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Jan 31, 2018

رسميا.. البرتغالى بيدرو "مساعد جوزيه" مديرا فنيا للإسماعيلى

رسميا.. البرتغالى بيدرو "مساعد جوزيه" مديرا فنيا للإسماعيلى

قرر مجلس إدارة النادى الإسماعيلى برئاسة المهندس إبراهيم عثمان على تعيين البرتغالى "بيدرو بارنى" مديرا فنيا للنادى الإسماعيلى .

يذكر أن بيدرو صاحب الـ 51  عاما قد بدأ مسيرته التدريبية فى سن الـ 35 عاما عقب اعتزاله كرة القدم مباشرة تولى بعدها تدريب عدة أندية برتغالية مثل أكاديميكا وصعد به من الدرجة الأولى للدورى البرتغالى الممتاز و انتقل لتدريب نادى أمادورا و نادى بوافيستا وبعدها انتقل للتدريب فى المنطقة العربية حيث عمل كمساعد لمانويل جوزيه فى النادى الأهلى و انتقل للعمل معه فى منتخب أنجولا .

جدير بالذكر بأن بيدرو كان لاعبا بارزا فى صفوف المنتخب البرتغالى و يعد اللاعب التاريخى لنادى بوافيستا و صاحب الهدف التاريخى لناديه فى مرمى إنتر ميلان بطل أوروبا حينها .

Pope to send envoy to investigate Chile sex abuse claims

The Vatican says it has been given new information about allegations of a bishop's alleged cover-up.

Source BBC News - World

Trump signs order to keep Guantanamo Bay prison open

The move reverses attempts by former President Barack Obama to close the controversial site.

Source BBC News - World

Hawaii false alarm: Officials quit over missile alert

Additionally the employee who sent the warning, who had a record of poor performance, is fired.

Source BBC News - World

Glee actor Mark Salling, 35, found dead

The actor, who had admitted possessing child sex abuse images, is believed to have killed himself.

Source BBC News - World

Skywatchers await 'super blue blood Moon'

A blue blood supermoon and lunar eclipse across Asia heralds a year of lunar science milestones, say scientists.

Source BBC News - World

Diane Keaton defends Woody Allen over abuse allegations

The actress says she "continues to believe" the director after claims against him resurfaced.

Source BBC News - World

Yemen separatists capture most of Aden, residents say

Yemeni cabinet ministers are reported to be holed up inside the presidential palace in Aden.

Source BBC News - World

France jogger death: Husband admits killing Alexia Daval

Three months after Alexia Daval's body was found, her husband tells police he killed her by mistake.

Source BBC News - World

Pierre Agnes: Boardriders boss goes missing at sea in France

Pierre Agnes' boat was discovered washed ashore near Biarritz on France's Atlantic coast.

Source BBC News - World

The killer whale that can say 'hello' and 'bye bye'

A killer whale that can mimic words such as "hello" is thought to be the first of its kind to copy human speech.

Source BBC News - World

State of the Union: Congress divided on Trump speech

The contrasting reactions to the president's speech tell the tale of a deeply divided Congress.

Source BBC News - World

State of the Union: Kennedy delivers response to Trump

Joseph Kennedy III attacked the president and said Democrats were speaking for all Americans.

Source BBC News - World

Taliban 'threaten 70% of Afghanistan' BBC investigation finds

The Afghan Taliban, which US-led forces spent billions of dollars trying to defeat, are now openly active in 70% of the country, a BBC study has found.

Source BBC News - World

Super blue blood moon: Get ready for a rare celestial show

A lunar eclipse, supermoon and blue moon are about to happen at once. Here's what you need to know.

Source BBC News - World

Why did Kenya's Raila Odinga 'inaugurate' himself as president?

Kenya's main opposition leader stages his own "swearing-in" after two disputed elections. We explain.

Source BBC News - World

Réunion island and the 'stolen children' of France

Marlène Morin was 15 when she was resettled from the island of Réunion to France. After 52 years, she finally returned.

Source BBC News - World

Top-secret Australian files 'left at second-hand shop'

Bureaucrats say they will urgently investigate a breach that has sparked both amusement and concern.

Source BBC News - World

'Emotional support peacock' barred from United Airlines plane

United Airlines refuses to let a woman in New Jersey board a plane with a peacock, citing its size.

Source BBC News - World

State of the Union: The North Korean defector at Trump's side

North Korean defector Ji Seong-ho waved his crutches to resounding applause when Trump called him up.

Source BBC News - World

Used clothes: Why is worldwide demand declining?

As the worldwide demand for used and worn clothing plummets, what do we do with our unwanted clothes?

Source BBC News - World

'I was 12 when I married a 35-year-old'

A campaign in several African countries wants to stop child brides and keep girls in education.

Source BBC News - World

The tea boss with a thirst for global domination

How businessman Tran Qui Thanh built Vietnam's largest soft drinks firm, THP, and his plans to become a worldwide brand.

Source BBC News - World

Bollywood's troubled relationship with women

Film critic Shubhra Gupta shines a spotlight on the history of sexism in Indian films.

Source BBC News - World

حفل توزيع جوائز غرامي للموسيقي

مجموعة من أفضل الصور التي التقطت خلال حفل توزيع جوائز غرامي الموسيقية في دورته الـ 60.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

النيابة تستعجل التقرير الطبى لفتاة اغتصبها سائق توك توك وصديقه فى الهرم

نيابة الهرم تستعجل تقرير الطب الشرعى الخاص بفتاة تعرضت للإعتداء الجنسى من جانب سائق "توك توك" وصديقه
المصدر:اليوم السابع
النيابة تستعجل التقرير الطبى لفتاة اغتصبها سائق توك توك وصديقه فى الهرم

Source rss-حوادثالنيابة-تستعجل-التقرير-الطبى-لفتاة-اغتصبها-سائق-توك-توك-وصديقه/3625127

النيابة تخاطب السجون لتسلم مقاول هارب من 7 سنوات سجنا بمصر القديمة

نيابة مصر القديمة كلفت مباحث القسم بإيداع المقاول المقبوض عليه الى مصلحة السجون لتنفيذ الحكم الصادر ضده
المصدر:اليوم السابع
النيابة تخاطب السجون لتسلم مقاول هارب من 7 سنوات سجنا بمصر القديمة

Source rss-حوادثالنيابة-تخاطب-السجون-لتسلم-مقاول-هارب-من-7-سنوات-سجنا/3625151

مباحث سوهاج تضبط عامل بالأوقاف بحوزته 1200 قرص تامول

تمكن ضباط وحدة مباحث قسم أول سوهاج برئاسة المقدم هشام سليم رئيس مباحث القسم من إلقاء القبض على عامل بالأوقاف بحوزته 1200 قرص تامول.
المصدر:اليوم السابع
مباحث سوهاج تضبط عامل بالأوقاف بحوزته 1200 قرص تامول

Source rss-حوادثمباحث-سوهاج-تضبط-عامل-بالأوقاف-بحوزته-1200-قرص-تامول/3625488

اليوم.. نظر محاكمة 292 متهمًا فى قضية محاولة اغتيال السيسى

تنظر المحكمة العسكرية، المنعقدة بمعهد أمناء الشرطة بطرة، اليوم الأربعاء، محاكمة 292 متهمًا فى قضية محاولة اغتيال الرئيس السيسى، وولى عهد السعودية السابق، محمد بن نايف
المصدر:اليوم السابع
اليوم.. نظر محاكمة 292 متهمًا فى قضية محاولة اغتيال السيسى

Source rss-حوادثاليوم-نظر-محاكمة-292-متهمًا-فى-قضية-محاولة-اغتيال-السيسى/3625115

المرور تحرر 380 مخالفة متنوعة بمدينة 6 أكتوبر

المرور حررت 380 مخالفة متنوعة بمدينة 6 اكتوبر أثناء حملاتها المرورية
المصدر:اليوم السابع
المرور تحرر 380 مخالفة متنوعة بمدينة 6 أكتوبر

Source rss-حوادثالمرور-تحرر-380-مخالفة-متنوعة-بمدينة-6-أكتوبر/3625106

15 يوما حبسا إضافية لعاطل متهم بسرقة سيارة فى أوسيم

قاضى المعارضات بشمال الجيرة قرر تجديد حبس عاطل اشترك مع صديقه لسرقة سيارة للحصول على فديه من مالكها .
المصدر:اليوم السابع
15 يوما حبسا إضافية لعاطل متهم بسرقة سيارة فى أوسيم

Source rss-حوادثيوما-حبسا-إضافية-لعاطل-متهم-بسرقة-سيارة-فى-أوسيم/3625103

الأهالى يقبضون على لصوص ماشية بجنزور ويربطونهم فى شجرة قبل تسليمهم للشرطة

بعد علقة ساخنة حتى يكونوا عبرة شهدت قرية جنزور التابعة لمركز بركة السبع بمحافظة المنوفية، واقعة قيام الأهالى بالإمساك بعدد من لصوص الماشية ثم تسليمهم للشرطة.
المصدر:اليوم السابع
الأهالى يقبضون على لصوص ماشية بجنزور ويربطونهم فى شجرة قبل تسليمهم للشرطة

Source rss-حوادثالأهالى-يقبضون-على-لصوص-ماشية-بجنزور-ويربطونهم-فى-شجرة-قبل/3625455

حفل توزيع جوائز غرامي للموسيقي

مجموعة من أفضل الصور التي التقطت خلال حفل توزيع جوائز غرامي الموسيقية في دورته الـ 60.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

اختفاء 3 أشقاء فى ظروف غامضة بالمنوفية

سيطرت حالة من القلق الشديد بقرية الماى التابعة لمركز شبين الكوم بمحافظة المنوفية، إثر تعرض 3 أشقاء للاختفاء فى ظروف غامضة.
المصدر:اليوم السابع
اختفاء 3 أشقاء فى ظروف غامضة بالمنوفية

Source rss-حوادثاختفاء-3-أشقاء-فى-ظروف-غامضة-بالمنوفية/3625413

نيابة التبين تحبس 4 عاطلين سرقوا طن حديد من شركة 4 أيام

نيابة التبين تقرر حبس 4 عاطلين لسرقتهم طن حديد من داخل شركة للحديد.
المصدر:اليوم السابع
نيابة التبين تحبس 4 عاطلين سرقوا طن حديد من شركة 4 أيام

Source rss-حوادثنيابة-التبين-تحبس-4-عاطلين-سرقوا-طن-حديد-من-شركة/3625096

حبس تشكيل عصابى متهم بسرقة المواطنين بالإكراه فى مدينة بدر 4 أيام

أمرت نيابة القاهرة الجديدة بحبس 4 عاطلين كونوا تشكيل عصابى لسرقة قائدى السيارات بالإكراه 4 أيام على ذمة التحقيق.
المصدر:اليوم السابع
حبس تشكيل عصابى متهم بسرقة المواطنين بالإكراه فى مدينة بدر 4 أيام

Source rss-حوادثحبس-تشكيل-عصابى-متهم-بسرقة-المواطنين-بالإكراه-فى-مدينة-بدر/3625084

صور.. مدير أمن الجيزة يكرم عدد من أسر الشهداء بنادى الشرطة

كرم اللواء عصام سعد مساعد وزير الداخلية مدير أمن الجيزة عدد من أسر شهداء الشرطة اليوم الثلاثاء خلال احتفالية شهدها نادى النيل لضباط الشرطة.
المصدر:اليوم السابع
صور.. مدير أمن الجيزة يكرم عدد من أسر الشهداء بنادى الشرطة

Source rss-حوادثصور-مدير-أمن-الجيزة-يكرم-عدد-من-أسر-الشهداء-بنادى/3625393

Why Ben Whishaw has murder in mind

The James Bond and Paddington star "adores" his new role as the treacherous Marcus Brutus.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

BBC Women: Their pay gap stories

Women tell their stories of alleged gender bias at the BBC ahead of a select committee hearing.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Helen Dunmore wins Costa Book of the Year prize

The poet, who died in 2017, was honoured for final collection Inside the Wave.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

What did the critics think of Black Panther?

Marvel’s first black superhero film is nearly here - and early reactions bode well.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Glee actor Mark Salling, 35, found dead

The actor, who had admitted possessing child sex abuse images, is believed to have killed himself.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Brendan Cole 'in shock' at being dropped from Strictly Come Dancing

The dancer, who had been on the show since 2004, says the BBC decided not to renew his contract.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Taylor Swift to headline Biggest Weekend

Taylor Swift. Ed Sheeran and Noel Gallagher will all play the BBC's Biggest Weekend festival.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

David Tennant accepts phone-hacking damages

The TV actor received undisclosed substantial damages from the publishers of the News of the World.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

BBC review finds 'no gender bias in on-air pay decisions'

A report finds no gender bias in pay decision-making but criticises the way the BBC sets pay rates.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Coronation Street to get a Co-op and Costa in product placement deal

But ITV insists Roy's Rolls won't come under threat.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Diane Keaton defends Woody Allen over abuse allegations

The actress says she "continues to believe" the director after claims against him resurfaced.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Mastermind limits use of Harry Potter and Fawlty Towers

The subject is most popular among applicants but only one contestant can tackle the series each year.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

How Jon Culshaw got serious over David Bowie

The actor and comedian talks about playing the late music legend in a radio drama.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Why has Meryl Streep applied to trademark her name?

The star of The Post is the latest celebrity to apply to protect her name from commercial use.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

The make-up artist making designs with dead insects

Jasmine Ahumada, from California, attaches spiders and bees to her face to create her distinctive looks.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Hull window cleaner saves defaced Banksy mural

Jason Fanthorpe restored the mural after it was covered with white paint on Sunday.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Match of the Day: BBC extends Premier League highlights deal

Match of the Day will show Premier League highlights until at least the 2021-22 season after renewing its contract for a further three years.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Morning campers! The inside story of 80s sitcom Hi-de-Hi!

Thirty years since the last episode was aired, the sitcom's stars talk about its impact.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Cech error costs Arsenal as Swansea move out of bottom three

Sam Clucas scores twice as Swansea City beat Arsenal to move out of the Premier League relegation zone.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang transfer to Arsenal could involve Olivier Giroud & Michy Batshuayi

BBC Sport's David Ornstein guides us through the complicated proposed £60m transfer of Borussia Dortmund's Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang to Arsenal.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Trainers 'do not use female jockeys' despite findings of new study

A 14-year study by the University of Liverpool has found little difference in the performance of male and female jockeys.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Emerson Palmieri: Chelsea sign Roma full-back for reported £17.6m

Chelsea sign Roma's Brazil-born defender Emerson Palmieri for a reported £17.6m.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Man City target Mahrez hands in transfer request at Leicester

Leicester City winger Riyad Mahrez hands in a transfer request but the club have no interest in selling him before the transfer deadline.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

England U19 captain Brook suspended

England Under-19 captain Harry Brook misses the last match of the youth World Cup after being dropped for disciplinary reasons.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

'Exactly what we needed' - Liverpool put three past Huddersfield

Liverpool shore up their place in the top four by putting successive defeats behind them with a comfortable win over Huddersfield.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Nile Wilson: Can you somersault into your shorts like British gymnast?

British gymnast Nile Wilson looks forward to the Gymnastics World Cup in Birmingham in March and shares the secrets of his viral videos.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

January spending record broken as Man City sign £57m Laporte

Manchester City sign Aymeric Laporte from Athletic Bilbao to take spending by Premier League clubs to a record £252m for a January transfer window.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Celtic cruise past Hearts to go 14 points clear at top

Dominant Celtic inflict Hearts' first defeat in 13 matches to move 14 points clear at the top of the Scottish Premiership.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Match of the Day extends deal with Premier League

Match of the Day will show Premier League highlights until at least the 2021-22 season after renewing its contract for a further three years.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Khan throws water at Lo Greco in news conference

British welterweight Amir Khan throws water over opponent Phil Lo Greco after reacting angrily to talk about his personal life.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Wales name Adams & Patchell for Six Nations opener with Scotland

Wing Josh Adams makes his Wales debut and Rhys Patchell is at fly-half against Scotland as the 2018 Six Nations starts in Cardiff on Saturday.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Alexis Sanchez: Jose Mourinho expects crowds to target Man Utd forward

Manchester United manager Jose Mourinho expects Alexis Sanchez to get a rough reception wherever the club play.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

'He's digging a hole he may never get out of' - Hewitt questions Tomic future

Australia's Davis Cup captain Lleyton Hewitt says it is "highly doubtful" Bernard Tomic will play for Australia again.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Swansea 3-1 Arsenal: Wenger questions 'confidence' after defeat

Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger questions the "confidence" of his side after an error from goalkeeper Petr Cech contributes to a 3-1 Premier League defeat at Swansea.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Swansea 3-1 Arsenal: Win tastes 'like honey' - Carvalhal

Swansea manager Carlos Carvalhal describes the 3-1 Premier League victory over Arsenal at the Liberty Stadium that takes them out of the relegation zone as tasting 'like honey'.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Huddersfield 0-3 Liverpool - Klopp says that is what we needed

Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp praises his side's "mature performance" during a comfortable 3-0 win at Huddersfield.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Highlights: Celtic 3-1 Hearts

Celtic score three first-half goals to beat Hearts and climb 14 points clear at the top of the Scottish Premiership.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Gemma Tutty: 'There are trainers who do not use females'

Jockey Gemma Tutty says women are "automatically at a disadvantage" because some trainers "do not use females".

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Under-19 World Cup: Tom Banton's century helps England to victory over New Zealand

Watch match highlights as a century from England's Tom Banton, helps secure a 32-run victory over New Zealand in the World Cup 7th-place play-off match in Queenstown.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Antonio Conte: Transfer deadline day matches 'not right', says Chelsea boss

Chelsea manager Antonio Conte says "it's not right" to have matches played on transfer deadline day.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

De Bruyne goal is your pick of the FA Cup fourth round

Kevin de Bruyne scores a free-kick against Cardiff to give City an early lead in the FA Cup fourth round.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Will Man Utd win at Spurs? Lawro's predictions v rock band Editors

Mark Lawrenson takes on Russ and Ed from rock band Editors in the latest round of Premier League predictions.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

'Serious and humble Neville impresses on debut despite minor hiccup'

Phil Neville impressed on his first media appointment as England head coach, but must overcome his shortfalls quickly.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

British pair win X Games medals - Winter Olympics 2018 countdown

James Woods and Izzy Atkin claim freestyle medals in our weekly round-up of the latest news in the build-up to the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

'Chemtrail' conspiracy theorists: The people who think governments control the weather

The first part of the BBC's series on online conspiracy theories: why some people think chemicals are dropping from the sky.

Source BBC News - World

BBC Women: Their pay gap stories

Women tell their stories of alleged gender bias at the BBC ahead of a select committee hearing.

Source BBC News - UK

Brain 'pacemaker' for Alzheimer's

Electrical brain stimulation may help dementia patients keep their independence for longer, scientists say.

Source BBC News - UK

Morning campers! The inside story of 80s sitcom Hi-de-Hi!

Thirty years since the last episode was aired, the sitcom's stars talk about its impact.

Source BBC News - UK

10 آلاف جنيه لأسرة كل قتيل و5 آلاف لكل مصاب في حادث أسانسير بنها

قال اللواء محمود عشماوي محافظ القليوبية، إنه أمر بصرف 10 آلاف جنيه تعويض لأسرة كل متوفي، في حادث سقوط أسانسير مستشفى جامعة بنها و5 آلاف جنيه لكل مصاب.\nوأكد عشماوي خلال مداخلة هاتفية مع الإعلامي وائل الإبراشي، في برنامج "العاشرة مساء" عبر فضائية "دريم"...

Source الاخبار من أخبارك.نت

10 آلاف جنيه لأسرة كل قتيل و5 آلاف لكل مصاب في حادث أسانسير بنها

قال اللواء محمود عشماوي محافظ القليوبية، إنه أمر بصرف 10 آلاف جنيه تعويض لأسرة كل متوفي، في حادث سقوط أسانسير مستشفى جامعة بنها و5 آلاف جنيه لكل مصاب.\nوأكد عشماوي خلال مداخلة هاتفية مع الإعلامي وائل الإبراشي، في برنامج "العاشرة مساء" عبر فضائية "دريم"...

Source الاخبار من أخبارك.نت

Jan 30, 2018

الأهلى يمنح السعيد وفتحى فرصة أخيرة للتجديد بعد مواجهة الدراويش

الأهلى يمنح السعيد وفتحى فرصة أخيرة للتجديد بعد مواجهة الدراويش

منحت لجنة الكرة بالأهلى برئاسة محمود الخطيب ثنائى فريق الكرة الأول عبد الله السعيد وأحمد فتحى فرصة أخيرة لحسم ملف تجديد عقديهما مع الفريق الأحمر بعد مواجهة الإسماعيلى.

ويواجه الأهلى الإسماعيلى مساء اليوم الثلاثاء على ملعب برج العرب بالإسكندرية، فى المواجهة التى تأتى ضمن مباريات الجولة الـ21 من بطولة الدورى العام.

ويرفض الثنائى حتى الآن تجديد عقديهما متمسكين بالسماح لهم بالإعارة لمدة 6 أشهر لأحد الأندية السعودية التى طلبت ضمهم كشرط أساسى للتجديد لمدة موسمين، إلا أن الجهاز الفنى بقيادة حسام البدرى أكد على تمسكه بوجودهما نظراً لحاجة الفريق لخدماتهم.

ووفقاً لمصدر داخل جهاز الكرة بالأهلى فإن حسم مصير الثنائى سيكون بعد مواجهة الإسماعيلى، وإن كان الاتجاه الأقرب هو قبول الثنائى للعرض المقدم من الأهلى والاستمرار داخل جدران القلعة الحمراء خلال الفترة المقبلة.

Frank Lampard told 5 live that he's worried about how social media changes his daughters.

Former Chelsea and England midfielder Frank Lampard says he can 'sense a difference' in his two daughters - who are 12 and 10 - when they spend too much time online.

Source BBC News - UK

China is buying UK boar semen to help strengthen pig stock

After a £200,000 deal was secured, Northern Ireland will be flying frozen boar semen 5,000 miles to China.

Source BBC News - UK

Farmers 'sent death threats by vegan activists'

Farmers say they are receiving death threats from "militant" animal welfare activists.

Source BBC News - UK

Train passenger wakes to find £100 gift from stranger

Ella Johannessen was earlier discussing how "upset" she was about her finances over the phone.

Source BBC News - UK

Political party's diarrhoea reference 'deliberate'

The Democrats and Veterans Party said politics was "making them that sick".

Source BBC News - UK

Newspaper headlines: May 'quit calls' and 'night watcher' burglar

Tuesday's front pages report 'unrest' among Tory donors and a police probe into a series of raids in the Home Counties.

Source BBC News - UK

Here's what you need to know this morning

Your morning briefing for 30 January 2018.

Source BBC News - UK

Wedding speech dilemma: Time to hear from the bride?

Meghan Markle is expected to make a speech on her wedding day - does anyone have any advice?

Source BBC News - UK

The myth of the 2017 'youthquake' election

How the surge in youth turnout often cited as key to Labour's success didn't really happen.

Source BBC News - UK

Reality Check: EU lays out its transition position

What are the key points in the EU's guidelines for the Brexit transition period?

Source BBC News - UK

'Vegans call me murderer and rapist'

Thousands of people are becoming vegans, many due to animal welfare concerns. But are some vegan activists taking it too far?

Source BBC News - UK

Sir Kenneth Branagh, Freedom of Belfast and the BBC

As Sir Kenneth Branagh is awarded the Freedom of Belfast, here is a look through the BBC archive at times when he talked about his home city.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Grammys: This woman's reaction to Beyonce is all of us

A picture of a woman's reaction to seeing Beyonce and Jay-Z at the Grammys is being shared online.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

UK anti-doping chiefs should get 'unfettered access' says review

UK anti-doping chiefs are asked to draw up plans to give doping control officers "unfettered access" to carry out random tests during competition.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Cheteshwar Pujara: Yorkshire re-sign India Test batsman

Yorkshire re-sign India Test batsman Cheteshwar Pujara, who helped them win the 2015 County Championship, for the 2018 season.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Homework & hard deals: the dos and don'ts of the January window

Simon Wilson, former director of football services at Manchester City, tells BBC Sport how to enjoy a successful January transfer window.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Millwall re-sign Cahill 14 years after departure

Millwall re-sign Australia international Tim Cahill on a deal until the end of the season.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Cleveland Indians drop Chief Wahoo logo from 2019 season

Cleveland Indians will remove the Chief Wahoo logo from their uniforms from 2019, after Major League Baseball said it was "no longer appropriate".

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Boyd named Northampton Saints boss from next season

Northampton Saints name New Zealander Chris Boyd as their new director of rugby on a three-year deal, starting in August.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Danson to make 100th GB appearance and lead squad in Argentina

Olympic hockey champion Alex Danson will make her 100th appearance for Great Britain during next month's five-match Test series against Argentina.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

How does it feel for David Beckham to have an MLS team in Miami?

Former England captain David Beckham launches his long-planned Major League Soccer team in Miami.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

VAR needs to change for the fans, says Robbie Savage

BBC Sport pundit Robbie Savage says VAR "needs to change for the fans" in order for it to succeed in the future.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

WSL1: Nikita Parris' superb Man City double & other great WSL goals

Manchester City's Nikita Parris is this week's top performer in our round-up of the best goals from the Women's Super League.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup Stories: A new era at Notts County after years of turmoil?

BBC Sport follows Notts County fan Declan Weliczko for his team's FA Cup fourth round tie against Premier League strugglers Swansea City.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Phil Neville: England women manager denies being sexist

England women's new head coach Phil Neville tells BBC sports editor Dan Roan he is not a sexist and has huge respect for women.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

New England Patriots v Philadelphia Eagles: Osi's 'worst possible Super Bowl'

The NFL Show's Osi Umenyiora admits a Super Bowl between the New England Patriots and Philadelphia Eagles is his "worst possible outcome".

Source BBC Sport - Sport

What to look out for on deadline day - and where to follow it

Who is likely to be on the move on deadline day and how can you follow the latest moves?

Source BBC Sport - Sport

'England too big to have these stupid things' - Eriksson denies squad clique claim

Sven-Goran Eriksson saw no evidence of "stupid things" like team cliques when he was England boss and denies claims club rivalries held back the national team.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Aubameyang's Arsenal move hangs on Giroud & Batshuayi deals

Arsenal's £60m move for Borussia Dortmund forward Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang hinges on two more transfers being agreed.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Wigan to host Man City in repeat of 2013 FA Cup final

League One leaders Wigan will host Premier League counterparts Manchester City in the fifth round of the FA Cup.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Relationships between players and coaches in women's football 'a concern'

Relationships between players and coaches are a "concern" for the women's game, says the Football Association's head of women's football.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Gennady Golovkin v Saul 'Canelo' Alvarez: Rematch set for 5 May

Gennady Golovkin will face Saul 'Canelo' Alvarez in a world middleweight title rematch on 5 May.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Will Man Utd win at Spurs? Lawro's predictions v rock band Editors

Mark Lawrenson takes on Russ and Ed from rock band Editors in the latest round of Premier League predictions.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

'Serious and humble Neville impresses on debut despite minor hiccup'

Phil Neville impressed on his first media appointment as England head coach, but must overcome his shortfalls quickly.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

NBA: Watch as LeBron James 'throws that hammer down' in best plays

Watch the top 10 best plays from this week's NBA, featuring two incredible slam dunks from LeBron James of the Cleveland Cavaliers

Source BBC Sport - Sport

West Brom sign Liverpool striker Sturridge on loan

West Brom beat Premier League rivals Newcastle to the loan signing of Liverpool striker Daniel Sturridge.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Beckham launches Miami MLS team and promises to make it best in league

Former England captain David Beckham launches his long-planned Major League Soccer team in Miami.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

UK anti-doping chiefs should get 'unfettered access' says review

UK anti-doping chiefs are asked to draw up plans to give doping control officers "unfettered access" to carry out random tests during competition.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Cheteshwar Pujara: Yorkshire re-sign India Test batsman

Yorkshire re-sign India Test batsman Cheteshwar Pujara, who helped them win the 2015 County Championship, for the 2018 season.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Homework & hard deals: the dos and don'ts of the January window

Simon Wilson, former director of football services at Manchester City, tells BBC Sport how to enjoy a successful January transfer window.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Millwall re-sign Cahill 14 years after departure

Millwall re-sign Australia international Tim Cahill on a deal until the end of the season.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Cleveland Indians drop Chief Wahoo logo from 2019 season

Cleveland Indians will remove the Chief Wahoo logo from their uniforms from 2019, after Major League Baseball said it was "no longer appropriate".

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Boyd named Northampton Saints boss from next season

Northampton Saints name New Zealander Chris Boyd as their new director of rugby on a three-year deal, starting in August.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Danson to make 100th GB appearance and lead squad in Argentina

Olympic hockey champion Alex Danson will make her 100th appearance for Great Britain during next month's five-match Test series against Argentina.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

How does it feel for David Beckham to have an MLS team in Miami?

Former England captain David Beckham launches his long-planned Major League Soccer team in Miami.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

VAR needs to change for the fans, says Robbie Savage

BBC Sport pundit Robbie Savage says VAR "needs to change for the fans" in order for it to succeed in the future.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

WSL1: Nikita Parris' superb Man City double & other great WSL goals

Manchester City's Nikita Parris is this week's top performer in our round-up of the best goals from the Women's Super League.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup Stories: A new era at Notts County after years of turmoil?

BBC Sport follows Notts County fan Declan Weliczko for his team's FA Cup fourth round tie against Premier League strugglers Swansea City.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Phil Neville: England women manager denies being sexist

England women's new head coach Phil Neville tells BBC sports editor Dan Roan he is not a sexist and has huge respect for women.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

New England Patriots v Philadelphia Eagles: Osi's 'worst possible Super Bowl'

The NFL Show's Osi Umenyiora admits a Super Bowl between the New England Patriots and Philadelphia Eagles is his "worst possible outcome".

Source BBC Sport - Sport

What to look out for on deadline day - and where to follow it

Who is likely to be on the move on deadline day and how can you follow the latest moves?

Source BBC Sport - Sport

'England too big to have these stupid things' - Eriksson denies squad clique claim

Sven-Goran Eriksson saw no evidence of "stupid things" like team cliques when he was England boss and denies claims club rivalries held back the national team.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

CIA chief says China 'as big a threat to US' as Russia

The CIA boss tells the BBC he is as worried about Chinese efforts to influence the West as he is about Russia.

Source BBC News - World

Irish abortion referendum: Vote to be held in May

The May vote will decide whether to change the constitution to reform a near-total ban.

Source BBC News - World

Argentina sub: Antarctic tribute to lost San Juan crew

An icebreaker crew form the number 44 on the ice, in tribute to the lost San Juan submariners.

Source BBC News - World

US lists 210 Russians linked to Putin but avoids more sanctions

The list was required by a new US sanctions law but no new measures are announced.

Source BBC News - World

Australia Catholic bishops criticise 'foreign influence' laws

Churchgoers risk being treated as agents of the Vatican under Canberra's new spy laws, bishops say.

Source BBC News - World

India outcry after eight-month-old baby raped

The girl is in a critical condition at a hospital where she was brought in with "horrific injuries".

Source BBC News - World

US ends ban on refugees from 'high-risk' countries

Refugees from "high-risk" countries will instead face stricter security measures before entering the US.

Source BBC News - World

US House panel votes to release memo on Russia inquiry

US Republicans say the classified memo shows anti-Trump bias at the justice department.

Source BBC News - World

Canada 'serial killer' faces more charges

Man faces five counts of first degree murder, three related to men in Toronto's gay community.

Source BBC News - World

Argentine president bans family members in government

Ministers will be unable to employ close family and those in government positions will have to leave.

Source BBC News - World

Russian SU-27 warplane 'flew 1.5 metres' from US spy plane

The SU-27 fighter jet was trailing the EP-3 spy plane over the Black Sea in international airspace.

Source BBC News - World

Chile creates national parks from donated land

The expansion includes land donated by the widow of North Face founder Doug Tompkins.

Source BBC News - World

Stranded skiers' chairlift chopper rescue

Rescuers were lowered from a helicopter to help up to 150 skiers stuck on a mountain in Austria.

Source BBC News - World

Beckham's fans are cheering, but will they show up on match days?

David Beckham's fans are cheering, but will they show up on match days? And what about a stadium?

Source BBC News - World

Five tips to keep your app data safe online

After a fitness app "heatmap" revealed military information, what are your devices saying about you?

Source BBC News - World

Why Cape Town is shutting off its water supply

South Africa's second largest city is in the midst of a severe drought.

Source BBC News - World

Philippines: Volcanic mudflows sweep away roads

Rainfall near the erupting Mount Mayon has caused strong mudflows

Source BBC News - World

Evangelical leader Franklin Graham: Trump is 'work in progress'

US evangelical leader Franklin Graham says President Trump is no model Christian.

Source BBC News - World

Terminally ill teenager marries high school sweetheart

Dustin Snyder has a rare form of cancer and was recently told he had weeks left to live. So he proposed.

Source BBC News - World

'Unsolvable' exam question leaves Chinese students flummoxed

The test question cannot be solved with maths, but officials say that's not the point.

Source BBC News - World

France to investigate Nutella promotion that led to 'riots'

The finance ministry will check whether a 70% discount that led to "riots" broke trading laws.

Source BBC News - World

What really happened after this photo was taken

Eddie Adams captured one of the most famous images of the Vietnam War but he was haunted by it.

Source BBC News - World

Palestinians fear cost of Trump's refugee agency cut

Donald Trump's move to withhold payments to the Palestinian refugee agency is causing alarm in Gaza.

Source BBC News - World

Maye Musk: "I am just getting started" as a model, aged 69

Older models are the latest fashion trend, thanks to social media and an aging society.

Source BBC News - World

Migrants' heroine faces jail for human trafficking

Why a Spanish woman credited with saving the lives of thousands of migrants is facing prison.

Source BBC News - World

Viewpoint: India and Pakistan up the ante on disputed border

Both India and Pakistan have blamed each other for the steep rise in ceasefire violations.

Source BBC News - World

How an interview faux-pas sparked a row

Why have African literary fans rallied around author Chimamanda Ngozi Achide after her interview in Paris?

Source BBC News - World

انظر إلى هندية تتجرع السم علناً لأن شابا سلبها عذريتها

كانوا سيزفّونها في 4 فبراير المقبل إلى أحدهم، لم يرد اسمه بخبرها الذي انتشر بارزاً في الهند وخارجها باليومين الماضيين، وكان الزواج سيكشف عن فضيحة لا تقوى Nisha Devidas ولا عائلتها عليها، وملخصها أن

from الأخيرةانظر-إلى-هندية-تتجرع-السم-علنا-لأن-شابا-اغتصبها.html

فنانة مصرية تكشف تفاصيل زيارتها السرية لمبارك

كشفت الممثلة المصرية وفاء عامر، عن تفاصيل زيارتها السرية للرئيس المصري الأسبق محمد حسني مبارك، مؤكدة أن مبارك كان ذهنه حاضرًا وفي كامل وعيه. وقالت إنها سألت مبارك عن السبب وراء عدم هروبه وأسرته خارج

from الأخيرةفنانة-مصرية-تكشف-تفاصيل-زيارتها-السرية-لمبارك.html

اكتشاف 8 سيارات منسية في مرآب أوتوماتيكي عقب 15 عاما

المربع نت – في عام 2001، دُشن موقف سيارات Autosafe Sky Park في المملكة المتحدة، والذي تم اعتباره الأكثر تطورا وتقنية في بريطانيا آنذاك، حيث تكلف...

Source الاخبار من أخبارك.نت

Hoarder: 'My house was a hovel'

How a decluttering buddy scheme in Croydon helped one woman face up to her tendencies to stockpile.

Source BBC News - UK

Jan 29, 2018

India police arrest 112 as religious clashes kill teenager

Police say tensions between Hindu and Muslim groups are high as violence kills a teen in north India.

Source BBC News - World

Australia aims to become 'top 10' defence exporter

The nation plans to significantly increase defence industry sales, PM Malcolm Turnbull says.

Source BBC News - World

Outcry in Mexico over missing student

Police face protests in Mexico after a university student detained suspected of theft disappears.

Source BBC News - World

Yemen crisis: Separatists seize government buildings in Aden

Southern separatists seize government buildings in Aden as they fight the president's forces.

Source BBC News - World

Fire and Fury over Hillary Clinton's Grammy cameo

Republicans, including Donald Trump Jr, disapprove of a Grammys sketch featuring Hillary Clinton.

Source BBC News - World

Cambodia charges foreigners with making pornographic images

Five Britons and five other foreigners were held after pictures showed a group faking sex acts.

Source BBC News - World

Grammys 2018: Why stars wore white roses

Some of music's biggest names wear white roses on the red carpet in support of the #TimesUp movement.

Source BBC News - World

Meet South Africa's 'king of tombstone bling'

Lebohang W Khitsane creates unique tombstones for celebrities and public figures.

Source BBC News - World

Ikea founder: Five things to know

From frugality to fascism, here's what you need to know about Ingvar Kamprad who has died aged 91.

Source BBC News - World

Russia opposition leader Alexei Navalny detained in Moscow

The BBC was standing next to Alexei Navalny as he was taken into custody amid Russia protests.

Source BBC News - World

Roger Federer: Emotional sixth Australian open win

Here's how the tennis ace reacted after winning his sixth Australian Open and 20th Grand Slam title.

Source BBC News - World

CCTV captures elephant's jumbo crossing

Watch how a wild elephant decided to cross the border from China to Laos... twice.

Source BBC News - World

Why Ghana's natural hair fashion is bad for business

Rebecca Tsotsoo Kwei takes a look at how the craze has affected salons in the capital Accra.

Source BBC News - World

Chechnya leader labels human rights activists 'foreign agents'

"So-called human rights activists make up all sorts of nonsense for money," Ramzan Kadyrov says.

Source BBC News - World

The Paul Simon city that turned to Trump

Saginaw, a blue-collar Michigan city, surprisingly voted for Donald Trump in 2016. So what do they think now?

Source BBC News - World

Quebec remembers mosque shooting, one year on

A year after a gunman killed six during prayers, emotions are still raw in the community.

Source BBC News - World

Busting the Arab world's myths about Japan

Busting the Arab world's amazing myths about 'Planet Japan'.

Source BBC News - World

'Players need protecting' - Guardiola reacts to Sane injury

Manchester City boss Pep Guardiola wants players protected more and plays down hope of a quadruple after victory at Cardiff.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang: Arsenal close to £60m deal for Borussia Dortmund striker

Arsenal are close to reaching an agreement to sign Gabon striker Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang for a fee in the region of £60m.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Six Nations 2018: Maro Itoje targets England return in Rome

Saracens lock Maro Itoje is desperate to be involved as England begin their Six Nations defence in Rome.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Have Liverpool got the January blues? Best FA Cup stats

Liverpool's January blues and how does Jose Mourinho's record compare after his first 100 Manchester United games?

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Li holds off McIlroy to win Dubai Desert Classic

World number 60 Li Haotong holds off four-time major winner Rory McIlroy to become the first Asian winner of the Dubai Desert Classic.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

The NFL Show's Osi & Jason hand out their end-of-season awards

The NFL Show's Osi Umenyiora and Jason Bell hand out their end-of-season awards for MVP, rookie of the year and team of the year.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

'Age not an issue' - Federer wins 20th Grand Slam at 36

Roger Federer says "age is not an issue" after beating Marin Cilic to win his 20th Grand Slam title at the age of 36.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Tiger Woods happy with Torrey Pines outing

Tiger Woods says he "did pretty well" after finishing seven shots off the leaders at the Farmers Insurance Open at Torrey Pines.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

England beat South Africa to finish runners-up in Quad Series

England seal their beat ever finish in a Quad Series after beating South Africa 52-47 to end as runners-up to Australia.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Rangers up to second with win at Ross County

Jason Cummings scores his first Rangers goal as the Ibrox side move back up to second place in the Scottish Premiership.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Batshuayi double guides Chelsea past Newcastle - highlights & report

Antonio Conte says Michy Batshuayi is a "young player with great potential" after the striker scored twice during Chelsea's FA Cup win over Newcastle.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

England beat Australia by 12 runs in thrilling ODI finale

Tom Curran takes five wickets as England win the final one-day international against Australia by 12 runs in Perth.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Phoenix win BBL Cup as Wildcats clinch WBBL Cup

Cheshire Phoenix win the BBL Cup for the first time since 2002, while Nottingham Wildcats claim the women's trophy.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Sailing World Cup: GB sailors land three more golds in Miami

Sailors Giles Scott, Alison Young and the pairing of Luke Patience and Chris Grube win World Cup golds in Miami.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Jason Kenny wins sprint title at National Track Championships in Manchester

Jason Kenny says it would be a "stretch" to compete at the World Championships after winning the national team sprint title.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Fernando Alonso finishes 38th on Daytona 24 Hours debut

McLaren driver Fernando Alonso finishes 38th on his sportscar debut at the Daytona 24 Hours.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

West Ham's Masuaku apologises for spitting

Arthur Masuaku apologises for spitting at an opponent in West Ham's FA Cup defeat by Wigan, saying it was "totally unacceptable".

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Tokyo Paralympics: Fewer swimming and athletics events than in Rio

The athletics and swimming programmes for the 2020 Tokyo Paralympics will both feature fewer medal events than in Rio.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Manchester City's Bernardo Silva sees thunderous strike ruled out

Watch as Manchester City's Bernardo Silva sees his thunderous strike ruled out for offside by referee Lee Mason.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Highlights: Roger Federer beats Marin Cilic to win 20th Grand Slam title

Watch highlights as Roger Federer claims his sixth Australian Open and 20th Grand Slam title with a five-set victory over Marin Cilic.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Highlights: Cardiff 0-2 Manchester City

Watch highlights as Manchester City ease into the FA Cup fifth round with an authoritative win against Championship side Cardiff City.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Highlights: Chelsea 3-0 Newcastle highlights

Watch highlights as Chelsea beat Newcastle 3-0 at Stamford Bridge in the fourth round of the FA Cup.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup Shuffle: Cider with Jose, bouncing fans & the worst corner ever from round four

Watch the quirkier moments from the fourth round of the FA Cup, featuring a birthday present for Jose Mourinho, bouncing supporters and one of the worst corners of all time.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Australian Open Final: Roger Federer says 20th Grand Slam is "an absolute dream come true"

After overcoming Marin Cilic in a tense Australian Open final, Roger Federer acknowledges what a dream come true it is to win.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Bruno Mars grabs (nearly) all the Grammys - but where were the women?

Bruno Mars dominates the Grammy Awards - but female artists are hard to find in the winners' list.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Grammys: The photos you need to see

The best looks, backstage shots and performances from the 60th annual Grammy awards.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Fire and Fury over Hilary Clinton's Grammy cameo

Republicans, including Donald Trump Jr, disapprove of a Grammys sketch featuring Hillary Clinton.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Should phones be banned at gigs?

Comedian Chris Rock banned mobile devices on his tour, but the move has divided opinion on social media.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Grammys 2018: White roses on the red carpet

Stars wear white roses on the Grammy red carpet to mark their support of the #TimesUp movement.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

President Trump hits back at Jay-Z over 'superbug' comments

The US president takes to Twitter after the rapper denounces him in an interview as a "superbug".

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Grammys 2018: Why stars wore white roses

Some of music's biggest names wear white roses on the red carpet in support of the #TimesUp movement.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

'Players need protecting' - Guardiola reacts to Sane injury

Manchester City boss Pep Guardiola wants players protected more and plays down hope of a quadruple after victory at Cardiff.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang: Arsenal close to £60m deal for Borussia Dortmund striker

Arsenal are close to reaching an agreement to sign Gabon striker Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang for a fee in the region of £60m.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Six Nations 2018: Maro Itoje targets England return in Rome

Saracens lock Maro Itoje is desperate to be involved as England begin their Six Nations defence in Rome.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Have Liverpool got the January blues? Best FA Cup stats

Liverpool's January blues and how does Jose Mourinho's record compare after his first 100 Manchester United games?

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Li holds off McIlroy to win Dubai Desert Classic

World number 60 Li Haotong holds off four-time major winner Rory McIlroy to become the first Asian winner of the Dubai Desert Classic.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

The NFL Show's Osi & Jason hand out their end-of-season awards

The NFL Show's Osi Umenyiora and Jason Bell hand out their end-of-season awards for MVP, rookie of the year and team of the year.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

'Age not an issue' - Federer wins 20th Grand Slam at 36

Roger Federer says "age is not an issue" after beating Marin Cilic to win his 20th Grand Slam title at the age of 36.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Tiger Woods happy with Torrey Pines outing

Tiger Woods says he "did pretty well" after finishing seven shots off the leaders at the Farmers Insurance Open at Torrey Pines.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

England beat South Africa to finish runners-up in Quad Series

England seal their beat ever finish in a Quad Series after beating South Africa 52-47 to end as runners-up to Australia.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Rangers up to second with win at Ross County

Jason Cummings scores his first Rangers goal as the Ibrox side move back up to second place in the Scottish Premiership.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Batshuayi double guides Chelsea past Newcastle - highlights & report

Antonio Conte says Michy Batshuayi is a "young player with great potential" after the striker scored twice during Chelsea's FA Cup win over Newcastle.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

England beat Australia by 12 runs in thrilling ODI finale

Tom Curran takes five wickets as England win the final one-day international against Australia by 12 runs in Perth.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Phoenix win BBL Cup as Wildcats clinch WBBL Cup

Cheshire Phoenix win the BBL Cup for the first time since 2002, while Nottingham Wildcats claim the women's trophy.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Sailing World Cup: GB sailors land three more golds in Miami

Sailors Giles Scott, Alison Young and the pairing of Luke Patience and Chris Grube win World Cup golds in Miami.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Jason Kenny wins sprint title at National Track Championships in Manchester

Jason Kenny says it would be a "stretch" to compete at the World Championships after winning the national team sprint title.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Fernando Alonso finishes 38th on Daytona 24 Hours debut

McLaren driver Fernando Alonso finishes 38th on his sportscar debut at the Daytona 24 Hours.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

West Ham's Masuaku apologises for spitting

Arthur Masuaku apologises for spitting at an opponent in West Ham's FA Cup defeat by Wigan, saying it was "totally unacceptable".

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Tokyo Paralympics: Fewer swimming and athletics events than in Rio

The athletics and swimming programmes for the 2020 Tokyo Paralympics will both feature fewer medal events than in Rio.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup: Manchester City's Bernardo Silva sees thunderous strike ruled out

Watch as Manchester City's Bernardo Silva sees his thunderous strike ruled out for offside by referee Lee Mason.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Highlights: Roger Federer beats Marin Cilic to win 20th Grand Slam title

Watch highlights as Roger Federer claims his sixth Australian Open and 20th Grand Slam title with a five-set victory over Marin Cilic.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Highlights: Cardiff 0-2 Manchester City

Watch highlights as Manchester City ease into the FA Cup fifth round with an authoritative win against Championship side Cardiff City.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Highlights: Chelsea 3-0 Newcastle highlights

Watch highlights as Chelsea beat Newcastle 3-0 at Stamford Bridge in the fourth round of the FA Cup.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

FA Cup Shuffle: Cider with Jose, bouncing fans & the worst corner ever from round four

Watch the quirkier moments from the fourth round of the FA Cup, featuring a birthday present for Jose Mourinho, bouncing supporters and one of the worst corners of all time.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Australian Open Final: Roger Federer says 20th Grand Slam is "an absolute dream come true"

After overcoming Marin Cilic in a tense Australian Open final, Roger Federer acknowledges what a dream come true it is to win.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

WSL 1: Chelsea Ladies 1-0 Everton Ladies highlights

Women's Super League One title hopefuls Chelsea left it late to beat a hard-working Everton side and avoid losing ground on rivals Manchester City.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Wow! Even Kilmarnock keeper Jamie MacDonald is impressed by Scott McKenna's Aberdeen goal

Watch Kilmarnock goalkeeper Jamie MacDonald's reaction after Scott McKenna's incredible 40-yard strike for Aberdeen beats him.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Australian Open: Caroline Wozniacki beats Simona Halep to win first Grand Slam - highlights

Watch highlights as Denmark's Caroline Wozniacki beats Romanian Simona Halep to win the Australian Open and regain the number one ranking.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

'It's the FA Cup final meets the darts' - one of Europe's best kept secrets

The floodlights, the fans and furious racing make Schladming a great sporting spectacle that still manages to be one of Europe's best kept secrets.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

Bizarre, frustrating... correct - the day VAR drove football mad

West Brom manager Alan Pardew calls the video assistant referee system "bizarre" after it dominates their 3-2 FA Cup victory at Liverpool.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

نيابة دمياط تأمر بضبط فرد الأمن المتهم بالاعتداء جنسيا على طفلة داخل مستشفى

أمرت النيابة العامة بدمياط بضبط وإحضار فرد أمن بمستشفى ميت أبو غالب المركزى بمحافظة دمياط، والمتهم بالتعدى جنسيا على طفلة تبلغ من العمر 3 سنوات داخل غرفة الأمن بالمستشفى..
المصدر:اليوم السابع
نيابة دمياط تأمر بضبط فرد الأمن المتهم بالاعتداء جنسيا على طفلة داخل مستشفى

Source rss-حوادثنيابة-دمياط-تأمر-بضبط-فرد-الأمن-المتهم-بالاعتداء-جنسيا-على/3622379

مذيع لبناني تحدث عن "هامبرغر" ومحمد بن سلمان .. فتحول للقضاء

محطات عديدة استوقفت المغردين العرب، أبرزها "محاولة لقتل" أحد معاوني سامي عنان المستبعد من سباق الرئاسة في مصر، ودعوى قضائية بحق مذيع لبناني بسبب " سخريته من ولي العهد السعودي"، والأردن يرفع الدعم عن الخبز، وسخرية من شعار ترشيح المغرب لتنظيم كأس العالم 2026 .

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

إثيوبيا لا تخشى نقص المياه والأفارقة في إسرائيل

مجموعة من الصور المميزة التي التقطتها عدسات الصحافة العالمية في إفريقيا وأخرى لأفارقة في أنحاء متفرقة من العالم.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

WSL 1: Chelsea Ladies 1-0 Everton Ladies highlights

Women's Super League One title hopefuls Chelsea left it late to beat a hard-working Everton side and avoid losing ground on rivals Manchester City.

Source BBC Sport - Sport

ما حقيقة قيام الأزهر بحذف تونس من الدول الإسلامية؟

قضايا عديدة استوقفت مستخدمي مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي في المنطقة العربية، لعل أبرزها، اشتباكات في محيط القصر الرئاسي في اليمن و"تجنيس الأجانب" في السعودية ودعوات للتظاهر في السودان، ومقترح قانون لإلغاء المهور في تونس.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

مذيع لبناني تحدث عن "هامبرغر" ومحمد بن سلمان .. فتحول للقضاء

محطات عديدة استوقفت المغردين العرب، أبرزها "محاولة لقتل" أحد معاوني سامي عنان المستبعد من سباق الرئاسة في مصر، ودعوى قضائية بحق مذيع لبناني بسبب " سخريته من ولي العهد السعودي"، والأردن يرفع الدعم عن الخبز، وسخرية من شعار ترشيح المغرب لتنظيم كأس العالم 2026 .

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

Jan 28, 2018

عشان تتجنب أمراض القلب.. 8 أكلات قوى بيهم عضلة قلبك

محافظ دمياط لرؤساء المدن: "لن أجتمع بكم إلا بعد تغيير 20 واحد منكم"

عبر الدكتور إسماعيل عبد الحميد طه محافظ دمياط، خلال لقائه مع رؤساء المدن والمراكز بمحافظة دمياط عن استياءه الشديد من سوء حالة النظافة وأدائهم فى مواجهة الأمطار والنوة الشتوية.

وأكد محافظ دمياط أنه لم يتمكن من أداء صلاة الجمعة الماضية بسبب كمية الاتصالات التى تلقاها من المواطنين بسبب غرق الشوارع الرئيسية بالمدن مضيفا: عندما حاولت الاتصال بكم كل تليفوناتكم مغلقة، وحذر محافظ دمياط رؤساء المدن والقرى قائلا: هناك حاجة اسمها تقارير عدم صلاحية ومن بكره تقعدوا فى بيوتكم.

وشدد المحافظ أنه سيقطع رقاب كل مقصر بلا استثناء قائلا "والله فاضى بى الكيل ولن اجتمع المرة القادمة بكم غير لما أغير 10 أو 20 واحد منكم"، لافتا إلى أن هناك اهمال غير مسبوق من رؤساء القرى لسوء حالة النظافة وتصريف مياه الأمطار، مؤكدا أن هناك صور وصلتني من القرى ماترضيش ربنا ولو كان فى مدارس كانت بقت كارثة".

وطالب محافظ دمياط رؤساء المدن والمراكز والوحدات القروية بخطوط سير لسيارات القمامة التى تتأخر ولا تقوم بواجبها.

لماذا انتكست الحريات وحقوق الإنسان في العالم العربي؟

سجلت مؤسسة "فريدوم هاوس" الأميركية، في أحدث تقرير لها تراجع واقع الديمقراطية والحريات السياسية والمدنية في العالم العربي. وعزت هذا الانتكاس لارتداد الثورات العربية وتخلي واشنطن عن دورها في نشر الديمقراطية والدفاع عن حقوق الإنسان.

source BBC Arabic - الرئيسية

Steve Wynn: US casino mogul quits as Republican finance chair

Steve Wynn steps down as Republican Party finance chair over allegations he calls "preposterous".

Source BBC News - World

Coincheck promises 46bn yen refund after cryptocurrency theft

Tokyo-based digital currency exchange Coincheck says it will reimburse some 260,000 victims of theft.

Source BBC News - World

Elite climbing team save French woman from Pakistan's 'Killer Mountain'

Elisabeth Revol is saved by a team of elite Polish climbers, who scaled 1,000m in a night to find her.

Source BBC News - World

Rescuers find seven survivors of missing Kiribati ferry

Seven people are seen adrift in the Pacific, 10 days after their 50-person ferry was last seen.

Source BBC News - World

Kabul attack: Taliban kill 95 with ambulance bomb in Afghan capital

Many people are hurt in a Taliban suicide attack in the centre of the Afghan capital Kabul.

Source BBC News - World

Catalonia's Puigdemont cannot lead from abroad, court rules

The exiled Catalonian independence leader cannot be president while abroad, a Spanish court rules.

Source BBC News - World

Larry Nassar: Michigan vows full inquiry at university

Investigators will look at how the sports doctor was able to abuse girls for decades unchallenged.

Source BBC News - World

Colombia police station bombing kills five and injures dozens

A bomb exploded as officers in Barranquilla were gathering for their morning meeting.

Source BBC News - World

Israel criticises Poland over proposed Holocaust law

Israel's prime minister attacks a law that would make it illegal to describe Nazi death camps as Polish.

Source BBC News - World

Saudi billionaire Alwaleed bin Talal freed after paying settlement

Prince Alwaleed is the latest high-profile detainee to be freed after an anti-corruption purge.

Source BBC News - World

Vila, one of world's oldest gorillas, dies in captivity at 60

Vila was 60 years old, two decades over the typical lifespan for her species.

Source BBC News - World

Saudi billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal released

Several Saudi billionaires and princes have been freed after months being held at this hotel.

Source BBC News - World

The technology which starts avalanches

Avalanche threats cut off the Swiss ski resort, Zermatt, twice in 2018. But technology is helping to make ski slopes safer for the public.

Source BBC News - World

Kabul ambulance bomb: Attack kills 95 in Afghanistan

Attackers have left at least 95 people dead and over 100 injured in the Afghan capital, Kabul.

Source BBC News - World

Italy train crash CCTV released

Police release footage of the train hitting a platform just before it derailed, killing three people.

Source BBC News - World

British man preparing to fight Turkish forces

A British man tells BBC he’s going to fight against Turkish forces in Syria, despite government warnings.

Source BBC News - World

ICYMI: Camels, snow and space high jinks

A selection of video highlights from the week.

Source BBC News - World

Egypt's first dog cafe proves a hit

In Alexandria, one dog owner is catering for the growing trend in owning pets.

Source BBC News - World

There have been 11 US school shootings this year. Is it time to arm teachers?

US teachers are being trained to kill school shooters. Some say it's the only solution left.

Source BBC News - World

The island that switches countries every six months

Why a sliver of the Basque country changes national allegiance twice a year.

Source BBC News - World

Italian mafia: How crime families went global

Italy's mafia clans have strong regional roots and global businesses, Laurence Peter reports.

Source BBC News - World

Czech election: Zeman wins the battle of ideas

The BBC's Rob Cameron reports from Prague where Czech President Milos Zeman has been re-elected.

Source BBC News - World

What ‘Dr Love’ says about DR Congo

Despite poor infrastructure and patchy internet, Congolese people find ways to work and learn.

Source BBC News - World

Hayes triple teenager death crash suspect 'fled scene'

Detectives hunt a second man after the "horrific" crash as the victims are named locally.

Source BBC News - UK

Donald Trump 'not aware' of any royal wedding invite

The US president says Prince Harry and Meghan Markle "look like a lovely couple".

Source BBC News - UK

'Rogue' parking companies face government crackdown

New legislation aimed at raising standards will ban "dodgy" firms from issuing fines to motorists.

Source BBC News - UK

UK heading for 'dilution of Brexit', says former minister

Theresa Villiers' comments come amid growing Conservative party rifts over Brexit.

Source BBC News - UK

Votes for 16: Wales voting reforms see voting age lowered

People aged 16 and 17 and non-EU citizens will be able to vote if Welsh Government plans are passed.

Source BBC News - UK

Calls to 'clean off' Banksy mural in Hull

Hundreds of people have been turning up to see the graffiti artist's work on a disused bridge in Hull.

Source BBC News - UK

Police interview Sheffield couple after workers fall ill

Workers on a controversial tree-felling scheme in Sheffield claim couple's drinks made them ill.

Source BBC News - UK

Natalie Pearman 1992 murder: 'Persons of interest' ruled out

Natalie Pearman was 16 when her body was found in a lay-by near Norwich in 1992.

Source BBC News - UK

Newport Lego fan moves house to fit 1,500 model collection

Toni Thomas owns a Lego collection worth £15,000 which got so big she had to move house.

Source BBC News - UK

Couple and five-year-old rescued from Snowdonia mountain

The family was airlifted to safety by a coastguard helicopter after getting lost in Snowdonia.

Source BBC News - UK

Search suspended for Lochnagar walker as winds reach 100mph

Mountain rescue teams will resume the search for the missing 65-year-old on Sunday morning.

Source BBC News - UK

Presidents Club: Networking as a woman in the City

Fiona Hathorn spent 16 years in the City. Here's her thoughts on networking post-Presidents Club.

Source BBC News - UK

Kindertransport children: Man, 93, recalls fleeing Nazi Germany

Joe Stirling left his homeland in 1939 and never saw his parents again.

Source BBC News - UK

British man preparing to fight Turkish forces

A British man tells BBC he’s going to fight against Turkish forces in Syria, despite government warnings.

Source BBC News - UK

BBC's John Humphrys says pay cut is 'fair'

The Today programme presenter says he thinks it is fair he will now earn "hugely less" than he was.

Source BBC News - UK

Should men take a pay cut to reduce the gender pay gap?

After some male BBC presenters agree to pay cuts to help match those of their female colleagues, we take to the streets and ask other men if they'd do the same.

Source BBC News - UK

Hero fiancé tackles jewellery shop thief

The man is seen on CCTV casually removing his jacket before taking down the raider.

Source BBC News - UK

Driver on phone at wheel of holiday coach

Sean Davies admits being 'silly' after being filmed using his mobile while driving passengers through Belgium.

Source BBC News - UK

Newspaper headlines: 'Tories in turmoil' and Brexit betrayal

Problems mounting for the Conservative Party and fears of a soft Brexit make Sunday's front pages.

Source BBC News - UK

Bureaucats: The felines with official positions

From the Army to the Post Office - the felines with more on their plates than cat food.

Source BBC News - UK

Holocaust Memorial Day: A Nazi in the family

How one man uncovered the family secret that had been hidden for more than 50 years.

Source BBC News - UK

شاهد.. سعوديون يتزلجون على الثلج في تبوك!

دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة (CNN)-- تساقطت الثلوج على قمم جبال اللوز في منطقة تبوك السعودية، ما دفع هواة التزلج إلى ممارسة هذه الرياضة وسط بياض الجبال بدلاً من ممارستها على الرمال الذهبية. 

from خدمة الأخبار المباشرة

إليكم تعليقات الأردنيين على رفع الدعم عن الخبز

قررت الحكومة الأردنية تحديد السقوف السعرية لرفع أسعار مادة الخبز والتي أعلن عنها مطلع الشهر الحالي

from خدمة الأخبار المباشرة

لماذا أطلق الوليد بن طلال لحيته في الريتز؟ وكيف علّق على ما تردد عن "سوء معاملته"؟

نقل الإعلامي إدريس الدريس عن الملياردير السعودي الأمير الوليد بن طلال قوله إنه لم توجّه له أي اتهامات أثناء فترة احتجازه في فندق الريتز كارلتون في الرياض

from خدمة الأخبار المباشرة

شاهد.. مقتل 95 وإصابة 158 بانفجار مركبة مفخّخة بأفغانستان

(CNN)-- أدى انفجار سيارة إسعاف محمّلة بمتفجرات إلى مقتل 95 شخصاً وجرح 158 آخرين، في العاصمة الأفغانية كابول، السبت. وقال مسؤولون عسكريون أمريكيون إن قائد القيادة الأمريكية المركزية، الجنرال جوزيف فوتيل، كان فى كابول عندما وقع الانفجار. في حين أصدر كل من الرئيس الأمريكي دونالد ترامب ومجلس الأمن التابع للأمم المتحدة بياناً يدين الهجوم الذي أعلنت حركة طالبان مسؤولية تنفيذه.

from خدمة الأخبار المباشرة

حملة السيسي: لا نتحمل مسؤولية غياب المنافسين بانتخابات الرئاسة

رفضت الحملة الانتخابية للرئيس المصري، عبدالفتاح السيسي، الانتقادات الموجهة إليها بسبب غياب مرشحين للمنافسة على كرسي الرئاسة

from خدمة الأخبار المباشرة

رحلة بحرية حصرية للأطفال تنطلق قريباً!

دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة (CNN) -- هل بدأت بالتخطيط لرحلتك العائلية المقبلة بعد؟ لا شك بأن هناك خيارات كثيرة ومختلفة عندما يتعلق الأمر بالسفر وتخطيط الرحلات. ولكن، قد تكون رحلة بحرية جديدة أشبه بإجازة عائلية مثالية لمن يبحث عن تجربة تناسب جميع أفراد العائلة، الأطفال منهم والكبار، إذ ستنطلق قريباً رحلة "كارتون نتوورك ويف،" والتي أعلنت عنها علامة الرسوم المتحركة التجارية، "كارتون نتوورك" مؤخراً.   قد يعجبك أيضا.. مطبخ عائم يلمّ نفايات البحر لأول مرّة في العالم.. فقط في دبي! ومن المقرر، أن تنطلق رحلة السفينة الأولى، التي تستوحي تصميمها من رسومات العلامة التجارية الأشهر، في نهاية العام 2018، وستبدأ رحلتها من سنغافورة. كما ستتضمن السفينة 800 غرفة، مستوحاة كل واحدة منها من مسلسل كرتوني أو شخصية كرتونية مختلفة، مثل "باور باف غيرلز،" و"بين 10،" بينما ستُقام أيضا على متن السفينة العديد من عروض سيرك وحفلات لاستقبال الشخصيات التي اعتاد عليها الأطفال المتابعين لـ"كارتون نتوورك." قد يهمك أيضا.. هذه الفنادق المفضلة لدى المسافرين في 2018 من حول العالم! وتعتبر الرحلة البحرية الجديدة نتاج شراكة بين "مجموعة أوسينيك" ومؤسسة "تورنر بروادكاستينغ،" التي هي الشركة الأم لعلامة "كرتون نتوورك" و"CNN." وستبحر سفينة "كارتون نتوورك ويف" عبر 13 وجهة سياحية في منطقة آسيا والمحيط الهادئ، بما فيها سنغافورة، وماليزيا، والصين. وأيضا.. تعال معنا برحلة تجميع أجزاء طائرة "إيرباصA380 " من 30 دولة  

from خدمة الأخبار المباشرة

درب سيناء..عندما يراهن البدو على وجهة للمشي في مصر

دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة (CNN) -- "درب سيناء" يشكّل عامل جذب سياحي بمرتفعاته، ووديانه الرملية، ومكانته التاريخية، ويظهر بين طيات الكثبان الرملية الذهبية التي تفصل بين قارتي آسيا وأفريقيا. ويمتد درب سيناء على مسافة 230 كيلومتراً من خليج العقبة إلى المناطق الداخلية الجبلية. وأُسس في العام 2015 ليكون أطول مسار لرحلات المشي ذات المسافات الطويلة. ويعمل درب سيناء على توفير مصدر رزق لسكانه البدويين، والمحافظة في الوقت ذاته على تراثهم التقليدي المعني بالترحال. ويرشد الرحلة، التي تدوم لأسبوعين، رجال ينتمون إلى إحدى القبائل البدوية الثلاث في المنطقة، وهم: الترابين، ومزينة، وجبلية، وذلك بالتعاون مع منظمٍ إيطالي. ويكمن سحر درب سيناء، بأنه ليس مجرد دربٍ عادي، بل هو دربٌ اجتازه البدويون القدماء عند تأسيس دير "سانت كاترين" في القرن السادس، حيث وكّل الامبراطور البيزنطي جستينيان مجموعة من الحراس بمهمة حماية الحجاج والرهبان. وتكمن أهميته التاريخية بانه بمثابة مسار بري للهجرة البشرية من القارة الأفريقية إلى بلاد الشام منذ 120 ألف عام، بحسب نظريات بعض العلماء. ويوفّر الترحال في درب سيناء لمحةً عن الحياة البدوية التقليدية التي تبدأ بإفطارٍ يتكون من الخبز والقهوة التي تفوح منها رائحة الهال، وتتخللها أساطير الرجل الذي صادق ذئباً أو المدينة الذهبية المخبأة في إحدى جبال سيناء، ثم تنتهي بالنوم تحت ضوء القمر. وتستطيع أيضاً الاستمتاع بنشاطات أكثر حداثة مثل تسلق الصخور، وركوب الدراجات على الجبال. ولكن، أثرت الأحداث السياسية بشكلٍ سلبي على الأنشطة السياحية في المنطقة، مثل: الثورة المصرية في العام 2011، والهجوم الإرهابي في مسجدٍ صوفي شمال سيناء، وسقوط الطائرة الروسية. وتركت تلك الأحداث العديد من البدويين بدون عمل، حيث شهدت المنطقة تحذيرات سفر من مختلف الحكومات، بالإضافة إلى إلغاء العديد من البرامج السياحية. ويمكن ملاحظة هشاشة قطاع السياحة وخصوصاً بعدما اضطر البدويون إلى بيع الإبل التابعة لهم والانتقال إلى المدن بحثاً عن العمل. وعبّر المرشد البدوي من قبيلة الترابين، مُسلّم أبو فرج، عن قلقه قائلاً: "نريد تعليم أبنائنا العمل مع الإبل والصحراء، فهذه هي تقاليدنا التي توارثناها عبر الأجيال." ولذلك، قامت القبائل الثلاث بالتعاون وبدء حملةٍ للتأكيد على أمان المنطقة بعنوان "سيناء آمنة". وتركزت الحملة على تصوير منظمي الرحلة وهم يحملون لوحاتٍ كتب عليها عنوان الحملة ثم نشرها عبر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي. ولقت الحملة نجاحاً واسعاً وخصوصاً عبر موقع التواصل الاجتماعي "فيسبوك." 

from خدمة الأخبار المباشرة

5 نجوم يعول عليهم زين الدين زيدان لإنقاذه من الإقالة

from خدمة الأخبار المباشرة

حزب الوفد المصري يعلن رفض الدفع بمرشح لانتخابات الرئاسة

أعلن حزب الوفد المصري، رفض الدفع بمرشح للانتخابات الرئاسية المصرية

from خدمة الأخبار المباشرة

مصادر: مقتل 8 وإصابة مسؤول بالأنبار بعملية عراقية أمريكية مشتركة

قالت مصادر أمنية عراقية، السبت، إن ثمانية أشخاص قتلوا وجرح 20 آخرون بينهم عمدة منطقة البغدادي في محافظة الأنبار

from خدمة الأخبار المباشرة

ريال مدريد يستعيد نغمة الانتصارات ورونالدو يسجل رقما مميزا

استعاد ريال مدريد نغمة الانتصارات بعد فوزه على مضيفه فالنسيا برباعية مقابل هدف وحيد، في المباراة التي سجل فيها النجم البرتغالي كريستيانو رونالدو هدفه رقم 100 من ركلة جزاء

from خدمة الأخبار المباشرة

شاهد.. متسابقة تسقط مضيف برنامج على الأرض

from خدمة الأخبار المباشرة

خلفان: لماذا لا تعطي السعودية صواريخا للبلوش لضرب قلب إيران ردا على صواريخ إيران للحوثي؟

قال الفريق ضاحي خلفان، نائب رئيس شرطة دبي، لماذا لا تعطي الرياض صواريخ للبلوش لضرب قبل إيران

from خدمة الأخبار المباشرة

شاهد.. هايلي تنفي قطعاً وجود “علاقة” مع ترامب: إشاعة مقززة

(CNN)-- نفت مندوبة الولايات المتحدة إلى الأمم المتحدة نيكي هايلي بشكل قاطع وجود علاقة عاطفية بينها وبين الرئيس دونالد ترامب. الشائعة أثارها مؤلف كتاب “النار والغضب” مايكل وولف.

from خدمة الأخبار المباشرة

محاميه: مجهولون يعتدون على هشام جنينة "نائب الفريق سامي عنان بانتخابات 2018"

قال علي طه، محامي هشام جنينة، الرئيس السابق للجهاز المركزي للمحاسبات، عن تعرض موكله للاعتداء من قبل مجهولين.

from خدمة الأخبار المباشرة

رسميا.. الاتحاد الآسيوي يرفض طلب السعودية والإمارات بمواجهة أندية قطر على أراض محايدة

رفض المكتب التنفيذي للاتحاد الآسيوي لكرة القدم، المطالب الإماراتية والسعودية، باللعب على أراض محايدة مع الأندية القطرية خلال بطولة دوري أبطال آسيا، بعد التصويت على القرار الذي صدر، السبت، خلال اجتماع عقد في العاصمة التايلاندية، بانكوك، وفقا لما نشره الاتحاد الآسيوي عبر موقعه الرسمي.

from خدمة الأخبار المباشرة

مصادر مقربة من الوليد بن طلال تؤكد لـCNN إطلاق سراحه السبت

أكدت مصادر مقربة من الأمير ورجل الأعمال السعودي، الوليد بن طلال، لشبكتنا، السبت، الأنباء التي تم تداولها حول إطلاق سراحه

from خدمة الأخبار المباشرة

مرتضى منصور يوجه تحذيرا لرئيس النادي الأهلي

حذر رئيس نادي الزمالك، مرتضى منصور، نظيره رئيس الأهلي، محمود الخطيب، من محاولة ضم اللاعبين الذين يسعى فريقه لاستقطابهم، وشدد على ضرورة الاحترام المتبادل بين الفريقين في الصفقات التي يطمحان لإتمامها

from خدمة الأخبار المباشرة

الفالح من دافوس: السعودية من الدول الـ5 المؤثرة بالعالم.. وتمكنت من إعادة التوازن لأسواق النفط

قال وزير الطاقة السعودي خالد الفالح، إن بلاده تمكنت من إعادة التوازن على حد تعبيره لأسواق النفط

from خدمة الأخبار المباشرة

مرتضى منصور يعتذر عن خوض سباق الرئاسة بمصر 2018

قدم مرتضى منصور، رئيس مجلس إدارة نادي الزمالك، السبت، اعتذاره عن خوض سباق انتخابات الرئاسة في مصر

from خدمة الأخبار المباشرة

Grammys 2018: Boycotts, battles and how to watch

The biggest talking points for this year's Grammys - plus how to watch Sunday's ceremony.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Hull Banksy mural 'should be cleaned off'

The work on a disused bridge in Hull is not like "real art" in the city gallery, it is claimed.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Celebrity Big Brother star Dapper Laughs proposes on live TV

Dapper Laughs proposes to his girlfriend on live TV following Big Brother eviction.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

BBC pay: John Humphrys says he will earn 'hugely less'

The Radio 4 and Mastermind presenter talks about taking a cut following the BBC gender pay row.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Reese Witherspoon 'given extra leg' by Vanity Fair

The cover of the Hollywood issue of Vanity Fair appeared to show her with an extra limb.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

A major classical music season is on its way to the BBC

A raft of programmes will celebrate the last 100 years of classical music.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Grammys #MeToo moment will see Kesha perform with Camila Cabello

The pop star will give a "moving" performance alongside Camila Cabello and Cyndi Lauper.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Russian police visit Death of Stalin cinema

A Moscow cinema says it was forced to drop the screening of a UK comedy banned by Russian officials.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Donald Trump offered toilet instead of Van Gogh

The Guggenheim declines a White House request for a Van Gogh, instead offering an 18-karat lavatory.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Ken Dodd slams death rumour 'monsters'

The veteran funnyman has been in hospital with a serious chest infection for the last two weeks.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

BBC's John Humphrys says pay cut is 'fair'

The Today programme presenter says he thinks it is fair he will now earn "hugely less" than he was.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Calls to 'clean off' Banksy mural in Hull

Hundreds of people have been turning up to see the graffiti artist's work on a disused bridge in Hull.

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

Padmaavat: India audiences puzzled over controversy

Bollywood film Padmaavat has sparked months of protests - but what do audiences think of it?

Source BBC News - Entertainment & Arts

مصرع شخص وإصابة 2 آخرين فى حادث تصادم سيارتين بشرق تفريعة فى بورسعيد

لقى شخص مصرعه منذ قليل، وأصيب شخصان آخران، فى حادث تصادم سيارتين "نقل" بشرق تفريعة فى بورسعيد، وتم تحرير المحضر اللازم واتخاذ الإجراءات القانونية..
المصدر:اليوم السابع
مصرع شخص وإصابة 2 آخرين فى حادث تصادم سيارتين بشرق تفريعة فى بورسعيد

Source rss-حوادثمصرع-شخص-وإصابة-2-آخرين-فى-حادث-تصادم-سيارتين-بشرق/3620905