol Pryce scored 18 seconds into his senior career, some more dream debuts - and some nightmare ones.

Source BBC News - UK

'I fought injury to win X Games BMX medal'

Alex Donnachie speaks about his win, overcoming his injury, and Scotland's thriving BMX scene.

Source BBC News - UK

Would you hand over your mobile phone for a free meal?

Kids will eat free at Frankie & Benny's this week if their parents surrender their phones to staff.

Source BBC News - UK

مرايا.. إدلب المنكوبة من داخلها وخارجها

حلقة جديدة يقدمها الزميل #مشاري_الذايدي بعنوان "إدلب المنكوبة من داخلها وخارجها" في برنامج #مرايا اليومي الذي يبث على شاشة "العربية" من الأحد إلى الخميس في تمام الساعة 6:45 مساء بتوقيت #السعودية،

from last-pageمرايا-ادلب-المنكوبة-من-داخلها-وخارجها0.html

حكم قضائى بحبس رئيس جامعة دمنهور لعدم تنفيذ قرار بترقية أستاذة بكلية التجارة

قضت محكمة جنح دمنهور برئاسة المستشار محمود حجازى بحبس الدكتور "ع .ص" رئيس جامعة دمنهور و" ع. ح" آمين عام الجامعة شهرين وكفالة ألف جنيه لعدم تنفيذ قرار بترقية أستاذة بكلية التجارة.
المصدر:اليوم السابع
حكم قضائى بحبس رئيس جامعة دمنهور لعدم تنفيذ قرار بترقية أستاذة بكلية التجارة

Source rss-حوادثحكم-قضائى-بحبس-رئيس-جامعة-دمنهور-لعدم-تنفيذ-قرار-بترقية/4049397

Senate moves to end Yemen war support

Senators are unhappy with the response to the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Source BBC News - World

Philippines drug war: Police guilty of murdering Kian Delos Santos

Three officers are jailed for killing a 17-year-old, in a case that sparked public anger.

Source BBC News - World

Ukraine-Russia sea clash: Poroshenko urges Nato to send ships

The Ukrainian president urges Nato to deploy ships in the Sea of Azov after a clash with Russia.

Source BBC News - World

Japanese firm to pay out over war labour

A South Korean court orders Mitsubishi Heavy to compensate Koreans for their forced war work.

Source BBC News - World

John Jarratt: Wolf Creek actor to stand trial on rape charge

Australian actor John Jarratt has denied that he attacked a woman in Sydney in 1976.

Source BBC News - World

Georgia elects Salome Zurabishvili as first woman president

Salome Zurabishvili pledges a balanced approach from Georgia towards Russia and the West.

Source BBC News - World

Au pairs 'exploited by Australian families'

A majority of holidaymakers working as au pairs in Australia are being exploited, a study suggests.

Source BBC News - World

World Chess Championship: Magnus Carlsen retains title

After 12 draws in 12 games, Magnus Carlsen beat US opponent Fabiano Caruana in a tie-breaker event.

Source BBC News - World

G4S: Kabul compound attacked with bomb and gunfire

Ten die in an explosion and gunfire at one of the British security firm's bases in the Afghan capital.

Source BBC News - World

Ivanka Trump says her private emails not like Clinton's

Donald Trump's daughter says there is "no equivalency" between her personal email use and Hillary Clinton's.

Source BBC News - World

Nancy Pelosi wins nomination for Speaker of the House

The veteran Democrat has once again outflanked rank-and-file rebels to win the nomination.

Source BBC News - World

What happened when sextortion scammers targeted a BBC Trending reporter?

Investigating cyber criminals who use your password to threaten to expose you on social media

Source BBC News - World

The Romanian forest that's disappearing

Why one of Europe's last great beech forests is facing the chop.

Source BBC News - World

'I was adopted at 60'

Tamara Cheremnova overturned her misdiagnosis by writing fairy tales and has become known as the Siberian Storyteller.

Source BBC News - World

Pope Francis charmed as small boy interrupts general audience

Pope Francis chuckles at the interruption, but later explains the child's "undisciplined" behaviour.

Source BBC News - World

Climate change: 'It is a global issue we are all failing'

UN chief Antonio Guterres warns the rise of nationalism is hurting efforts to tackle global warming.

Source BBC News - World

Spice Girls' Mel B on 'abusive' relationships and her green tank top

Spice Girls member Mel B spoke to Woman's Hour about her new book Brutally Honest.

Source BBC News - World

Gritty: How a NHL mascot became an internet sensation

Meet Gritty: a polarising seven-foot orange monster taking social media and the NHL by storm.

Source BBC News - World

Israel unveils 9,000-year-old mask from the West Bank

The artefact has been traced back to the area around Hebron in the south of the occupied West Bank.

Source BBC News - World

Finnish lake reveals Stone Age rock art

New Stone Age art has been found at a lake in Finland.

Source BBC News - World

Queensland bushfires: The town spared an 'uncharted' catastrophe

A mass evacuation in Gracemere, Australia, has magnified worries about "historic" bushfire conditions.

Source BBC News - World

Togolese innovators turn the world's junk into robots

How the 500,000 tonnes of e-waste that Togo imports each year has become a goldmine for its innovators.

Source BBC News - World

Six charts on the immigrants who call the US home

The US is a country shaped by immigrants - but what do we know about those who live there now?

Source BBC News - World

The tiny German town fighting back against neo-Nazis

Ostritz has a few thousand residents, but has become a focal point for neo-Nazis. Now it's fighting back.

Source BBC News - World

Huawei: Why has UK not blocked Chinese firm's 5G kit?

New Zealand's bar on the company's 5G kit raises questions about why the UK seems less concerned.

Source BBC News - World

هل فشلت زيارة محمد بن سلمان لتونس؟

صحف عربية تعلق على الزيارة القصيرة لولي العهد السعودي الأمير محمد بن سلمان إلى تونس قادماً من مصر، على وقع احتجاجات شعبية على زيارته على خلفية مقتل الصحفي السعودي جمال خاشقجي في قنصلية بلاده في اسطنبول.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

مرايا.. إدلب المنكوبة من داخلها وخارجها

حلقة جديدة يقدمها الزميل #مشاري_الذايدي بعنوان "إدلب المنكوبة من داخلها وخارجها" في برنامج #مرايا اليومي الذي يبث على شاشة "العربية" من الأحد إلى الخميس في تمام الساعة 6:45 مساء بتوقيت #السعودية،

from last-pageمرايا-ادلب-المنكوبة-من-داخلها-وخارجها0.html

تعلم فن الاعتذار.. وانتبه من الإسراف

كثيرا ما يجد بعض الناس أنه يبدي الأسف لخطأ ما، بقوله كلمة آسف، ثم يعاود الكرة ليعتذر بالمزيد من التأسف حتى يدمن هذه العادة.ووصفت جيسيكا بوسطن، خبيرة التنويم الإيحائي والعلاجي البريطانيين بأنهم من أكثر

from last-pageتعلم-فن-الاعتذار-وانتبه-من-الاسراف.html

Tottenham 1-0 Inter Milan: Christian Eriksen scores late winner for home team

Tottenham can still qualify for the Champions League knockout stages after a late Christian Eriksen winner against Inter Milan.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Champions League: PSG 2-1 Liverpool

Liverpool face a nervy battle to reach the Champions League knockout stage after suffering a damaging defeat against an impressive Paris St-Germain.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Deontay Wilder v Tyson Fury: News conference descends into chaos

Tyson Fury and Deontay Wilder's final news conference descended into chaos as they clashed on stage three days before their heavyweight bout.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

هل حققت جولة بن سلمان العربية أهدافها؟

ولي العهد السعودي محمد بن سلمان يواصل جولته العربية بزيارة تونس التي تشهد رفضا شعبيا للزيارة وخلافا حول الغرض من الجولة وما إذا كانت قد حققت أهدافها

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

Tottenham 1-0 Inter Milan: Christian Eriksen scores late winner for home team

Tottenham can still qualify for the Champions League knockout stages after a late Christian Eriksen winner against Inter Milan.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Champions League: PSG 2-1 Liverpool

Liverpool face a nervy battle to reach the Champions League knockout stage after suffering a damaging defeat against an impressive Paris St-Germain.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Deontay Wilder v Tyson Fury: News conference descends into chaos

Tyson Fury and Deontay Wilder's final news conference descended into chaos as they clashed on stage three days before their heavyweight bout.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Aston Villa 5-5 Nottingham Forest: Tammy Abraham scores four in 10-goal draw

Aston Villa and 10-man Nottingham Forest play out an incredible 10-goal draw as Tammy Abraham hits four for the hosts.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

How England salvaged their year - wagging tails, record sixes, and tight finishes

From a "mega-collapse" to eight wins in a row - BBC cricket statistician Andy Zaltzman analyses how England ended 2018 on such a high.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

PSV Eindhoven 1-2 Barcelona: La Liga side top Champions League group with game to spare

Barcelona's 2-1 victory at PSV Eindhoven ensures they will reach the Champions League knockout stage as Group B winners.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

UK Championship: Shaun Murphy knocked out by world number 124 Chen Feilong

World number nine Shaun Murphy is shocked by China's Chen Feilong in the first round of the UK Championship.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Napoli's Kalidou Koulibaly: the Senegalese who could have been world champion

Former France youth Kalidou Koulibaly has no regrets about choosing Senegal above the reigning world champions.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Chris Smalling: Spag bol, quinoa & avocados - Manchester United star's vegan favourites

Vegan spaghetti bolognese, quinoa & porridge - Manchester United centre-back Chris Smalling chats to Football Focus about what it's like to be vegan in the dressing room.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Aaron Rai: the glove-wearing British Asian taking the golf world by storm

Aaron Rai won the Hong Kong Open wearing his trademark gloves and is one of several golfers of Indian descent taking the tour by storm.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

NFL: Aaron Rodgers' record against best is 'indefensible' - Osi Umenyiora

The NFL This Week team discuss Aaron Rodgers' performances for Green Bay, with Osi Umenyiora describing his record against the top sides as "indefensible".

Source BBC Sport - Sport

LGBT: Survey shows greater desire to challenge anti-LGBT language at sports events

More than half of British people think it is important that anti-LGBT language is challenged at sporting events, but only a quarter are willing to do it.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Russian doping: Wada officials aim for Moscow lab visit in December

World Anti-Doping Agency officials say "points still need to be ironed out" before they are given full access to a suspended Moscow anti-doping laboratory.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Jose Mourinho water bottle incident: No action over celebration

Jose Mourinho will face no action over throwing a crate of water bottles in celebration of Manchester United's late winner against Young Boys.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

African Footballer Of The Year: Kalidou Koulibaly's booming header for Napoli

Watch 'African Footballer of the Year' nominee and Senegal international Kalidou Koulibaly score a booming header for Napoli against Juventus.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Wilder v Fury: Heavyweight boxers clash at LA news conference

Heavyweight boxers Tyson Fury and Deontay Wilder clash on stage at their pre-fight news conference in Los Angeles.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Matchday Warm Up: Level One

Sean Dyche has a warm up routine to put you through your paces! Can you keep up?

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Robbie Keane: Watch striker's goals from World Cup 2002

Watch all three of Robbie Keane's goals for Ireland at the 2002 World Cup in South Korea and Japan.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

NFL This Week: Osi & Jason get into a fight over Seattle Seahawks & Russell Wilson

NFL This Week's Jason Bell & Osi Umenyiora get into an argument over whether Russell Wilson is carrying the Seattle Seahawks or if there is more to the team this season.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Liverpool: Jurgen Klopp excited by translator's 'erotic' voice

Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp compliments the translator's "erotic voice" during a pre-match press conference ahead of their Champions League clash against PSG.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Tyson Fury: Boxer's incredible weight-loss before Deontay Wilder fight

BBC Sport discovers how Tyson Fury lost 10 stone over the last 12 months, through training and a highly unconventional diet.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Man Utd 1-0 Young Boys: Critics should try management - Jose Mourinho

Man Utd boss Jose Mourinho is unhappy with criticism of his reaction to Marcus Rashford missing a chance during their 1-0 win over Young Boys.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

تعلم فن الاعتذار.. وانتبه من الإسراف

كثيرا ما يجد بعض الناس أنه يبدي الأسف لخطأ ما، بقوله كلمة آسف، ثم يعاود الكرة ليعتذر بالمزيد من التأسف حتى يدمن هذه العادة.ووصفت جيسيكا بوسطن، خبيرة التنويم الإيحائي والعلاجي البريطانيين بأنهم من أكثر

from last-pageتعلم-فن-الاعتذار-وانتبه-من-الاسراف.html

Togolese innovators turn the world's junk into robots

How the 500,000 tonnes of e-waste that Togo imports each year has become a goldmine for its innovators.

Source BBC News - World

Six charts on the immigrants who call the US home

The US is a country shaped by immigrants - but what do we know about those who live there now?

Source BBC News - World

The tiny German town fighting back against neo-Nazis

Ostritz has a few thousand residents, but has become a focal point for neo-Nazis. Now it's fighting back.

Source BBC News - World

Huawei: Why has UK not blocked Chinese firm's 5G kit?

New Zealand's bar on the company's 5G kit raises questions about why the UK seems less concerned.

Source BBC News - World

حكم قضائى بحبس رئيس جامعة دمنهور لعدم تنفيذ قرار بترقية أستاذة بكلية التجارة

قضت محكمة جنح دمنهور برئاسة المستشار محمود حجازى بحبس الدكتور "ع .ص" رئيس جامعة دمنهور و" ع. ح" آمين عام الجامعة شهرين وكفالة ألف جنيه لعدم تنفيذ قرار بترقية أستاذة بكلية التجارة.
المصدر:اليوم السابع
حكم قضائى بحبس رئيس جامعة دمنهور لعدم تنفيذ قرار بترقية أستاذة بكلية التجارة

Source rss-حوادثحكم-قضائى-بحبس-رئيس-جامعة-دمنهور-لعدم-تنفيذ-قرار-بترقية/4049397

تجديد حبس متهم 15 يومًا بتهمة الانضمام لجماعة إرهابية والتحريض ضد الدولة

جددت نيابة أمن الدولة العليا، حبس وليد شوقى 15 يومًا لاتهامه بنشر أخبار كاذبة من شأنها التأثير على الأمن القومى للبلاد.
المصدر:اليوم السابع
تجديد حبس متهم 15 يومًا بتهمة الانضمام لجماعة إرهابية والتحريض ضد الدولة

Source rss-حوادثتجديد-حبس-متهم-15-يومًا-بتهمة-الانضمام-لجماعة-إرهابية-والتحريض/4049410

تنفيذ 1184 حكما متنوعا وضبط 107 هاربًا من أحكام قضائية فى الإسماعيلية

شنت إدارة مباحث تنفيذ الأحكام بمديرية أمن الإسماعيلية حملة أمنية تنفيذا لتوجيهات وتعليمات اللواء محمد على حسين مدير امن الإسماعيلية وتمكنت الحملة من تنفيذ 1184 حكمًا
المصدر:اليوم السابع
تنفيذ 1184 حكما متنوعا وضبط 107 هاربًا من أحكام قضائية فى الإسماعيلية

Source rss-حوادثتنفيذ-1184-حكما-متنوعا-وضبط-107-هاربًا-من-أحكام-قضائية/4049409

النيابة تستدعى كوافير شهير بالدقى متهم بحرق شعر صحفية باستخدام مادة مجهولة

طلبت نيابة الدقى، استدعاء مصفف شعر شهير بالمنطقة، لسماع أقواله فى اتهامه بالتسبب فى حرق شعر صحفية، طلبت منه عمل بروتين لشعرها، وتسبب فى تلفه لاستخدامها مادة مجهولة،
المصدر:اليوم السابع
النيابة تستدعى كوافير شهير بالدقى متهم بحرق شعر صحفية باستخدام مادة مجهولة

Source rss-حوادثالنيابة-تستدعى-كوافير-شهير-بالدقى-متهم-بحرق-شعر-صحفية-باستخدام/4049271

Aston Villa 5-5 Nottingham Forest: Tammy Abraham scores four in 10-goal draw

Aston Villa and 10-man Nottingham Forest play out an incredible 10-goal draw as Tammy Abraham hits four for the hosts.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

How England salvaged their year - wagging tails, record sixes, and tight finishes

From a "mega-collapse" to eight wins in a row - BBC cricket statistician Andy Zaltzman analyses how England ended 2018 on such a high.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

PSV Eindhoven 1-2 Barcelona: La Liga side top Champions League group with game to spare

Barcelona's 2-1 victory at PSV Eindhoven ensures they will reach the Champions League knockout stage as Group B winners.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

UK Championship: Shaun Murphy knocked out by world number 124 Chen Feilong

World number nine Shaun Murphy is shocked by China's Chen Feilong in the first round of the UK Championship.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Napoli's Kalidou Koulibaly: the Senegalese who could have been world champion

Former France youth Kalidou Koulibaly has no regrets about choosing Senegal above the reigning world champions.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Chris Smalling: Spag bol, quinoa & avocados - Manchester United star's vegan favourites

Vegan spaghetti bolognese, quinoa & porridge - Manchester United centre-back Chris Smalling chats to Football Focus about what it's like to be vegan in the dressing room.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Aaron Rai: the glove-wearing British Asian taking the golf world by storm

Aaron Rai won the Hong Kong Open wearing his trademark gloves and is one of several golfers of Indian descent taking the tour by storm.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

NFL: Aaron Rodgers' record against best is 'indefensible' - Osi Umenyiora

The NFL This Week team discuss Aaron Rodgers' performances for Green Bay, with Osi Umenyiora describing his record against the top sides as "indefensible".

Source BBC Sport - Sport

LGBT: Survey shows greater desire to challenge anti-LGBT language at sports events

More than half of British people think it is important that anti-LGBT language is challenged at sporting events, but only a quarter are willing to do it.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Russian doping: Wada officials aim for Moscow lab visit in December

World Anti-Doping Agency officials say "points still need to be ironed out" before they are given full access to a suspended Moscow anti-doping laboratory.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Jose Mourinho water bottle incident: No action over celebration

Jose Mourinho will face no action over throwing a crate of water bottles in celebration of Manchester United's late winner against Young Boys.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

African Footballer Of The Year: Kalidou Koulibaly's booming header for Napoli

Watch 'African Footballer of the Year' nominee and Senegal international Kalidou Koulibaly score a booming header for Napoli against Juventus.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Wilder v Fury: Heavyweight boxers clash at LA news conference

Heavyweight boxers Tyson Fury and Deontay Wilder clash on stage at their pre-fight news conference in Los Angeles.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Matchday Warm Up: Level One

Sean Dyche has a warm up routine to put you through your paces! Can you keep up?

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Robbie Keane: Watch striker's goals from World Cup 2002

Watch all three of Robbie Keane's goals for Ireland at the 2002 World Cup in South Korea and Japan.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

NFL This Week: Osi & Jason get into a fight over Seattle Seahawks & Russell Wilson

NFL This Week's Jason Bell & Osi Umenyiora get into an argument over whether Russell Wilson is carrying the Seattle Seahawks or if there is more to the team this season.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Liverpool: Jurgen Klopp excited by translator's 'erotic' voice

Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp compliments the translator's "erotic voice" during a pre-match press conference ahead of their Champions League clash against PSG.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Tyson Fury: Boxer's incredible weight-loss before Deontay Wilder fight

BBC Sport discovers how Tyson Fury lost 10 stone over the last 12 months, through training and a highly unconventional diet.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Man Utd 1-0 Young Boys: Critics should try management - Jose Mourinho

Man Utd boss Jose Mourinho is unhappy with criticism of his reaction to Marcus Rashford missing a chance during their 1-0 win over Young Boys.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

هل فشلت زيارة محمد بن سلمان لتونس؟

صحف عربية تعلق على الزيارة القصيرة لولي العهد السعودي الأمير محمد بن سلمان إلى تونس قادماً من مصر، على وقع احتجاجات شعبية على زيارته على خلفية مقتل الصحفي السعودي جمال خاشقجي في قنصلية بلاده في اسطنبول.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

بلدة إيطالية "يعشق" سكانها بريطانيا العظمى

بلدة "سكيو" الإيطالية تعلن نفسها في كل عام بلدة "بريطانيةً" ليوم واحد، ليرفرف علم المملكة المتحدة في أجوائها.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

Nov 28, 2018

Sergio Aguero nets equaliser as Man City draw in Lyon

Pep Guardiola says Lyon were "one of the toughest teams" Manchester City have ever faced after the teams shared a 2-2 draw in France.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Irish club apologise after falsely reporting player's death

Dublin amateur team Ballybrack FC apologise after falsely reporting the death of one of its players.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Kick It Out says reports of racism and homophobia continue to rise

Reports of discriminatory abuse in football increased 11% last season - a sixth successive annual rise.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Georgia Hall: Order of Merit winner vows to top world rankings

England's Georgia Hall has vowed to become world number one after becoming the youngest player to win two consecutive Ladies European Tour Order of Merit titles.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Alexander Wurz to lead all-female W Series selection programme

Ex-Formula 1 driver Alexander Wurz will lead the assessment programme the new all-female W Series will use to select competitors.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Ellis Jenkins: Wales and Cardiff Blues flanker waits for specialist's verdict

Wales flanker Ellis Jenkins will see a specialist after suffering a knee injury against South Africa and hopes his World Cup dream is not over.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Carabao Cup: Leicester City beat Southampton on penalties

Leicester beat Southampton 6-5 on penalties to set up a Carabao Cup quarter-final tie with Manchester City.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Juventus' Medhi Benatia: Moroccan was expelled by France's top academy but still made it to top

Expelled from France's top academy as a teenager, Morocco captain Medhi Benatia took the long road to the top.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

England v Uganda: Roses edge out She Cranes 50-46 in Liverpool

England avoided a shock home defeat by Uganda with a 50-46 win in their first match of the series at Liverpool's Echo Arena

Source BBC Sport - Sport

UK Championship: Judd Trump joins Ding Junhui and Neil Robertson in round two

Judd Trump makes light work of joining fellow former champions Ding Junhui and Neil Robertson in round two of the UK Championship.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

NFL: Lamar Miller's 97-yard run helps Houston Texans beat Tennessee Titans

Lamar Miller's 97-yard touchdown run helps extend the Houston Texans' winning streak to eight games as they beat the Tennessee Titans 34-17 on Monday night.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

African Footballer Of The Year: Medhi Benatia's determined goal for Juventus against Roma

Watch African Footballer of the Year nominee and Morocco international Medhi Benatia score a determined goal for Juventus against Roma.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Dai Greene 'bitter' over mesh that almost ended his career

British athlete Dai Greene says he is "bitter and frustrated" after surgery to repair a minor hernia meant he lost five years of his career.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

NBA: Houston Rockets' James Harden scores 54 points in loss to Washington Wizards

Houston Rockets star James Harden scores 54 points and provides 13 assists in his side's 135-131 overtime loss against the Washington Wizards.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Netball: Can England's Jade & Nat handle our quiz?

England's Commonwealth Games netball gold medallists Jade Clarke and Natalie Haythornthwaite take on our netball challenge.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Lion Air crash: Investigators say plane was 'not airworthy'

An initial report into the crash that killed 189 people says Lion Air should improve its safety culture.

Source BBC News - World

Chinese scientist He Jiankui defends 'world's first gene-edited babies'

He Jiankui shocked the world by claiming he had created the world's first genetically edited children.

Source BBC News - World

Ukraine-Russia sea clash: Trump may cancel G20 Putin talks

"I don't like the aggression," the US leader says after Russia seizes Ukrainian boats off Crimea.

Source BBC News - World

Queensland bushfires: Thousands told to flee 'catastrophic' threat

Queensland's fire danger warning has been raised to "catastrophic" for the first time.

Source BBC News - World

Republican wins Mississippi Senate vote marked by race row

Cindy Hyde-Smith holds off a strong Democratic challenge in a vote overshadowed by racial acrimony.

Source BBC News - World

US sanctions on Nicaragua's Vice-President Rosario Murillo

Rosario Murillo, wife of President Ortega, and her security adviser are accused of human rights abuses.

Source BBC News - World

Nato state appoints first female head of armed forces

Major General Alenka Ermenc will take up her post as chief of the Slovenian army on Wednesday.

Source BBC News - World

Trump ramps up GM threats

Mr Trump says he is looking at "cutting all GM subsidies", but it is not clear what he has in mind.

Source BBC News - World

John Magufuli: Tanzania prefers 'condition-free' Chinese aid

President Magufuli says that unlike Western aid, funding from China "is not tied to any conditions".

Source BBC News - World

Sydney storms: Hundreds call for help amid flash-flooding

Emergency crews respond to hundreds of calls on the city's wettest November day since 1984.

Source BBC News - World

Gavin Ford: British radio host found dead at home in Lebanon

Gavin Ford was a popular voice on the airwaves in Lebanon, where he had lived for two decades.

Source BBC News - World

SpongeBob SquarePants creator Stephen Hillenburg dies aged 57

Stephen Hillenburg created the hugely popular animated series, which began in 1999.

Source BBC News - World

This baby gender reveal sparked a week-long US wildfire

Dennis Dickey was fined $8m in damages after the news burned 45,000 acres of southern Arizona.

Source BBC News - World

Young Asian poets in the UK share their stories

Four young poets share their experiences about what life is really like for Asians in the UK.

Source BBC News - World

The two Swedish mums who want people to give up flying for a year

Two climate-conscious Swedish mums have launched a campaign urging people not to fly in 2019.

Source BBC News - World

Denmark's queen designs ballet costumes

Denmark's Queen Margrethe II designed costumes and scenery for a production of The Nutcracker.

Source BBC News - World

'The day humans land on Mars is coming'

The probe has already taken its first picture from the surface of the red planet.

Source BBC News - World

Fentanyl in cocaine: The deadly truth of new drugs cocktail

A surge in cocaine deaths is being blamed on fentanyl, a synthetic opioid far stronger than morphine.

Source BBC News - World

Footage shows people-smuggling plans over Channel crossing

An undercover BBC reporter found people-smuggling operations being organised at makeshift camps in northern France.

Source BBC News - World

Sinatra the husky returns home after 2,200-mile adventure

Sinatra the husky was found in Florida 18 months after vanishing in New York. Here's how he got home.

Source BBC News - World

Irish club apologise after falsely reporting player's death

Dublin amateur team Ballybrack FC apologise after falsely reporting the death of one of its players.

Source BBC News - World

Injured baby refuels India Kashmir pellet gun debate

A 19-month old, hit in her right eye by a pellet gun in Indian-administered Kashmir, sparks anger.

Source BBC News - World

John Allen Chau: Do missionaries help or harm?

In the wake of John Allen Chau's murder by a tribe, how should the world see missionary work?

Source BBC News - World

The fight over the right to name Australian places

Many Australians would like to see place names reflect a more modern, equal nation.

Source BBC News - World

Trump loves the military. Do they love him back?

President Trump has insulted military commanders and used the troops for political purposes, say his critics. Yet many of those who serve in the military adore him. Why?

Source BBC News - World

Fahmida Riaz: Pakistan poet who dared to talk about female desire

Fahmida Riaz was a feminist, progressive writer who broke taboos that have returned to modern Pakistan.

Source BBC News - World

Marijuana, mountains and money: How Lesotho is cashing in

Lesotho aims to make money from medicinal marijuana but the illicit trade already provides an income for some.

Source BBC News - World

Nato state appoints first female head of armed forces

Major General Alenka Ermenc will take up her post as chief of the Slovenian army on Wednesday.

Source BBC News - World

Trump ramps up GM threats

Mr Trump says he is looking at "cutting all GM subsidies", but it is not clear what he has in mind.

Source BBC News - World

John Magufuli: Tanzania prefers 'condition-free' Chinese aid

President Magufuli says that unlike Western aid, funding from China "is not tied to any conditions".

Source BBC News - World

Sydney storms: Hundreds call for help amid flash-flooding

Emergency crews respond to hundreds of calls on the city's wettest November day since 1984.

Source BBC News - World

Gavin Ford: British radio host found dead at home in Lebanon

Gavin Ford was a popular voice on the airwaves in Lebanon, where he had lived for two decades.

Source BBC News - World

SpongeBob SquarePants creator Stephen Hillenburg dies aged 57

Stephen Hillenburg created the hugely popular animated series, which began in 1999.

Source BBC News - World

This baby gender reveal sparked a week-long US wildfire

Dennis Dickey was fined $8m in damages after the news burned 45,000 acres of southern Arizona.

Source BBC News - World

Young Asian poets in the UK share their stories

Four young poets share their experiences about what life is really like for Asians in the UK.

Source BBC News - World

The two Swedish mums who want people to give up flying for a year

Two climate-conscious Swedish mums have launched a campaign urging people not to fly in 2019.

Source BBC News - World

Denmark's queen designs ballet costumes

Denmark's Queen Margrethe II designed costumes and scenery for a production of The Nutcracker.

Source BBC News - World

Footage shows people-smuggling plans over Channel crossing

An undercover BBC reporter found people-smuggling operations being organised at makeshift camps in northern France.

Source BBC News - World

Sinatra the husky returns home after 2,200-mile adventure

Sinatra the husky was found in Florida 18 months after vanishing in New York. Here's how he got home.

Source BBC News - World

Irish club apologise after falsely reporting player's death

Dublin amateur team Ballybrack FC apologise after falsely reporting the death of one of its players.

Source BBC News - World

Injured baby refuels India Kashmir pellet gun debate

A 19-month old, hit in her right eye by a pellet gun in Indian-administered Kashmir, sparks anger.

Source BBC News - World

John Allen Chau: Do missionaries help or harm?

In the wake of John Allen Chau's murder by a tribe, how should the world see missionary work?

Source BBC News - World

The fight over the right to name Australian places

Many Australians would like to see place names reflect a more modern, equal nation.

Source BBC News - World

Trump loves the military. Do they love him back?

President Trump has insulted military commanders and used the troops for political purposes, say his critics. Yet many of those who serve in the military adore him. Why?

Source BBC News - World

Fahmida Riaz: Pakistan poet who dared to talk about female desire

Fahmida Riaz was a feminist, progressive writer who broke taboos that have returned to modern Pakistan.

Source BBC News - World

Marijuana, mountains and money: How Lesotho is cashing in

Lesotho aims to make money from medicinal marijuana but the illicit trade already provides an income for some.

Source BBC News - World

Dai Greene 'bitter' over mesh that almost ended his career

British athlete Dai Greene says he is "bitter and frustrated" after surgery to repair a minor hernia meant he lost five years of his career.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

NBA: Houston Rockets' James Harden scores 54 points in loss to Washington Wizards

Houston Rockets star James Harden scores 54 points and provides 13 assists in his side's 135-131 overtime loss against the Washington Wizards.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Netball: Can England's Jade & Nat handle our quiz?

England's Commonwealth Games netball gold medallists Jade Clarke and Natalie Haythornthwaite take on our netball challenge.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

بلدة إيطالية "يعشق" سكانها بريطانيا العظمى

بلدة "سكيو" الإيطالية تعلن نفسها في كل عام بلدة "بريطانيةً" ليوم واحد، ليرفرف علم المملكة المتحدة في أجوائها.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

ما علاقة سيوف "الساموراي" باستكشاف الفضاء؟

نوع من الصلب اسْتُخْدِمَ لصنع سيوف "الساموراي" في اليابان قد يصبح وسيلة مثالية لاقتطاع أجزاءٍ من الكويكبات، والحصول على عينات منها.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

هل حققت جولة بن سلمان العربية أهدافها؟

ولي العهد السعودي محمد بن سلمان يواصل جولته العربية بزيارة تونس التي تشهد رفضا شعبيا للزيارة وخلافا حول الغرض من الجولة وما إذا كانت قد حققت أهدافها

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

Brexit deal: Treasury to publish economic impact analysis

The Treasury's Brexit forecasts are to be published as the PM heads to Scotland to defend her deal.

Source BBC News - UK

NHS crackdown on silk garment prescriptions

There is limited evidence they are effective for patients with eczema and dermatitis, draft guidance says.

Source BBC News - UK

Cost of 118 calls to be capped after charges soar

Most popular directory enquiries service charges more than £11 for a 90 second call, regulator says.

Source BBC News - UK

Post-natal PTSD: 'I relived childbirth over and over again'

A woman who suffered PTSD from a traumatic birth shares her story, as experts warn about misdiagnosis.

Source BBC News - UK

County lines and youth cuts blamed as knife crime rises

Cuts to youth services and county lines gangs are blamed as knife crime rises by a quarter.

Source BBC News - UK

Becky Parker killing: Matthew Smith 'slipped through the net'

Matthew Smith was jailed for strangling his pregnant ex-partner with cable ties in July 2015.

Source BBC News - UK

Grenfell Tower inquiry: Expert says fridge-freezer started blaze

An electrical expert tells the inquiry the fire probably started because of overheated wiring.

Source BBC News - UK

'Fraudsters exploited my angry tweet'

A writer thought he was dealing with a bank after complaining of poor service, but it was a con-artist.

Source BBC News - UK

Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust remains 'inadequate'

Inspectors say patients were repeatedly failed, as a charity calls for the government to intervene.

Source BBC News - UK

UK ports face 'major disruption' in case of no-deal Brexit, MPs warn

A Commons committee says plans for avoiding disruption around UK ports are "worryingly under-developed".

Source BBC News - UK

Samantha Gosney death: Man charged with murder

Adam Brettle is accused of killing Samantha Gosney who died from multiple stab wounds at her home.

Source BBC News - UK

Prince William and Kate to honour Leicester helicopter crash victims

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will visit the site outside Leicester City's stadium where five people died.

Source BBC News - UK

'Period poverty' sanitary products 'improve school attendance'

A school says attendance has risen after providing pupils with free menstrual products.

Source BBC News - UK

Footage shows people-smuggling plans over Channel crossing

An undercover BBC reporter found people-smuggling operations being organised at makeshift camps in northern France.

Source BBC News - UK

Batman cosplay couple spend £10k on superhero outfits

Two cosplayers love Batman so much they've named their daughter after one of the Caped Crusader's foes.

Source BBC News - UK

Brian Loughans, 82, delivers takeaway curries in a suit and tie

The West Yorkshire man won the title at the British Takeaway Awards in London.

Source BBC News - UK

Young Asian poets in the UK share their stories

Four young poets share their experiences about what life is really like for Asians in the UK.

Source BBC News - UK

Baroness Trumpington: From Bletchley Park to the House of Lords

A look back at the life of Baroness Trumpington, who has died at the age of 96.

Source BBC News - UK

Newspaper headlines: Brexit advice 'block' and £5m Harry security

Theresa May's Brussels deal remains on several front pages but the tabloids focus on royal stories.

Source BBC News - UK

Ian Wright reveals he used to 'cry himself to sleep'

Ian Wright opens up on his childhood, having to deal with a cruel stepfather and the teacher that changed his life.

Source BBC News - UK

The people who return most of what they buy

Serial returners are raising costs for struggling shops, but why do they do it and what should shops do?

Source BBC News - UK

Domestic abuse: 'Children are the hidden victims'

A teenager who grew up in a family with domestic abuse explains the impact this has had on her.

Source BBC News - UK

Celeb diet tea: 'I was addicted and drank it every day for six months'

Jameela Jamil is campaigning on social media against influencers claiming they lost weight by with tea.

Source BBC News - UK

'I was married and divorced in my 20s'

Three people explain how it feels to be a young divorcee in 2018?

Source BBC News - UK

So long and thanks for all the fish? Dutch fear Brexit threat

Many Dutch fisherman fish under UK flags, and a Brexit deal could jeopardise their livelihoods.

Source BBC News - UK

What is Giving Tuesday and how to help

The #GivingTuesday hashtag is trending - but what is it, where did it come from and what are people doing?

Source BBC News - UK

The shifting power at the heart of the UK's 'spy' row

UK student Matthew Hedges may have been released by the UAE, but the balance of power has changed.

Source BBC News - UK

Nov 27, 2018

Boy, 10, meets his 'superman' life-saver

Rupert Cross has made a full recovery from a rare blood disease thanks to a bone marrow donor.

Source BBC News - UK

UK jobs: 'London is where my business works'

Seamstress and pattern cutter Nyheke Lambert says she had to move from Birmingham to London to make her business work.

Source BBC News - UK

Nurse had menopause symptoms twice before turning 40

Cardiac nurse Nicky Williams says she wants to break the taboo over the menopause.

Source BBC News - UK

Matthew Hedges pardon a 'happy surprise'

The wife of British academic Matthew Hedges expressed her relief at the UAE's decision to pardon him.

Source BBC News - UK

Donald Trump: Brexit agreement is 'great deal for EU'

President Trump has cast doubt on whether the UK will be able to make a trade deal with the US.

Source BBC News - UK

Waitrose's ex-'killing vegans' editor meets vegan

What happens when the editor who joked about killing vegans meets the journalist who got him fired?

Source BBC News - UK

Sisters to meet cereal boss over palm oil

The youngsters, aged 11 and eight, have been invited to meet the UK boss of Kellogg's.

Source BBC News - UK

South Yorkshire Police officer follows grandfather's footsteps

Insp James Sheard of South Yorkshire Police patrols the same beat as his grandfather, 90 years on.

Source BBC News - UK

Newspaper headlines: Trump 'sticks the boot in' on Brexit deal

Comments by the US president on a future US-UK trade deal attract front page headlines.

Source BBC News - UK

Catherine Marks on working with Kanye West and The Amazons

Award-winning music producer Catherine Marks gives her tips on getting into the industry.

Source BBC News - UK

Inside Sellafield's death zone with the nuclear clean-up robots

As Sellafield's Thorp nuclear reprocessing plant closes, the huge and dangerous clean-up begins.

Source BBC News - UK

The real model army helping veterans with mental health issues

Veterans with PTSD are making scale models to focus their mind and aid treatment.

Source BBC News - UK

The female shipbuilder cast aside after the war

Janet Harvey is 96 and is finally being recognised for her work in the shipyards during the war.

Source BBC News - UK

Viewpoint: Are vegans really 'extreme'?

Selene Nelson faced anti-vegan abuse after the resignation of the Waitrose Food magazine editor. Here she wonders why.

Source BBC News - UK

شكوك بشأن الإعلان عن "أول مولود معدل وراثيا"

علماء يستهجنون إعلان باحث صيني مساعدته في ميلاد أول رضيع معدل وراثيا، لحمايته من الإصابة بمرض الأيدز.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

البريكست سيكلف بريطانيا 100 مليار استرليني كل سنة

الاتفاقية التي تبنتها الحكومة البريطانية للخروج من الاتحاد الأوروبي ستكلفها 100 مليار استرليني سنويا بحلول عام 2030، بحسب دراسة للمعهد الوطني للدراسات الاقتصادية والاجتماعية.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

هل تغنينا التكنولوجيا الرقمية عن الأطباء تماما؟

التقدم في مجالات الذكاء الاصطناعي وتشخيص الحالات المرضية وتكنولوجيا جمع البيانات قد يؤدي إلى ثورة بشأن كيفية حصولنا على الرعاية الصحية.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

وفاة المخرج الإيطالي برناردو برتولوتشي

وفاة برناردو برتولوتشي، الإيطالي الذي أخرج افلاما شهيرة كالتانغو الأخير في باريس والامبراطور الأخير، في روما عن 77 عاما.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

لاعب وسط تشيلسي نغولو كانتي يوقع عقدا جديدا أمده 5 سنوات مع اللندني

لاعب خط وسط المنتخب الفرنسي وتشيلسي نغولو كانتي يوقع عقدا جديدا أمده 5 سنوات مع اللندني.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

عالم الكتب: " جسور الحب" رواية عربية عن الحريق اللندني

في الحلقة الجديدة من " عالم الكتب" لقاء مع الكاتبة اللبنانية المقيمة في لندن مريم مشتاوي عن روايتها " جسور الحب، غرينفيل تاور" التي تتناول رحلة لاجئة جزائرية من قسنطينة إلى لندن.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

ثورة "ظفار" وحرب فيتنام في "المشهد" مع المخرجة هيني سرور

في العام 1971 قصدت المخرجة هيني سرور منطقة ظُفار في سلطنة عمان لصنع فيلم عن الانتفاضة ضد الحاكم سعيد بن تيمور والتي سيطرت على الإقليم من عام 1965 الى 1975.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

التايمز: الاستفزاز الروسي الأخير ضد أوكرانيا تصعيد خطير

شح اهتمام الصحف البريطانية الصادرة الثلاثاء بالقضايا العربية والشرق أوسطية، وتناولت عددا من القضايا الدولية من بينها احتجاز القوات الروسية ثلاث سفن حربية أوكرانية قبالة سواحل شبه جزيرة القرم، وعفو الإمارات عن طالب دكتوراة بريطاني مدان بالتجسس. كما تناولت الصحف البريطانية اتفاق خروج بريطانيا من الاتحاد الأوروبي.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

ماذا يريد بن سلمان من أول جولة خارجية له منذ مقتل خاشقجي؟

هذه هي أول جولة خارجية يقوم بها ولي العهد السعودي محمد بن سلمان منذ تفجر أزمة مقتل الصحفي جمال خاشقجي بقنصلية بلاده في مدينة إسطنبول التركية.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

كيف يتعرض البدناء للتمييز عند التسوق؟

التحيز ضد الآخرين بسبب وزن أجسادهم له تأثير قد يمتد إلى جوانب أخرى عديدة وغير متوقعة في حياتنا اليومية.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

كيف تعرف أن شريك حياتك يُسيء معاملتك؟

طبيبة نفسية مكسيكية متخصصة في شؤون العائلات والأزواج، تشرح كيفية التعرف على مواصفات شريك الحياة المسيء في كتاب بعنوان "كيفية تحديد الشريك المُسيء".

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

تعلم فن الاعتذار.. وانتبه من الإسراف

كثيرا ما يجد بعض الناس أنه يبدي الأسف لخطأ ما، بقوله كلمة آسف، ثم يعاود الكرة ليعتذر بالمزيد من التأسف حتى يدمن هذه العادة.ووصفت جيسيكا بوسطن، خبيرة التنويم الإيحائي والعلاجي البريطانيين بأنهم من أكثر

from last-pageتعلم-فن-الاعتذار-وانتبه-من-الاسراف.html

قرار أنقذ الاتحاد السوفيتي خلال الحرب العالمية الثانية

يوم الثاني والعشرين من شهر يونيو/حزيران سنة 1941 أعلنت ألمانيا عن بدأ عملية بربروسا (Barbarossa) الهادفة لغزو أراضي الاتحاد السوفيتي.وبموجب ذلك انهارت اتفاقية عدم الاعتداء الموقعة بين الطرفين

from last-pageقرار-أنقذ-الاتحاد-السوفيتي-خلال-الحرب-العالمية-الثانية-.html

"البيت" قاتل النساء الأول.. 6 يقتلن كل ساعة على يد قريب

في اليوم العالمي لمناهضة العنف ضد المرأة، يحفل العديد من البلدان حول العالم، ومنها البلدان العربية، بجرائم كثيرة تطال النساء، يرتكبها زوج أو قريب أو أخ غاضب.كما لا تزال ما يسمى "جرائم الشرف" تغسل

from last-pageالبيت-قاتل-النساء-الأول-6-يقتلن-كل-ساعة-على-يد-قريب-.html

الهند تسعى وراء جثة أميركي قتلته قبيلة معزولة بالسهام

أعلنت الشرطة الهندية، الأحد، أن عناصرها تمركزوا على بعد مئات الأمتار فقط من جزيرة #نورث_سنتينل لمراقبة أفراد قبيلة منعزلة قتلت قبل أيام مبشّرا مسيحيا لأنها ترفض أي اتصال مع الخارج.وكان المبشّر

from last-pageقبيلة-هندية-معزولة-قتلت-مبشرا-أميركيا-بالسهام.html

كيف تعرف أن شريك حياتك يُسيء معاملتك؟

طبيبة نفسية مكسيكية متخصصة في شؤون العائلات والأزواج، تشرح كيفية التعرف على مواصفات شريك الحياة المسيء في كتاب بعنوان "كيفية تحديد الشريك المُسيء".

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

الهند تسعى وراء جثة أميركي قتلته قبيلة معزولة بالسهام

أعلنت الشرطة الهندية، الأحد، أن عناصرها تمركزوا على بعد مئات الأمتار فقط من جزيرة #نورث_سنتينل لمراقبة أفراد قبيلة منعزلة قتلت قبل أيام مبشّرا مسيحيا لأنها ترفض أي اتصال مع الخارج.وكان المبشّر

from last-pageقبيلة-هندية-معزولة-قتلت-مبشرا-أميركيا-بالسهام.html

شاهد مرايا: كيف حمى السعوديون وطنهم؟

حلقة جديدة يقدمها الزميل #مشاري_الذايدي بعنوان "كيف حمى السعوديون وطنهم؟" في برنامج #مرايا اليومي الذي يبث على شاشة "العربية" من الأحد إلى الخميس في تمام الساعة 6:45 مساء بتوقيت #السعودية، ويناقش شؤون

from last-pageشاهد-مرايا-كيف-حمى-السعوديون-وطنهم؟.html

Paul Manafort: Trump ex-aide lied to FBI, Mueller said

Investigator Robert Mueller loses a key witness in his probe on alleged Russian election meddling.

Source BBC News - World

Ukraine-Russia clash: MPs back martial law

Authorities can now restrict public rallies and regulate the media amid rising tension with Russia.

Source BBC News - World

John Allen Chau: India 'puts on hold' efforts to retrieve body

Indian officials are reluctant to disturb the protected Sentinelese tribe who killed John Allen Chau.

Source BBC News - World

Brexit: Trump says May's Brexit plan could hurt UK-US trade deal

The US president says agreement struck by Theresa May "sounds like a great deal for the EU".

Source BBC News - World

Mars: Nasa lands InSight robot to study planet's interior

The US space agency's robot is the first mission aiming to study the Red Planet's deep interior.

Source BBC News - World

Gamer arrested 'after rape overheard on gaming stream'

Daniel Enrique Fabian, 18, is facing two charges after allegedly being overheard assaulting a 15-year-old.

Source BBC News - World

French official 'suspected of spying for North Korea'

Benoît Quennedey is quizzed over "delivery of information to a foreign power", reports say.

Source BBC News - World

China defends holding fugitive businessman's US children

The American children of one of China's most-wanted fugitives are barred from leaving the country.

Source BBC News - World

GM to slash jobs and close eight plants

US President Donald Trump attacks the carmaker's plans, which will affect more than 14,000 jobs in North America.

Source BBC News - World

Trump on climate change report: 'I don't believe it'

Government scientists warn that unchecked global warming will wreak havoc on the US economy.

Source BBC News - World

Italy budget: Rome vows to stick to plans, despite EU concerns

Despite weeks of pressure from the European Commission, Italy says its high-spending budget is "fixed".

Source BBC News - World

'Asleep' pilot missed destination in Australia, officials say

The small plane went almost 50km (30 miles) too far before landing safely, officials say.

Source BBC News - World

Fentanyl in cocaine: The deadly truth of new drugs cocktail

A surge in cocaine deaths is being blamed on fentanyl, a synthetic opioid far stronger than morphine.

Source BBC News - World

'The day humans land on Mars is coming'

The probe has already taken its first picture from the surface of the red planet.

Source BBC News - World

Russia and Ukraine: Why tensions between them are so high

Footage of a collision between a Russian and a Ukrainian boat was posted by the Ukrainian Interior Minister.

Source BBC News - World

The electric scooter scheme taking over Paris

Hundreds of the two-wheeled vehicles have appeared on the city's streets, but some residents have voiced concerns over the scheme.

Source BBC News - World

Why is India's largest camel fair struggling?

A recent change in the law means many camel breeders in Rajasthan are struggling to find buyers.

Source BBC News - World

Donald Trump: Brexit agreement is 'great deal for EU'

President Trump has cast doubt on whether the UK will be able to make a trade deal with the US.

Source BBC News - World

Mars InSight: The moment of touchdown

The touchdown confirmation came through shortly after 19:50 GMT.

Source BBC News - World

Armageddon looms in World Chess Championship final

Two grandmasters vying for the €1m prize head to tiebreakers after drawing 12 games in a row.

Source BBC News - World

Koreas win joint bid to recognise ancient wrestling as cultural gem

North and South Korea join forces and win world cultural heritage status for an ancient sport.

Source BBC News - World

Indonesia tsunami: 'It’s an absolute miracle' my child survived

Hundreds of children were lost after a deadly tsunami hit Indonesia, but there have since been some extraordinary reunions.

Source BBC News - World

The agony over an American dream

They faced a perilous journey to reach the US. Now, there is a tortuous process to win asylum.

Source BBC News - World

Afghan Shias in the firing line: 'IS wants to wipe us out'

Afghanistan's Shia Hazara community are living in fear, with many fleeing the country due to IS violence.

Source BBC News - World

The man who spent decades befriending isolated Sentinelese tribe

Indian anthropologist T N Pandit shares his memories of the group accused of killing an American.

Source BBC News - World

Why Ukraine-Russia sea clash is fraught with risk

The BBC's Jonah Fisher in Kiev looks at what led to Sunday's naval clash in the Sea of Azov.

Source BBC News - World

UAE 'spy' row reveals shifts in power

UK student Matthew Hedges may have been released by the UAE, but the balance of power has changed.

Source BBC News - World

Burnley 1-2 Newcastle United: Rafael Benitez's side win third consecutive game

Newcastle move up to 13th in the Premier League as they capitalise on Burnley's defensive frailties to record their third successive victory.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Sean Cox: Liverpool v Roma attack victim's wife on impact of serious assault

The wife of Liverpool fan Sean Cox, seriously injured by an attack outside Anfield in April, tells BBC sports editor Dan Roan what she hopes the future holds.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Ashley Cole: LA Galaxy release former Arsenal, Chelsea and England left-back

Former England left-back Ashley Cole is released by LA Galaxy after his contract at the Major League Soccer club expires.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

UK Championship: Stuart Bingham says snooker in catch-22 over betting

Snooker is in a catch-22 situation in being sponsored by betting companies as "it would not be a sport without them", says ex-world champion Stuart Bingham.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

NFL: Seattle Seahawks' Chris Carson does 360 flip and carries on running

Seattle Seahawks running back Chris Carson is tackled, makes a 360 degree flip, and carries on running in his team's 30-27 win over the Carolina Panthers.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Alexander Albon: Toro Rosso deal for 2019 for British-born Thai driver

Red Bull junior team Toro Rosso has signed Alexander Albon, competing their line-up for 2019.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Manchester United v Young Boys

Manchester United manager Jose Mourinho says he will "walk" to their Champions League game against Young Boys if the traffic situation is not better.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Atletico Madrid's Thomas Partey: The midfielder who left Africa in secret to move to Spain

From dusty pitches in Ghana to the Europa League final, Thomas Partey has come along way on his footballing journey.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Joe Schmidt: Out-going coach's lasting legacy on Irish rugby

Joe Schmidt's influence on Irish rugby spreads far beyond the achievements on the field and will be felt long after he returns to New Zealand.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Better concussion protocols needed in sport, say MPs

MPs are calling on the government to introduce better concussion rules in sport, with one saying "there will be fatalities" if the situation does not improve.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

McLaren have no regrets about split from engine partner Honda, says chairman

The McLaren Group's chairman says he has no regrets about the decision to split from engine partner Honda before the 2018 season.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

England v Uganda: Roses' World Cup preparations continue

The England Roses are preparing for next year's Netball World Cup with a home international series against Uganda.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

WSL round-up: Best goals and a shocking back-pass

Manchester City's Steph Houghton and Reading's Brooke Chaplin feature in the WSL round-up, while leaders Arsenal win their ninth consecutive match in the Women's Super League.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

NFL: Juju Smith-Schuster, Jared Cook & Saquon Barkley star in plays of the week

The Pittsburgh Steelers' Juju Smith-Schuster "turns on the jets" for a stunning 97-yard touchdown, while Saquon Barkley and Jared Cook also star in NFL plays of the week.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Nobody leads dressing room celebrations like Diego Maradona

Head coach Diego Maradona celebrates with his Sinaloa Dorados team after reaching the final of the Ascenso MX - the Mexican second tier.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

WSL Highlights: Arsenal Women 4-1 Brighton & Hove Albion Women

Watch highlights as league leaders Arsenal come from a goal behind to beat Brighton 4-1 and maintain their 100% start in the Women's Super League.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Bournemouth 1-2 Arsenal: Win vital to top four chase - Unai Emery

Arsenal manager Unai Emery says that Arsenal needed 'important' win to stay in pursuit of a top four finish this season.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Autumn Internationals: England 37-18 Australia - highlights

Watch highlights as England score 24 second-half points to cruise to a brilliant victory over Australia, in their final test of the Autumn series.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Burnley 1-2 Newcastle United: Rafael Benitez's side win third consecutive game

Newcastle move up to 13th in the Premier League as they capitalise on Burnley's defensive frailties to record their third successive victory.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Sean Cox: Liverpool v Roma attack victim's wife on impact of serious assault

The wife of Liverpool fan Sean Cox, seriously injured by an attack outside Anfield in April, tells BBC sports editor Dan Roan what she hopes the future holds.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Ashley Cole: LA Galaxy release former Arsenal, Chelsea and England left-back

Former England left-back Ashley Cole is released by LA Galaxy after his contract at the Major League Soccer club expires.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

UK Championship: Stuart Bingham says snooker in catch-22 over betting

Snooker is in a catch-22 situation in being sponsored by betting companies as "it would not be a sport without them", says ex-world champion Stuart Bingham.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

NFL: Seattle Seahawks' Chris Carson does 360 flip and carries on running

Seattle Seahawks running back Chris Carson is tackled, makes a 360 degree flip, and carries on running in his team's 30-27 win over the Carolina Panthers.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Alexander Albon: Toro Rosso deal for 2019 for British-born Thai driver

Red Bull junior team Toro Rosso has signed Alexander Albon, competing their line-up for 2019.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Manchester United v Young Boys

Manchester United manager Jose Mourinho says he will "walk" to their Champions League game against Young Boys if the traffic situation is not better.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Atletico Madrid's Thomas Partey: The midfielder who left Africa in secret to move to Spain

From dusty pitches in Ghana to the Europa League final, Thomas Partey has come along way on his footballing journey.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Joe Schmidt: Out-going coach's lasting legacy on Irish rugby

Joe Schmidt's influence on Irish rugby spreads far beyond the achievements on the field and will be felt long after he returns to New Zealand.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Better concussion protocols needed in sport, say MPs

MPs are calling on the government to introduce better concussion rules in sport, with one saying "there will be fatalities" if the situation does not improve.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

McLaren have no regrets about split from engine partner Honda, says chairman

The McLaren Group's chairman says he has no regrets about the decision to split from engine partner Honda before the 2018 season.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

England v Uganda: Roses' World Cup preparations continue

The England Roses are preparing for next year's Netball World Cup with a home international series against Uganda.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

WSL round-up: Best goals and a shocking back-pass

Manchester City's Steph Houghton and Reading's Brooke Chaplin feature in the WSL round-up, while leaders Arsenal win their ninth consecutive match in the Women's Super League.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

NFL: Juju Smith-Schuster, Jared Cook & Saquon Barkley star in plays of the week

The Pittsburgh Steelers' Juju Smith-Schuster "turns on the jets" for a stunning 97-yard touchdown, while Saquon Barkley and Jared Cook also star in NFL plays of the week.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Nobody leads dressing room celebrations like Diego Maradona

Head coach Diego Maradona celebrates with his Sinaloa Dorados team after reaching the final of the Ascenso MX - the Mexican second tier.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Nov 26, 2018

العربية.نت.. قدور طبخ في "اللوفر" ومباراة بالكلاشينكوف

عرضت فقرة "العربية.نت اليوم"، الأحد، مجموعة من الأخبار المنوعة من تقديم #هبة_فارس، ضمن برنامج #صباح_العربية.من صفحة السعودية فنانة تستخدم قدور الطبخ في لوحة فنية بمتحف اللوفر في أبوظبي.من صفحة إيران،

from last-pageالعربية-نت-قدور-طبخ-في-اللوفر-ومباراة-بالكلاشينكوف.html

لماذا لا يكشف معظم ضحايا الاغتصاب تفاصيل الحادث؟

معظم ضحايا الاعتداء الجنسي لا يقرون بما تعرضوا إليه بمجرد وقوعه، وأحيانا يواصلون النفي إلى الأبد، والسبب في ذلك يرجع لشعور بالوصم وكذلك للكيفية التي يتجاوب بها الجسم تلقائيا مع الصدمة!

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

تونس: لماذا تصاعدت دعوات اتحاد الشغل للإضراب الآن؟

الاتحاد التونسي العام للشغل يصعد ضد الحكومة ويدعو إلى إضراب عام في يناير القادم احتجاجا على تردي الأحوال المعيشية للتونسيين وتساؤلات عن مغزى التوقيت

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

ليلة سوداء لـ #ريال_مدريد و #تشيلسي، وفوز كبير لكل من #توتنهام و #ليفربول و #سيتي

رواد مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي يتفاعلون مع مباريات كرة القدم في الدوري الانجليزي والإسباني على مدار عطلة نهاية الأسبوع.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

نشطاء المعارضة السورية ينددون باغتيال رائد الفارس ويتهمون "النصرة"

تفاعل عبر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي مع خبر مقتل المذيع السوري والناشط في حقوق الانسان رائد الفارس في أوساط نشطاء المعارضة السورية.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

كيف تحولت قاعدة عسكرية أمريكية بين الكوريتين إلى معرض فني؟

مراسل بي بي سي ستيفين ماكدونيل يرصد كيف تحولت قاعدة عسكرية أمريكية مهجورة بالقرب من كوريا الشمالية إلى معرض فني.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

House of CB's Conna Walker: Meet the young British designer loved by Beyonce

Conna Walker went from selling clothes on eBay to creating House of CB, which is beloved by stars.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Bristol band Idles top 6 Music's list of best 2018 albums

The band have made the LP of the year with their "wit, fury and frustration," BBC 6 Music DJs say.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Judge Dredd publisher Rebellion to open Oxfordshire film studio

A disused newspaper factory in Didcot, Oxfordshire, has been purchased by media company Rebellion.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Strictly: What even is a Lindy hop-a-thon?

For the first time dancers on Strictly Come Dancing performed a Lindy hop-a-thon but there was a technical glitch when it came to the results.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

'Virtual safari': Wildlife photos from around the world

A new exhibition highlights the work of the 2018 Nature’s Best Photography award winners.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Strictly Come Dancing: Scoreboard causes chaos

Head judge Shirley Ballas had trouble reading out the scores due to a technical difficulty.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

How an accordion got this 66-year-old a modelling career

Larisa Mikhaltsova's life changed three years ago when was spotted playing music in a Ukraine restaurant.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

النيابة تصرح بدفن أمين شرطة صدمه قطار أثناء عبوره السكة الحديد بالبدرشين

صرحت النيابة العامة بجنوب الجيزة بدفن جثة أمين شرطة توفى بعدما اصطدم به قطار أثناء عبوره شريط السكة الحديد بالبدرشين،
المصدر:اليوم السابع
النيابة تصرح بدفن أمين شرطة صدمه قطار أثناء عبوره السكة الحديد بالبدرشين

Source rss-حوادثالنيابة-تصرح-بدفن-أمين-شرطة-صدمه-قطار-أثناء-عبوره-السكة/4045220

البحث عن المتهمين باحتجاز سمسار بسبب خلافات مالية بأبو النمرس

تكثف الإدارة العامة لمباحث الجيزة تحرياتها لضبط المتهمين باحتجاز سمسار داخل منزله بأبو النمرس، انتقامًا منه بسبب خلافات مالية بينهما.
المصدر:اليوم السابع
البحث عن المتهمين باحتجاز سمسار بسبب خلافات مالية بأبو النمرس

Source rss-حوادثالبحث-عن-المتهمين-باحتجاز-سمسار-بسبب-خلافات-مالية-بأبو-النمرس/4045370

حبس 6 متهمين بخطف طفل بتحريض من والده بمدينة نصر

أمرت نيابة أول مدينة نصر برئاسة المستشار أحمد لبيب ،وبإشراف المستشار تامر العربى المحامى العام بحبس 6 متهمين فى واقعة خطف طفل بتحريض من والده 4 أيام
المصدر:اليوم السابع
حبس 6 متهمين بخطف طفل بتحريض من والده بمدينة نصر

Source rss-حوادثحبس-6-متهمين-بخطف-طفل-بتحريض-من-والده-بمدينة-نصر/4045330

كيف تحولت قاعدة عسكرية أمريكية بين الكوريتين إلى معرض فني؟

مراسل بي بي سي ستيفين ماكدونيل يرصد كيف تحولت قاعدة عسكرية أمريكية مهجورة بالقرب من كوريا الشمالية إلى معرض فني.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

العربية.نت.. قدور طبخ في "اللوفر" ومباراة بالكلاشينكوف

عرضت فقرة "العربية.نت اليوم"، الأحد، مجموعة من الأخبار المنوعة من تقديم #هبة_فارس، ضمن برنامج #صباح_العربية.من صفحة السعودية فنانة تستخدم قدور الطبخ في لوحة فنية بمتحف اللوفر في أبوظبي.من صفحة إيران،

from last-pageالعربية-نت-قدور-طبخ-في-اللوفر-ومباراة-بالكلاشينكوف.html

Syria war: Aleppo 'gas attack' sparks Russia strikes

Moscow targets rebels near Aleppo after accusing them of launching a chemical attack on the city.

Source BBC News - World

Uganda party boat capsizes on Lake Victoria, killing 29

The vessel was carrying close to 100 people, some well known, when it capsized near Kampala.

Source BBC News - World

Mexico Caravan: US shuts crossing after migrants rush Tijuana border

Mexico's interior ministry says it will deport the roughly 500 migrants who made a run for the border.

Source BBC News - World

Mars InSight: Inside NASA's mission control

As NASA prepares to land on Mars, Victoria Gill has been to the centre of operations and found out about an unusual tradition.

Source BBC News - World

Brexit: 'I'm never changing my mind' says Juncker

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker insists the Brexit deal agreed by the EU is the only one.

Source BBC News - World

Young in Iran: 'People think we're terrorists'

Sina, a musician from Tehran, spoke to the BBC about culture, travel, social media, and his rather unexpected job.

Source BBC News - World

Boca Juniors v River Plate final in Copa Libertadores postponed after team bus attacked.

Clashes between Boca Juniors and River Plate have injured players and delayed the Copa Libertadores final.

Source BBC News - World

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe case: Jeremy Hunt on Tehran visit

Jeremy Hunt told the BBC's Andrew Marr about a visit to Tehran to check on the Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe case.

Source BBC News - World

What is life like after Eurovision?

Israeli singer Netta Barzilai won the Eurovision Song Contest 2018. Six months on she tells us what life is like.

Source BBC News - World

'The blackface scandal that rocked my campus'

The emergence of a photo of a student wearing blackface caused days of tension at Cal Poly university. Student journalist Megan Schellong was there.

Source BBC News - World

Surging Greens shake up German coalition politics

The Green vote swelled in Bavaria and Hesse - so could the party get into government in Berlin?

Source BBC News - World

Ghana's fantasy coffins: Taking the final journey in style

A car, a plane, or a chilli pepper - what kind of coffin do you want to be buried in?

Source BBC News - World

Trans Mountain: The billion-dollar oil pipeline Canadians own and can’t build

Canada bought the pipeline despite fierce opposition to a project that would triple its capacity.

Source BBC News - World

'Virtual safari': Wildlife photos from around the world

A new exhibition highlights the work of the 2018 Nature’s Best Photography award winners.

Source BBC News - World

Russia-Ukraine tensions rise after Kerch Strait ship capture

Protesters burn a car belonging to the Russian embassy in Kiev as the government considers martial law.

Source BBC News - World

Migrant caravan: Mexico to deport group which stormed US border

A group of about 500 Central Americans tried to cross into the US illegally on Sunday.

Source BBC News - World

Whale stranding in New Zealand leaves 145 dead

It's not clear why the two pods washed up on the Stewart Island but officials say they couldn't be saved.

Source BBC News - World

Queensland bushfires: Evacuations amid 'highly unusual' conditions

Hundreds evacuate their homes in Queensland amid "unprecedented" weather conditions, officials say.

Source BBC News - World

Five things to know for the week ahead

Your Monday briefing on some of the most important stories coming up over the next seven days.

Source BBC News - World

Needle found in strawberry punnet in New Zealand supermarket

The country's second needle contamination incident follows almost 200 in neighbouring Australia.

Source BBC News - World

Troubled Argentine final delayed again

Sunday's Copa Libertadores final second leg between Boca Juniors and River Plate, rescheduled after violence on Saturday, is postponed.

Source BBC News - World

John Allen Chau: Struggle to retrieve body of man killed by tribe

Indian police try to pinpoint the beach where a US missionary died, but later withdraw.

Source BBC News - World

Swiss vote no in sovereignty referendum

A proposal calling for Swiss law to override international law is rejected, early results show.

Source BBC News - World

EU leaders agree UK's Brexit deal at Brussels summit

Theresa May says she agrees with EU officials that this "is the best and only deal possible".

Source BBC News - World

Syria war: Aleppo 'gas attack' sparks Russia strikes

Moscow targets rebels near Aleppo after accusing them of launching a chemical attack on the city.

Source BBC News - World

Uganda party boat capsizes on Lake Victoria, killing 29

The vessel was carrying close to 100 people, some well known, when it capsized near Kampala.

Source BBC News - World

Mexico Caravan: US shuts crossing after migrants rush Tijuana border

Mexico's interior ministry says it will deport the roughly 500 migrants who made a run for the border.

Source BBC News - World

Mars InSight: Inside NASA's mission control

As NASA prepares to land on Mars, Victoria Gill has been to the centre of operations and found out about an unusual tradition.

Source BBC News - World

Brexit: 'I'm never changing my mind' says Juncker

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker insists the Brexit deal agreed by the EU is the only one.

Source BBC News - World

Young in Iran: 'People think we're terrorists'

Sina, a musician from Tehran, spoke to the BBC about culture, travel, social media, and his rather unexpected job.

Source BBC News - World

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe case: Jeremy Hunt on Tehran visit

Jeremy Hunt told the BBC's Andrew Marr about a visit to Tehran to check on the Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe case.

Source BBC News - World

'The blackface scandal that rocked my campus'

The emergence of a photo of a student wearing blackface caused days of tension at Cal Poly university. Student journalist Megan Schellong was there.

Source BBC News - World

Surging Greens shake up German coalition politics

The Green vote swelled in Bavaria and Hesse - so could the party get into government in Berlin?

Source BBC News - World

Ghana's fantasy coffins: Taking the final journey in style

A car, a plane, or a chilli pepper - what kind of coffin do you want to be buried in?

Source BBC News - World

Trans Mountain: The billion-dollar oil pipeline Canadians own and can’t build

Canada bought the pipeline despite fierce opposition to a project that would triple its capacity.

Source BBC News - World

'Virtual safari': Wildlife photos from around the world

A new exhibition highlights the work of the 2018 Nature’s Best Photography award winners.

Source BBC News - World

Brexit: Back my deal or risk more division, May to tell MPs

The prime minister will tell MPs the "British people want us to get on with a deal that honours the referendum".

Source BBC News - UK

Why are Iranians crossing the Channel in dinghies?

More than 100 people, all claiming to be Iranian, have crossed the Channel this month - why?

Source BBC News - UK

Uber driver found guilty over passenger's death in Sydney

Samuel Thomas was fatally struck by a bus while trying to get out of the Uber in Sydney.

Source BBC News - UK

Endometriosis: Early diagnosis 'would make huge difference'

Alex Roach, who waited seven years for a diagnosis, backs a pledge to improve care in Wales.

Source BBC News - UK

Independent rail complaints service is launched

Passengers who are unhappy with how their complaints are handled can now appeal through new service.

Source BBC News - UK

Medical device rules need 'drastic change' to protect patients

One of Britain's most influential surgeons says the harms of some devices are unknown.

Source BBC News - UK

Man charged over Hayling Island funfair Wimpy stabbing

A 21-year-old woman is being treated in hospital following the attack on Hayling Island.

Source BBC News - UK

Rapist absconds from HMP North Sea Camp open prison

Police warn people not to approach Wayne Jones who went missing from HMP North Sea Camp on Sunday.

Source BBC News - UK

Sacked Welsh minister Carl Sargeant's inquest to start

Carl Sargeant was found dead in his home four days after being sacked by First Minister Carwyn Jones.

Source BBC News - UK

UWE Bristol project to close race pay gap faced by graduates

The university project gives black, Asian and minority ethnic students tailored mentoring.

Source BBC News - UK

Facebook documents seized by Parliament

Rarely used parliamentary powers were invoked to demand the documents from a US executive.

Source BBC News - UK

'Britain's worst Christmas tree' replaced

Camborne unveils an "amazing" new tree after last year's fake one was branded "absolutely rubbish".

Source BBC News - UK

Endometriosis diagnosis: 'A relief to know I wasn't mad'

A woman who waited years for an endometriosis diagnosis backs a report calling for earlier help.

Source BBC News - UK

Brexit: UK withdrawal agreement is 'the best possible deal'

After 20 months of negotiations, EU leaders have given the UK's deal their blessing in Brussels.

Source BBC News - UK

'Look after the detail and the business will flow'

If you look after the detail the business will flow, advises fashion chain boss Victoria Stapleton.

Source BBC News - UK

How to behave around dogs when you're frightened of them

Our reporter Jayde Pearson sought out some top tips to keep her calm around canines.

Source BBC News - UK

Why wigs are becoming more and more popular

Social media influencers and beauty bloggers are inspiring more young women to embrace the trend.

Source BBC News - UK

Brexit: Theresa May 'full of optimism' as deal agreed by EU

The prime minister says the EU endorsement of her Brexit deal marks the start of "a crucial national debate."

Source BBC News - UK

Strictly Come Dancing: Scoreboard causes chaos

Head judge Shirley Ballas had trouble reading out the scores due to a technical difficulty.

Source BBC News - UK

Newspaper headlines: May begins Brexit 'hard sell'

Most of Monday's front pages look ahead to Mrs May's plan to sell her deal to MPs and the British public.

Source BBC News - UK

House of CB's Conna Walker: Meet the young British designer loved by Beyonce

Conna Walker went from selling clothes on eBay to creating House of CB, which is beloved by stars.

Source BBC News - UK

Reality Check: What are the rules on building skyscrapers?

With another skyscraper planned for London, what are the rules on putting up high-rise buildings?

Source BBC News - UK

The people shedding the fat through surgery

Alison is a self-confessed food addict who is considering drastic action to reduce her size.

Source BBC News - UK

The friends who giggled their way to an incontinence business

Friends Judith and Anne turned insecurity after surgery into an environmentally friendly business.

Source BBC News - UK

Billionaire Boy: Girls Aloud writers adapt David Walliams book for the stage

The songwriters behind Girls Aloud on adapting a children's book for the stage.

Source BBC News - UK

Domestic abuse: 'My ex left me unable to trust myself'

A controlling partner left Karen Burchell with no confidence - but a charity was able to help her.

Source BBC News - UK

Nicolas Roeg obituary: From tea-maker to director's chair

Film director whose fragmented style bewitched and bewildered his audiences.

Source BBC News - UK

World Rugby Awards: Ireland's Johnny Sexton and Joe Schmidt named player and coach of the year

Ireland cap the greatest year in their rugby history by sweeping the board at the World Rugby awards in Monte Carlo.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Commonwealth Games 2022: ICC wants women's T20 at Birmingham Games

Cricket's world governing body submits a bid for women's Twenty20 cricket to be included at the 2022 Commonwealth Games.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Copa Libertadores: The 36 hours that shamed Argentine football

It was to be the biggest match in the world - but after River Plate fans attacked the Boca Juniors bus, the postponed Copa Libertadores final has shamed Argentina, writes Mani Djazmi.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Garth Crooks' team of the week: Leroy Sane, Dele Alli, Trent Alexander-Arnold, Andre Gomes

Who showed composure and leadership? Which player is really a bit special? And who has a spring in his step again?

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Mesut Ozil's Arsenal place in doubt? N'Golo Kante conundrum for Chelsea?

MOTD2 pundit Matt Upson looks at how the Gunners’ new formation helped them beat Bournemouth without Mesut Ozil and examines whether the Blues should keep N'Golo Kante in his new advanced role.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Sri Lanka v England: Jos Buttler believes third umpire should call no-balls

England's Jos Buttler says no-ball calls should be taken away from on-field umpires after mistakes on day three of the third Test in Sri Lanka.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Republic of Ireland: Mick McCarthy happy at FAI's Stephen Kenny succession plan

New Republic of Ireland boss Mick McCarthy insists he is 'happy enough' Stephen Kenny will replace him after the Euro 2020 campaign.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Copa Libertadores: Boca Juniors against River Plate match postponed again

Sunday's Copa Libertadores final second leg between Boca Juniors and River Plate, rescheduled after violence on Saturday, is postponed.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Sadio Mane, Afoty 2018 nominee: 'Unassuming, shy and deadly in front of goal'

An Afoty nomination caps a fine 12 months for club and country for Liverpool's Senegal forward Sadio Mane.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

PDC World Championship: Lisa Ashton secures tournament place

BDO women's world champion Lisa Ashton qualifies for next month's PDC World Championship

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Daryl Gurney beats Michael Van Gerwen in PDC Players Championship final

Northern Ireland's Daryl Gurney claims the second major title of his career with victory over Michael van Gerwen at the Players Championship.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

World Cup 2019: Mike Tindall says hemisphere gap has shrunk

The northern hemisphere teams can launch a genuine challenge for World Cup 2019 says former winner Mike Tindall

Source BBC Sport - Sport

WSL Highlights: Arsenal Women 4-1 Brighton & Hove Albion Women

Watch highlights as league leaders Arsenal come from a goal behind to beat Brighton 4-1 and maintain their 100% start in the Women's Super League.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Bournemouth 1-2 Arsenal: Win vital to top four chase - Unai Emery

Arsenal manager Unai Emery says that Arsenal needed 'important' win to stay in pursuit of a top four finish this season.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

كيف تحولت قاعدة عسكرية أمريكية بين الكوريتين إلى معرض فني؟

مراسل بي بي سي ستيفين ماكدونيل يرصد كيف تحولت قاعدة عسكرية أمريكية مهجورة بالقرب من كوريا الشمالية إلى معرض فني.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

Nov 25, 2018

France 14-21 Fiji: Pacific Islanders record first ever victory over France

Fiji claim their first ever win over France with a surprise 21-14 victory over the 2011 World Cup runners-up at the Stade de France.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Women's World Twenty20: England's Jones run out by Wareham

Australia's Georgia Wareham dismisses England's Amy Jones with a brilliant piece of fielding during the ICC Women's World Twenty20 final in Antigua.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Women's World Twenty20: Sophie Ecclestone bowls Alyssa Healy

England's Sophie Ecclestone bowls the "perfect delivery" to remove Alyssa Healy in the ICC Women's World Twenty20 final.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

F1 Breakdown: Was Fernando Alonso a pantomime villain?

BBC Radio 5 live's F1 commentator Jack Nicholls looks back at the career of Fernando Alonso and asks whether he will be remembered as one of the greats or a "pantomime villain".

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Tottenham 3-1 Chelsea: Mauricio Pochettino says Spurs 'can do big things'

Tottenham Hotspur boss Mauricio Pochettino says they 'can do big things' after their impressive 3-1 win against Chelsea at Wembley.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

West Ham 0-4 Man City: Pep Guardiola says City were lucky to win

Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola tells Gary Lineker they were lucky to win against West Ham, despite putting four goals past the Hammers at the London Stadium.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Wales v South Africa: Tomas Francis gives Wales early lead

Tomas Francis scores his first international try to give Wales an early lead against South Africa in their final autumn international at the Principality Stadium.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Copa Libertadores final postponed after team bus attack

Clashes between Boca Juniors and River Plate have injured players and delayed the Copa Libertadores final.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Tottenham 3-1 Chelsea: Blues played very badly - Maurizio Sarri

Maurizio Sarri says his Chelsea team played "very badly" and admits they have "problems to solve" after they were convincingly beaten 3-1 by Tottenham at Wembley.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Watford 0-3 Liverpool: Jurgen Klopp praises 'stubborn' Reds

Jurgen Klopp says his Liverpool team "stayed stubborn" and "had to work" for their 3-0 win over Watford at Vicarage Road.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

نشطاء المعارضة السورية ينددون باغتيال رائد الفارس ويتهمون "النصرة"

تفاعل عبر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي مع خبر مقتل المذيع السوري والناشط في حقوق الانسان رائد الفارس في أوساط نشطاء المعارضة السورية.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

Billionaire Boy: Girls Aloud writers adapt David Walliams book for the stage

The songwriters behind Girls Aloud on adapting a children's book for the stage.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Director Nicolas Roeg dies aged 90

The film-maker behind Don't Look Now and Performance has been hailed as "a master of the art".

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

How an eerie abandoned US base near North Korea turned into an art haven

A deserted US Army base has found new life as a place of art, which the BBC's Stephen McDonell explored.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Ricky Jay, American magician and actor, dies

The American was once described as "perhaps the most gifted sleight-of-hand artist alive".

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

The app that makes writing less lonely

An app is encouraging young authors to take up creative writing, by getting them to work in teams on their mobiles.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Justin Bieber celebrates Thanksgiving as a married man

Justin Bieber posted on Instagram he's celebrated his first Thanksgiving as a married man after tying the knot with Hailey Baldwin.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Bear Grylls tests Gareth Southgate in TV mission

The TV adventurer takes the England manager to the wilderness to test his "composure and poise".

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Keanu Reeves has a role in Toy Story 4

Tim Allen who voices Buzz Lightyear revealed the news on Jimmy Fallon.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Raed Fares: Syria radio host shot dead in Idlib

Raed Fares spent years speaking out against Syria's government and militants. Now he has been silenced.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Hollyoaks character to be groomed in far-right plot

One of the soap's longest serving characters will come under the spell of a potential far-right extremist.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

The KLF's Bill Drummond launches 'pyramid' scheme

Bill Drummond wants to build a pyramid out of bricks filled with people's ashes.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Mick Hucknall's secret? Keeping his mouth shut

The Simply Red singer says not talking during the day has helped protect his golden vocal cords as the band release a new live album.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

McFadden's Cold War makes Phil Mitchell Advent calendar star

A Twitter account starring Steve McFadden, Cilla Black and Fray Bentos pies has become a big hit.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Lion King 2019: First teaser trailer released for new film

It's got a huge cast including Beyonce and Donald Glover.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Cult comedy Dinner for One to get UK premiere after 50 years

Dinner for One, starring Freddie Frinton, has been shown on German TV every year since 1972.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Berwick Kaler: UK's longest-serving panto dame to retire? Oh yes he is

Where's pantomime legend Berwick Kaler's 41-year career? It's shortly to be behind him.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Fiona Bruce 'in talks over taking Question Time job'

It is understood discussions are being held with the news presenter about becoming the next host.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

What is life like after Eurovision?

Israeli singer Netta Barzilai won the Eurovision Song Contest 2018. Six months on she tells us what life is like.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Why Durban's gqom music is spreading across the world

The sound of Durban's gqom music is spreading across Africa and beyond.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Nicolas Roeg: A life in film

A look back at the life and work of director Nicolas Roeg, who has died at the age of 90.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

العربية.نت.. قدور طبخ في "اللوفر" ومباراة بالكلاشينكوف

عرضت فقرة "العربية.نت اليوم"، الأحد، مجموعة من الأخبار المنوعة من تقديم #هبة_فارس، ضمن برنامج #صباح_العربية.من صفحة السعودية فنانة تستخدم قدور الطبخ في لوحة فنية بمتحف اللوفر في أبوظبي.من صفحة إيران،

from last-pageالعربية-نت-قدور-طبخ-في-اللوفر-ومباراة-بالكلاشينكوف.html

قبل 11 سبتمبر.. أسوأ كارثة بنيويورك سببها "سيجارة"

خلال الفترة الحالية تصنف هجمات الحادي عشر من شهر أيلول/سبتمبر سنة 2001 كأكبر حادثة دموية في تاريخ مدينة نيويورك الأميركية، حيث أسفرت الأخيرة عن مقتل أكثر من ألفي شخص من سكان المدينة.لكن قبل هجمات

from last-pageقبل-11-سبتمبر-أسوأ-كارثة-بنيويورك-سببها-سيجارة-.html

صورة سيارة أول امرأة تحصل على رخصة قيادة في السودان

حصلت أول امرأة سودانية على رخصة قيادة في عام 1945م أثناء فترة الاستعمار الإنجليزي، وهي السيدة آمنة عطية، وهي نفسها أول من حصل على رخصة استخدام سلاح من النساء السودانيات.وقبل فترة عرض ناشطون على وسائل

from last-pageصورة-سيارة-أول-امرأة-تحصل-على-رخصة-قيادة-في-السودان.html